Suppose the Sun will rise for the entire month in the
holistic of Baisakh. On the first day of Baisakh Aries ascendant is prevailing
till 6:58 o’clock as per chart of the daily ascendant. Then there will start
Taurus ascendant which will last till 8:34 o’clock. Next is Gemini ascendant
and it will remain till 10:33 o’clock. Now we want to confirm till what time
Aries ascendant will prevail on the length day of the month of Baisakh. Since
the daily decrease of Aries ascendant has been recorded at 3 minute 10
multiplied by 3 will give 31. It suggests that on 10th of Baisakh Aries
ascendant comes to an end thinly minutes after the Sunrise. Since Aris
ascendant on the first day of Baisakh prevails till 6:58 o’clock by deducting
30 minutes from it we will get 20 minutes. Therefore, the Aries ascendant will
last till 6:20 on 10th of Baisakh at the time of Sunrise after which there will
start Taurus Ascendant to last till 8:04 O’clock.