
born in this constellation is brave, clever, a frugal eater and knowledgeable
about time. He may be having bad habits, acting without thinking, not under
anybody’s control and victorious over enemies. He may be stingy, having
relationship with other women and desirous of staying abroad. Such a person is
by nature a person of high thinking, ambitious, living a simple life, religious
and fond of Saints and Sages.
Shatabhisha Nakshatra
control the knees and the centre of heel
and these are afflicted with effect of malefic planets . In order
of appease him, one should worship him
daily with saffron , incense sticks, lotus flower, camphor ,sandalwood dhoop , and ghee lamb and polika . On the day
of shatabhisha naksatra, one should
worship lord Varun and offerings should be ghee and chitranna . One should wear
a lotus flower in a silver amulet on one arm or heart. Perform homa while
mixing lotus mool and Aajyadadhiodan and recite the following mantras hundred
and eight times.
control the knees and the centre of heel
and these are afflicted with effect of malefic planets . In order
of appease him, one should worship him
daily with saffron , incense sticks, lotus flower, camphor ,sandalwood dhoop , and ghee lamb and polika . On the day
of shatabhisha naksatra, one should
worship lord Varun and offerings should be ghee and chitranna . One should wear
a lotus flower in a silver amulet on one arm or heart. Perform homa while
mixing lotus mool and Aajyadadhiodan and recite the following mantras hundred
and eight times.
Om vavrunsyootmbhanmasivavrunsaysakambh Sarjanistaho vavrunasaya
vavrunasya ritsadamasi ||
vavrunasya ritsadamasi ||
om vam varunaya apapanpatye namah||
of Purvabhadrapaad Nakshatra. A person born in this constellation is an
aggressive, powerful and bold speaker, soft, happy and blessed with children.
He may have control over his sense, be cleaver at all arts and have an amazing
intellect. He may be a fraud, cowardly, sad hearted, dominated by his wife,
wasting time uselessly and prone to sleeping for long.
Purvabhadrapaad Nakshatra controls the legs, elbow, knees
and thumbs. When malefic planets transits and shows their effect, there is a
possibility of ailments of knee, elbow,legs,under sole cracks,palpitation and
intestines. To ward of the malefic effect the native should recite following
Vedic mantra for one thousand times. Homa should be performed with this mantra
and twinges of bhringarag mool and ksheerajya sharkara. It is performed on
Thursday, the day of the Purvabhadrapaad Nakshatra, for special benefits.
Om Utnoahirbudhnayee shrnotvaj ekpathprithvi samudra
vishvedeva artavardho huvanastatuta mantra kavishassta ayantu||
vishvedeva artavardho huvanastatuta mantra kavishassta ayantu||
Om ajeekapde namah||
in this constellation may be pleasant natured, determined, liberal with a
beautiful physique, emotional, philosophical, secular, peace loving, fond of
society, prone to acting only after giving it a lot of thought and having an
independent and original viewpoint. He may be lazy in routine matters, fond of
studies and well behaved like a person of a good family. He may be progressive,
recipient of special honour from women but prone to a sudden assault and
troubled by enemies. He may receive special, honour in the state and may be the
pillar of society.
Uttarabhadrapaad Nakshatra controls legs nerves and veins of
the legs and these are afflicted when malefic effect and get relief from
aliment, one should perform Homa and conduct recitations of
Mahamritunjayashtak, vashisth kalpokta mahamrityunjay mantra, adityahasta
stotra and suryarthavasheensham upanishat daily. The lord should be worshipped
with the fragrance of sandalwood and camphor, lotus flowers, googal dhoop, ghee
lamp and sweets. The Aswath mool in a silver amulet should be performed by
mixing twigs of aswath mool and yava tilajya and recite the following mantra
for hundred & eight times.
the legs and these are afflicted when malefic effect and get relief from
aliment, one should perform Homa and conduct recitations of
Mahamritunjayashtak, vashisth kalpokta mahamrityunjay mantra, adityahasta
stotra and suryarthavasheensham upanishat daily. The lord should be worshipped
with the fragrance of sandalwood and camphor, lotus flowers, googal dhoop, ghee
lamp and sweets. The Aswath mool in a silver amulet should be performed by
mixing twigs of aswath mool and yava tilajya and recite the following mantra
for hundred & eight times.
Om shivonaamaasi savdhitisatepita Namaste astu mamaahi
gunasi nivartyamyayusheannadhiypprajjanayee|
gunasi nivartyamyayusheannadhiypprajjanayee|
Raysaposhayee supprajasatavayasuviyryaya||
Om Ahirbudhnayee namah||

this constellation is fond of learning, very talented, double minded, confused,
ever changing, impressive, good at premonitions, humanitarian in behaviour,
sympathetic, skilled at getting his work done, religious, cautious in taking
decisions, humour use, honest and able but may act mindlessly and be too
logical and suspicious. Spiritual knowledge may suddenly rise in his mind. He
may be involved in social work with the desire of attaining fame.
Revati is a Mool Sangyaka Nakshatra, Revati nakshatra
controls legs, heels, paw, nerves and under soles. When malefic planets show
their effect, the above- mentioned parts of the body suffer ailments. A person
born in this Nakshatra may suffer gastric problems, fever and mental unrest.
Occasionally there may be some deformation in the bones, pain in the parts related
to transfer of knowledge i.e. brain, fracture bonny, diabetes and urinary
disorders. Toward the effects one should worship lord Poosha and get relief
from ailments by recitation of the mahamrityunjaya verses. The Lord Poosha
should be worshipped with fragrance of sandalwood, mandar flowers, ghee,
googal, dhoop, and ghee lamp and ghee payas. Sahavi dadhyanu should be offered.
Homa should be performed with the twigs of Ashwathmool and tilajya tandul and
the following mantra should be recited for hundred & eight times. On
conclusion of the Homa, donate silken clothes with religious or ancient books.
Wearing an ashwath Mool in silver amulet in always beneficial.
controls legs, heels, paw, nerves and under soles. When malefic planets show
their effect, the above- mentioned parts of the body suffer ailments. A person
born in this Nakshatra may suffer gastric problems, fever and mental unrest.
Occasionally there may be some deformation in the bones, pain in the parts related
to transfer of knowledge i.e. brain, fracture bonny, diabetes and urinary
disorders. Toward the effects one should worship lord Poosha and get relief
from ailments by recitation of the mahamrityunjaya verses. The Lord Poosha
should be worshipped with fragrance of sandalwood, mandar flowers, ghee,
googal, dhoop, and ghee lamp and ghee payas. Sahavi dadhyanu should be offered.
Homa should be performed with the twigs of Ashwathmool and tilajya tandul and
the following mantra should be recited for hundred & eight times. On
conclusion of the Homa, donate silken clothes with religious or ancient books.
Wearing an ashwath Mool in silver amulet in always beneficial.
Om pushne tavvarte vayam narishyem kadachan stotarasat
Om pushne namah||
Dr. Shanker Adawal
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