Dr. Shanker Adawal
Mercury is strongly
related to finance and prosperity in any horoscope. It signifies brain of the
native, his intelligence, skills, speech, logical analysis, analytical
capability, liquid cash, liquid assets, financial dealings, trades, business
and business partners etc. in a horoscope.
related to finance and prosperity in any horoscope. It signifies brain of the
native, his intelligence, skills, speech, logical analysis, analytical
capability, liquid cash, liquid assets, financial dealings, trades, business
and business partners etc. in a horoscope.
Mercury being the planet
of intelligence it give sharp and analytical brain to the native. When it gets
afflicted with Saturn or Rahu, it gives preserve intelligence and makes the
native cheat, corrupt and deceitful by nature.
of intelligence it give sharp and analytical brain to the native. When it gets
afflicted with Saturn or Rahu, it gives preserve intelligence and makes the
native cheat, corrupt and deceitful by nature.
Mercury is highly
sensitive planet and it delivers the result of the planets that it remain in
conjunction with in a horoscope. If Mercury remains in conjunction with malefic
planets then it delivers the malefic results and dampers the financial
prospects of the native. Whereas if Mercury gets into conjunction with benefic
planets in a horoscope then it delivers positive result for the native and
helps the native in achieving financial success and prosperity in life.
sensitive planet and it delivers the result of the planets that it remain in
conjunction with in a horoscope. If Mercury remains in conjunction with malefic
planets then it delivers the malefic results and dampers the financial
prospects of the native. Whereas if Mercury gets into conjunction with benefic
planets in a horoscope then it delivers positive result for the native and
helps the native in achieving financial success and prosperity in life.
Mercury in conjunction
with Sun in a horoscope gives rise to Budhaditya yoga, which gives sharp
intelligence, wealth, prosperity and resourcefulness to the native.
with Sun in a horoscope gives rise to Budhaditya yoga, which gives sharp
intelligence, wealth, prosperity and resourcefulness to the native.
Mercury attains
directional strength when it occupies the Ascendant of any horoscope. It
signifies business and partnerships within any horoscope, therefore strong and
unblemished Mercury is considered good for success in business and partnership
directional strength when it occupies the Ascendant of any horoscope. It
signifies business and partnerships within any horoscope, therefore strong and
unblemished Mercury is considered good for success in business and partnership
Strong and unblemished
Mercury is also considered good for brain and intelligence of any person. It
gives sharp intellect and ability to speak, express and explain things to
others. It helps the brain to take quick and strong logical analysis and
analytical capability, which helps to take quick and proper decision to trade
or in business.
Mercury is also considered good for brain and intelligence of any person. It
gives sharp intellect and ability to speak, express and explain things to
others. It helps the brain to take quick and strong logical analysis and
analytical capability, which helps to take quick and proper decision to trade
or in business.
Strong and unblemished
Mercury also gives good education, diverse knowledge and strong intellect to
the native along with wealth and prosperity to the native.
Mercury also gives good education, diverse knowledge and strong intellect to
the native along with wealth and prosperity to the native.
Following are the results
of Mercury placed in various signs of zodiac:
of Mercury placed in various signs of zodiac:
Mercury in Aries makes the
native instable in career or business. They possess materialistic nature. Often
they are deceitful and unreliable in financial matters. They frequently change
their career or business.
native instable in career or business. They possess materialistic nature. Often
they are deceitful and unreliable in financial matters. They frequently change
their career or business.
Mercury in Taurus is good
for wealth and prosperity of the native. It also gives sharp intellect and
communication skills to the native. They are quick in decision and reach to
high position in their life because of their intellect and skills. They lead a
successful life in terms of wealth and prosperity.
for wealth and prosperity of the native. It also gives sharp intellect and
communication skills to the native. They are quick in decision and reach to
high position in their life because of their intellect and skills. They lead a
successful life in terms of wealth and prosperity.
Mercury in Gemini is also
good for wealth and prosperity of the native. It also gives sharp intellect and
communication skills to the native. It makes the native active, both mentally
and physically. They are quick in decision making. They lead a successful life
in terms of wealth and prosperity but love to spend money in travelling and
good for wealth and prosperity of the native. It also gives sharp intellect and
communication skills to the native. It makes the native active, both mentally
and physically. They are quick in decision making. They lead a successful life
in terms of wealth and prosperity but love to spend money in travelling and
Mercury placed in Cancer
is not good for wealth and fortune. It brings instability in the career or
business of the native. The native struggles in his life to earn wealth and
meet all his financial requirements.
is not good for wealth and fortune. It brings instability in the career or
business of the native. The native struggles in his life to earn wealth and
meet all his financial requirements.
Mercury in Leo is gives a
stable profession to the native, but he may have to travel frequently in his
life in concern with his profession or business. It makes the native active and
aggressive, both mentally and physically. They lead a successful life in terms
of wealth and prosperity and the native is likely to marry early and inherit
wealth from spouse.
stable profession to the native, but he may have to travel frequently in his
life in concern with his profession or business. It makes the native active and
aggressive, both mentally and physically. They lead a successful life in terms
of wealth and prosperity and the native is likely to marry early and inherit
wealth from spouse.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
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