Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Notable Herbs in Human Welfare, Chapter XV, Part – 6

Dr. Shanker Adawal
Medicine Herbs
The following herbs are
easily obtainable at most health food stores that sell herbs. Most of these
medicinal herbs are not poisonous, but, when some are taken in excessive
amounts, it can have negative reactions. It is better for anyone taking herbs
to inform his or her physician, of which herbs are being consumed, so the
doctor can determine, if there is any incompatibility with drugs the patient is
presently taking.
(Angelca atropurpurea)
According to legend, long
ago in Europe an angel appeared to a monk in a dream, telling him that a
particular herb was a cure for pestilence. From that time the herb was called
angelic and was supposedly the most effective treatment against pestilence.
Common names for the herb
are American angelica, archangel, bellyache root, high angelica, masterwort,
purple angelica, wild archangel and dead nettle.
The plant is five to eight
feet in height, it is said that one gets a feeling of protection and receive
guidance from spiritual beings.
The part of the plant used
is roots. It contains essential oil with valeric acid, angelic acid, sugar, a
bitterl principle and a resin called angelicin. The roots contain the essential
oil teberbanelene and other terpenes. Seeds contain methyl ethylacetic acid and
hydroxymyristic acid. Angelica is a stimulant, diaphoretic, carminative,
aromatic, diuretic, expectorant and emmenagogue. It is good to treat digestive
and intestinal difficulties, including ulcers and vomiting with stomach cramps
and bronchial problems. It is also good for intermittent fever and nervous
headache as well as general weakness. Angelica is a good tonic for women to
regulate menstrual cycle, as it nurtures the uterine organs and promotes their
regular functioning. It is a rejuvenative tonic for women and works well on
vata individuals.
Angelica tea or tincture
will stimulate appetite, relieve flatulence and muscle spasms and stimulate kidney
action. Angelica salve is useful as a skin lotion and will relieve rheumatic
pains. It promotes circulation and can be used externally for wounds, ulcers,
itching. Used in a bath the herb is soothing to the nerves. A decoction of the
root can be applied to the skin for itching and for wounds. And it may be used
as a compress for gout.
People with diabetes
should not take it, further large doses are troublesome.
Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa)
It is grown from Canada to
Georgia and east of the Mississippi River.
Its common names are black
snakeroot, bugbane, bugwort, cimicifuga, rattlerfoot, rattleweek, richweek and
Emotionally, it gives one
the courage to confront abusive or the reatening conditions.
The part used are roots.
It contains various glycosides, an amorphous resinous substance known as
cimicifugin or macrotin. Its bitter principle is a crystalline called
racemosin. It contains two resins with fat, wax, starch, gum, sugar and an
astringent substance.
Black cohosh is an
astringent, diuretic, and antispasmodic, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, expectorant
and sedative. It is a potent remedy for hysteria and spasmodic problems e.g.,
whooping cough, consumption. It has a sedative effect on the nervous system
while also acting as a cardiac stimulant. It is helpful in rheumatic and
arthritic complaints associated with feeling of heaviness, and to ripen &
bring out skin rashes such as measles. It improves blood circulation and used
for treatment in delayed and painful menses. It is a cooling diaphoretic. Black
cohosh infusions and decoctions are useful for chronic bronchitis.
Black cohosh is also good
for female complaints, since it is an excellent source of estrogen.
Large and prolonged doses of olack cohosh can cause symptoms of poisoning, such
as vomiting and very painful headaches.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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