Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Wealth & Prosperity: Analysing a Horoscope to Decipher Wealth and Prosperity, Chapter III, Part – 2

Dr. Shanker Adawal

The extent of good or bad
results indicated by the planets depends on the strength of the concerned
planets. A planet has two types of strength as explained below in the following

Residential Strength:

The Residential Strength
of the planet depends upon the degree wise position of the planet in a house.
Planets lying within first three and the last three degrees of any house fail
to deliver distinct results pertaining to that house. While the planets closer
to the mid-point of the house strongly delivers the results pertaining to that

Inherent Strength:

Shadbal of the planets
constitutes it inherent strength. Higher the Shadbal of any planet, stronger
the planet in delivering its result.

While analyzing the
financial prospects from the horoscope of a native we need to analyse the
strength and placement of Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, in
particular, because these are the five major planets which play a very
important role regarding the financial affairs in the life of any individual.


Moon is considered an
important planet in vedic astrology because it represents the mind of any
individual. Its strength represents the strength of mind, level of confidence
and will power. While weaker Moon in the birth chart stands for weakness of
mind, confidence and will power, and the native easily looses his heart and
accepts defeat in the struggle of life. Strong will power, high level of
confidence and greater strength of mind results into strong determination for
success in life, which is necessary to stand successful in life as well as any
thing; hence achievement of wealth and prosperity depends on the level of
success an individual earns in his achievements in the life.

Thus Moon plays a vey
crucial role in any horoscope in determination of success in the ventures of
life as well as for achievement of wealth and prosperity through hard work and
struggle in life. Person with weak Moon may get easily disheartened, frustrated
with minor failures and easily enter into the state of mental depression. Weak
Moon leads negative thinking into the mind and delays or blocks the initiative
action for any successful ventures, which dampens the levels of success in the
ventures. Therefore the strength of Moon in any horoscope has to be ascertained
while judging for financial prospects from any horoscope.

Moon determines our
attitude towards the life, a positive attitude leads us towards the success and
happiness, while a negative attitude may takes us to face failures and meet
gloominess in our life. A strong and well placed Mon within any horoscope is considered
a great asset for the native as it gives high level of confidence, will power
and strong determination for success to the native.

Moon being the ruler of
mind confers the power of reasoning to the native. It allows the native to
think for the common people and fellow beings and makes the native generous and
sympathetic by nature. When the Moon gets afflicted in the horoscope, it makes
the native mean and corrupt in his instincts.

Moon is a fragile planet
and it gets strength if it has placed in conjunction with it in the same sign
or if the planets occupy the adjacent houses to the house where Moon is placed
in a horoscope.

It is has been evident
that those planets that occupy the 2nd house from the Moon helps one
to accumulate wealth and prosperity in the life. Whereas the planets which
occupy the 12th house from the Moon help in giving luxury, comforts
and enjoyment to the native but does not help in the accumulation of wealth or


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