Know About Zodiac Signs: Libra (Tula), Chapter 7, Part – 38

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Saturn transits the second house, it also aspects the
fourth, eighth, and eleventh houses. While Saturn is in Scorpio, Caution and limitation are expressed as strong reserve and
in secrecy. Your deepest emotions are very one-pointed. You will have
tremendous sense of purpose and determination, and your emotional energy will
be generally spent on attaining objectives. Or (If afflicted), The expressions
are as your jealousy. Emotional outlets desired.

You may suffer domestic
troubles, difficulties in school, and meager earnings. You may also have
problems with the right eye. You will have restriction or tediousness with
homes, cars, comforts, happiness, mother, and educational degrees. Further
monetary losses, or little profit, from joint partnerships and insurance
companies, and potential problems with the reproductive system are indicated.
Occult studies are not much favoured at this time. You face restricted financial
success from side ventures. You may not fare well with your friends and
acquaintances, and you have a very difficult time fulfilling important
long-term goals and desires. Saturn when Well
– You will get some opportunity to make money where there is
responsibility; money will not be easy, but financial affairs may be placed
upon a more substantial and permanent basis. Observe economy and prudence in
money matters. If Afflicted – Your
income will be restricted in some way; perhaps shut it off altogether, and also
cause financial losses and difficulties.

Saturn transits the third house, it also aspects the fifth,
ninth, and twelfth houses. While Saturn is in Sagittarius, Your desire to control and limit will, to a certain
extent, be freed, scope will be widened in the mode of this free-ranging sign.
Freedom of thought an action will be achieved through long study, through
application and determination. Gravity and dignity will increase with age. Here
Saturn heightens concentration and encourages the desire to study, so that the
intellectual potential is fully developed. Or (If afflicted). The freedom of
mind and action stultified, resulting in resentment.

There will be tedious
experiences with pregnancy, children, and investments. You will have restricted
luck and travel, difficulties with religious or spiritual teachers, and
hardships in gaining any higher knowledge. You may incur many debts and
expenses, misfortune with remote foreign countries, and strong discipline to
pursue “moksha” (enlightenment or final liberation). You have difficulty in
accomplishing simple goals and minor tasks. Though you work diligently but
feel, as if are you spinning your wheels. You are, in fact, learning how to
make the most efficient use of your energy, as minor obstacles interfere with
your intentions for two-and-a-half years. Saturn when Well Aspected, – This position will steady your mind and give a
greater attention to detail and to duty. Old incidents and letters will be
referred to and there may be meetings with member of the family not seen for a
long time, or those who are much older. If
This will bring a tendency to depression and sadness,
disappointments through travel, or relatives, and in the occupation. Also
delays in any planned journey or many difficulties in connection therewith.

Rahu in the eleventh house indicates great ability
to fulfill major goals and desires. You will earn plenty of wealth from “side
ventures,” and has powerful, influential, and worldly friends. The native will
command respect and honour in the society. Your greatest growth, evolution, and
fulfillment will come through performing altruistic acts for Society, getting
involved with groups and friends, and developing a sense of detachment. Timely
good food with sweet meat etc. will be available. Wife will be cured of her ill
health. Her look will have a new glow and attraction. Children’s health also be
cured and will be cheerful. New jewels will be cured of her ill health. Her
look will have a new glow and attraction. Children’s health also be cured and
will be cheerful. New jewels will be added. You develop faith and spiritual
devotion and gets providential help. Other’s money also will come to you. You
may get income from foreign through sea voyage and through water ways of rivers
in business. The Ketu in the fifth
house connects to spirituality and psychic experience. In other words if you
are interested in enlightenment and evolutionary growth, then in this life you
can now gains the benefits. Ketu in the fifth does not help in birth of
children. But those that are born will be introspective, psychic,
contemplative, and decidedly spiritual better do not plan now.

Rahu in the tenth house indicates a potent and
thriving career. You are especially capable of affecting and influencing
“mllechas” peasants or non-Hindus. Career success will grow stronger, if your
age is forty-one years when Rahu is considered to “mature.” You should not
engage in contemplation, meditation, introspection and seclusion for more than
brief, intermittent periods of time. If your duties are social and your
greatest happiness comes from being with people on a regular basis. Your work
must produce results that withstand the test of time. But Tamil texts in this
context state that if some other planet or planet(s) is/are there in the 10th,
the results will be mixed. This reflects the idea that along with bad results,
good results can also be expected. According to Tamil texts, there will be
peaceful and happy life. But properties will go out from hands. The support
given by government will be withdrawn. There will be transfer no unwanted
place. The native will suffer from black magic. If maraca dasa coincides, there
will be danger to life. You may also have to do post funeral rites to your
parents, (10th Rahu gives what is called karma dasa). There will be
confusion in all spheres of life. The native may quarrel with his wife. You
will not have timely food. Your sleep gets spoiled due to worries. You will not
have clear mind and capacity to make any decision. Your memory weakens. As such
we can come to the conclusion that according to Tamil texts all bad results
will happen, during the second half. The Ketu
in the fourth house means difficulties with homes, cars, and mother. It also
indicates an innately spiritual nature and religious pilgrimages throughout the


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