Rahu Dasa and Sub-Period Part 2

Dr. Shanker Adawal

In the Sub-Period of Saturn in the
Period of Rahu
Sub-period in Rahu Dasa, indicates Diseases caused by the disturbance of wind
and bile, wounds and injuries in the body, disputes with one’s children, wife
or brothers, destruction of servants and loss of position, are the
characteristic features of this period.
Saturn is in a Angles, in a Trine, in his exaltation, in his own Sign, in his
Mooltrikona, in 3rd house, or in 11th house.
i) Effects, like
pleasure of the government for devotion in his service, auspicious functions,
like celebration of marriage etc. at home, construction of a garden, reservoir
etc., gain of wealth and cattle from well-to-do persons belonging to the
Menials class, loss of wealth caused by the officials during journey to the
West, reduction in income due to lethargy, then return to homeland, will be
Saturn is in his debilitation Sign, in his enemy Sign, or in 8th
house, of 12th house.
ii) Danger from
menials, the officials and enemies, distress to wife and children, distress to
kinsmen, disputes with the joint heirs, disputes in dealings with other
iii) But sudden gain of
ornaments, will result.
Saturn is in the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th
from the Lord of the Period.
iv) There will be heart
disease, defamation, quarrels, danger from enemies, foreign journeys, affliction
with Gulma, unpalatable food and sorrows etc.
Saturn is 2nd houses, or 7th houses Lord.
v) Premature death is
measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects and to regain good health
is giving a black cow or a she-buffalo in charity.
In the Sub-Period of Mercury in the
Period of Rahu
Sub-period in Rahu Dasa indicates acquisition of children and wealth,
association with friends, feeling of inferiority complex in an acute form,
dexterous handling of adornment and skilful arts.
Mercury is in his exaltation Sign, in a Angles, or in 5th house
i) Auspicious effects,
like Rajyoga, well being in the family, profits and gain of wealth in business,
comforts of conveyances, marriage and other auspicious functions, increase in
the number of cattle, gain of perfumes, comforts of bed, women etc., will be
above yoga, When Mercury is endowed with strength.
ii) Good results, like
Rajyoga, beneficence of the sovereignty and gain of wealth and reputation, will
be realized particularly on Wednesday in the month of Mercury.
Mercury is in a Angles, in the 11th, 3rd, 9th,
or 10th from the Lord of the Period.
iii) Sound health, Ishta
Siddhi, attending discourse on Puranas and ancient history, marriage, offering
of oblations, charities, religious inclination and sympathetic attitude towards
others will result.
Mercury is in 6th house, 8th house, or 12th
house, or, When Mercury receives a Aspect from Saturn.
iv) There will be
opprobrium (Ninda) of deities and Brahmins by the native, loss of fortune,
speaking lies, unwise actions, fear from snakes, thieves and the government,
quarrels, distress to wife and children etc.
Mercury is 2nd houses, or 7th houses Lord.
v) There will be fear
of premature death.

measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects is recitation of Vishnu

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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