Dasa of the Lord of the Eleventh House Part 3

Dr. Shanker Adawal


8) If
the lord of the eleventh bhava is posited in the sixth bhava in combination
with the lord  of the sixth bhava, the
Native will have gains through grand-parents, litigations and maternal uncles
in the period of the lord of the eleventh bhava, and his competency and courage
will increase. If the lord of the eleventh bhava has a malefic yoga, these
effects will be of a moderate degree in its period. The results should be divined
with reference to the planets that are associated with the lord of the eleventh
bhava and their karaka-significations.

9) If
the lord of the eleventh bhava is posited in the seventh bhava in combination
with the lord of the seventh bhava, the Native will sometimes have gains in a
foreign land through his wife, through embassy and by the winning over of the
people, or women to his side. If the Venus is between Saturn and Mars, the
Native will earn money by allowing his wife to please strangers; if there is a
malefic yoga, the gains will be poor and the results will be according to the
nature of the planets already described.

10) If
the lord of the eleventh bhava is posited in the eighth bhava in combination
with the lord of the eighth bhava, the Native will increase his debts and will
obtain some gains by sinful and wicked deeds; sometimes he will be reduced to
poverty; he will be wavering and unsteady in mind; he will always approach mean
or ignoble people and will have some gains through them. If there is a benefic
yoga, the results will be moderate and if the Lord of 11th house is
weak, the Native will sustain loss in trade and litigations will increase.

11) If
the lord of the eleventh bhava is posited in the ninth bhava in combination
with the lord of the ninth bhava, the Native will get wealth through his father
and also sometimes through a industrialist; if the lord of the tenth bhava is
in exaltation, his father will become wealthy by trade, and also by his
appointment, which will bring gains to him always according to the nature of
the planet associated with the Lord of 11th house. If there is a
benefic yoga, it will produce moderate results and set-back or impediments.

12) If
the lord of the eleventh bhava is posited in the tenth bhava in combination with
the lord of the tenth bhava, the Native’s trade will prosper and the nature of
the trade will be that which is attributed to the planet. If there is a benefic
yoga, it will produce much gain; if Jupiter is posited in the eleventh bhava in
combination with the lord of the eleventh bhava, the Native will always have
gains through his appointment, and sometimes through yoga and religious rites
extra; if the planet is Venus, it will produce gains by means of vehicles or
conveyances etc. and if the planet is Mercury, it will cause profits through
clothes etc.

One should determine the
means of gains according to the nature of the planets involved. The effects
described for the twelve bhavas, should be added to the period, thus, the
effects of the period should be found out first and then those of its

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