Shanker Adawal
Shanker Adawal
Dasha Analysis
Dasha Analysis
Part 1
11.2.1 Interpreting Dasha Lords: The
first step is to note the dasha, Antar–dasha & Pratyantar dasha, a native
is running. The easiest way to evaluate
dashas is to roll with the natural significations a lords and the house where
it is posited. However remember Pratyantar
dasha lord will function within overall arena of the Antar-dasha lord, who in
turn will function within overall guidelines of the dasha lord. For example,
let Saturn be the dasha lord in 7th house (directionally strong) in
Aries (in debility) for a Libra ascendant (where Saturn is Yogkaraka &
Lagnesh is friendly to Saturn). The dash of Saturn will last for 19 years,
during which, the native may expect mixed results, like a lot of pain
associated with relationships- loneliness, heavy burdens and a hard time getting
into or keeping relationships going, but with good domestic & prosperous
life and gains from Saturn controlled items. The effects of various Antar-dasha lords & Pratyantar dasha lords will have to
operate within these general guidelines. However, there may be occasions when
according to the type of events one is looking at, the relative effectiveness
of the lords may marginally change.
first step is to note the dasha, Antar–dasha & Pratyantar dasha, a native
is running. The easiest way to evaluate
dashas is to roll with the natural significations a lords and the house where
it is posited. However remember Pratyantar
dasha lord will function within overall arena of the Antar-dasha lord, who in
turn will function within overall guidelines of the dasha lord. For example,
let Saturn be the dasha lord in 7th house (directionally strong) in
Aries (in debility) for a Libra ascendant (where Saturn is Yogkaraka &
Lagnesh is friendly to Saturn). The dash of Saturn will last for 19 years,
during which, the native may expect mixed results, like a lot of pain
associated with relationships- loneliness, heavy burdens and a hard time getting
into or keeping relationships going, but with good domestic & prosperous
life and gains from Saturn controlled items. The effects of various Antar-dasha lords & Pratyantar dasha lords will have to
operate within these general guidelines. However, there may be occasions when
according to the type of events one is looking at, the relative effectiveness
of the lords may marginally change.
11.2.2 Dasha lords at Sandhi:
There are two eventualities. Either the lord of a dasha may be posited at the Sandhi(boundary) of two house/ Brava; or
the dasha lord either just begins its dasha or is nearing the end of its dasha.
The classics have termed the former as Brava
Sandhi and the later as dasha Chhidra.
In neither of the case, good results can be expected. In dasha Chhidra, either the dasha is just
getting off the ground or about to finish and is like dawn or dusk-it is
neither day nor night; and there is intermingling of energies. For example,
during dasha of Saturn, the periods of Saturn-Saturn or Saturn-Jupiter will be
dasha Chhidra giving unpleasant
results. A dasha lord placed in a house close/ identical to the degree of the
ascendant, gives much better & clear results than by the one posited at
more that 8 degrees away from the ascendant degree on either side.
There are two eventualities. Either the lord of a dasha may be posited at the Sandhi(boundary) of two house/ Brava; or
the dasha lord either just begins its dasha or is nearing the end of its dasha.
The classics have termed the former as Brava
Sandhi and the later as dasha Chhidra.
In neither of the case, good results can be expected. In dasha Chhidra, either the dasha is just
getting off the ground or about to finish and is like dawn or dusk-it is
neither day nor night; and there is intermingling of energies. For example,
during dasha of Saturn, the periods of Saturn-Saturn or Saturn-Jupiter will be
dasha Chhidra giving unpleasant
results. A dasha lord placed in a house close/ identical to the degree of the
ascendant, gives much better & clear results than by the one posited at
more that 8 degrees away from the ascendant degree on either side.
11.2.3 House/ Sign Placement of Dasha
The placement of dasha lord in particular house or sign dictates its results to
a greta extent. Certain houses/ signs are better than others. Planets placed in
Trikone (1st, 5th, & 9th) houses or with
Trikone lords tend to do better than planets placed in Trika (6th, 8th
& 12th) houses or Trika lords. Planets placed in Kendras may
also exert a lot of power during their dasha, more so if it receives aspect of
a benefic planet. Similarly planets placed in their exaltation, Mooltrikone or
own sign gives much better results than those placed in their debilitation,
detrimental or inimical signs. During dasha of planets in debility or in
inimical position, native may take interest in destructive work and may be ridiculed
by own relatives & friends. When the planet crosses exaltation point and
moves to debilitation point, its malefic results increases correspondingly.
The placement of dasha lord in particular house or sign dictates its results to
a greta extent. Certain houses/ signs are better than others. Planets placed in
Trikone (1st, 5th, & 9th) houses or with
Trikone lords tend to do better than planets placed in Trika (6th, 8th
& 12th) houses or Trika lords. Planets placed in Kendras may
also exert a lot of power during their dasha, more so if it receives aspect of
a benefic planet. Similarly planets placed in their exaltation, Mooltrikone or
own sign gives much better results than those placed in their debilitation,
detrimental or inimical signs. During dasha of planets in debility or in
inimical position, native may take interest in destructive work and may be ridiculed
by own relatives & friends. When the planet crosses exaltation point and
moves to debilitation point, its malefic results increases correspondingly.
11.2.4 Inter-Placements among Dasha
Lords: The way in which lords of dasha, Antar-dasha/ Pratyantar-dasha
are placed from each other is vitally important. If they are 1/1, 1/7, 3/11,
4/10 or 5/9, chances are good that dasha will flow smoothly with little
problem. A Kendra lord with a dasha lord also gives very good results. A dasha
lord during transit, when passes over natal position of Antar- dasha lord or vice-versa, proves significant in one’s life.
If both the lords are placed in Upachaya
(3, 6, 10 or 11th) houses as Upachaya
lords, it gives good results in profession. However if lords of dasha/ Antar- dasha are in 2/12 or 6/8 position
from each other, their dasha will be rough with various problems at different
stages. However they may give good results if the concerned Antar- dasha lord is Vargottam or
exalted in Navamsha.
Lords: The way in which lords of dasha, Antar-dasha/ Pratyantar-dasha
are placed from each other is vitally important. If they are 1/1, 1/7, 3/11,
4/10 or 5/9, chances are good that dasha will flow smoothly with little
problem. A Kendra lord with a dasha lord also gives very good results. A dasha
lord during transit, when passes over natal position of Antar- dasha lord or vice-versa, proves significant in one’s life.
If both the lords are placed in Upachaya
(3, 6, 10 or 11th) houses as Upachaya
lords, it gives good results in profession. However if lords of dasha/ Antar- dasha are in 2/12 or 6/8 position
from each other, their dasha will be rough with various problems at different
stages. However they may give good results if the concerned Antar- dasha lord is Vargottam or
exalted in Navamsha.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
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