Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: The Rudraksh, Chapter XII, Part – 11

Dr. Shanker Adawal
Fifteen Faced Rudraksh
Fifteen-Faced Rudraksh
represents Vishvakar,a the builder of this
world and has impact on the wearer’s mind like improving intuitive, abstract
and lateral thinking. In addition the wearer finds high energy levels to put
into action his thoughts and ideas. Those who are in Iron and Chemicals
Business should wear it for better gains. Those in the public speaking field
should also use it. This Rudraksh is related to fifteen tithis (i.e.: Indian calendar dates). The wearer of this Rudraksh
has strong wit and intelligence. He talks with different people and at
different places as per the place and opposite person with his Brains and
intelligence and wins the discussions. This Rudraksh increases the sperms in
males and makes him very strong. The person who wears this Rudraksh gains all
the comforts and happiness in his life.
Namah Shivaya
Sixteen Faced Rudraksh
Sixteen faced highly rare
Rudraksh. Also called “Jai” Rudraksh and gives Victory at all levels. Our seers
advise us to keep these at Pooja altar and earn the grace of Lord Rudra who
brings prosperity to entire family. The person who wears this Rudraksh will get
success in his all the ventures. This Rudraksh invokes sixteen attainments of
Moon in the wearer and opens the passage for them. The wearer of this Rudraksh
becomes devotee of the almighty God and lives his life on the passage of Truth
and gains the goodness of seven births. It is the form of sixteen Powers. It is
said that Arjuna strike the Eye of fish while wearing this Rudraksh. The wearer
of this Rudraksh no longer remains an ordinary person; he will become a
powerful person. This Rudraksh gives all comforts and liberate the wearer from
all the sins. This Rudraksh is a powerful bead for all humans. It gives success
in all works.
Namah Shivaya
Seventeen Faced
Seventeen faced are
represented. It is very effective in gaining unexpected money. It is especially
useful in attaining property, vehicles and all physical assets. This Rudraksh
is related to Mother Seeta. The person who wears this Rudraksh will get king
like life and get all kinds of happiness and ncomforts in his life. The wearer
of this Rudraksh should pray to the mother Goddess Seeta. The wearer of this
Rudraksha gets liberation and gets success in all of his ventures. This gives
the wearer all kind of comforts, leisure and happiness. It provides the wearer
with gold. This Rudraksha removes all sins done in the life time and provide
liberation in the end.
Namah Shivaya
Eighteen Faced
Eighteen faced Rudraksh is
related to eighteen types of herbs in the body. The person who wears this
Rudraksh will never get any disease in the life time and get all kinds of
happiness and comforts in his life. This Rudraksh can be worn on Monday or
Friday. It has eighteen powers in it which protects the wearer from all kinds
of evils and problems. It removes the laziness and excessive sleep. This
Rudraksh helps in Ayurveda, chemical process, cloths etc. It gives all kind of
comforts and leisure to the wearer. It removes all kind of sins and in the end
liberates the wearer in the end of life. It helps in attaining all kind of
It is very powerful
antidote for Saturn miseries and provides miraculous cures to several ailments
and recommended to be worn on chest as a necklace, on forehead on third eye
region or on right arm.
Namah Shivaya

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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