Effects during the Major period of the Moon Part 2

Dr. Shanker Adawal


The under mentioned are the effects of
major periods of Moon with reference to the various combinations or occupation
of signs by Moon:-

Moon Major Period in Highest
exaltation deg.: Paramucha –
 flowers, clothes, respect, pleasure from wife,
issues, wealth, and their associations and agreeable company.

Moon in exaltation –  enjoyment from wife and children, milk, food,
clothes, Jewels, travels in foreign countries and quarrels among his own

Moon in Aroha (ascent) –  attraction, comeliness, wife, money, children,
clothes, worship of God, Kingdom, good food, charitable feeding of holy

Moon in Avaroha (descent) –  losses and troubles to wife, children,
clothes, happiness, mental worry and derangement, displeasure of his own
kinsmen, fear from fire, rulers and thieves, and falls in wells and tanks.

Moon in Debilitation Navamsa –  Losses and troubles from various articles and
sources, service under a mean ruler, unhappy meals, and mental worry.

Moon in with trine lordship i.e. over
5th or 9th house –
 great respect among sovereigns, money gains,
acquisition of lands, children, wife, clothes, and Jewels happiness through
mother, happiness and great sexual enjoyments.

Moon his own house –  large gains from cultivations, happiness,
happiness from connection with beautiful and good dancing women, respect among
official circles, female children and agreeableness among relations.

Moon in a bitter enemy’s house –  heavy losses from quarrels and litigation,
dirty clothing and unwholesome food, and no gains rather suffers due to lands,
money, wife, children, water, and conveyances.

Moon in an unfriendly Rasi –  destitution in clothing and ornaments, travels
in foreign lands, mean degrading service or engagements as menial servants,
wandering in different countries neglected by friends and relations misery and

Moon in a friendly house –  The native develops friendship with rulers,
gain of wealth, and employment, and watery substances or products, clothing of
various colon; and descriptions, excellent and praise-worthy conversations and

Moon in a very intimate friend’s house
 gives great reputation from authorship and
scholarship, and attraction through such a reputation to the rulers, and
happiness, success and pleasure, through wife, children, lands, relations and

Moon in a neutral’s house –  provides gains in gold and lands, small
happiness, sickness among relations and travelling in foreign regions.

Moon in debilitation –  accidents, danger, great sorrow, residence in
forests and unhealthy places, pining and sorrow through imprisonment and
confinement and chains in jails, want of food, displeasure of Kings, troubles
from fires and thieves and danger to wife and children.

Moon when weak –  Indicates losses among children, wife,
friends, Kingdom, money, power, lands, hatred of relations, mental trouble and
derangement, mean profession, and heavy debts.

Moon when full –  success in all attempts and from all Sources
getting fame by publishing books and then attracting public attention and
commanding respect from rulers, enjoyment and mental pleasure, from wife,
children, money power, and doing good and charitable work.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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