Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Tajik Shastra and Annual Horoscopy: House-wise Analysis of Annual Chart, Chapter XIII, Part – 16

Dr. Shanker Adawal
13. Twelfth House of
Expenses, Losses and Deprivation
1. A
weak lagna lord or year lord in 112th, indicate varied losses during
the year.
2. If
strong Jupiter or Saturn as year lord occupies 12th house aspected
by a benefic, native acquires of purchase land or building.
Moon & Mars in 12th under influence of malefic cause mental
tension & losses.
Afflicted Sun in 12th house causes eye troubles during the year.
Sun as year lord in 12th house in a quadruped sign & afflicted
to losses through servants & subordinates.
6. If
12th lord makes an Ithasala with 2nd or 11th
lord or Saturn & Moon occupies 12th house, there would be loss
of money through misplaced trust.
Mars & Saturn together in 12th house indicates loss of vehicles.
Strong Saturn as year lord in 12th house, increases inclination
towards religion.
The 7th lord & 9th lord having Ithasala in 12th
house with benefic asapect/ Ithasala of lagna lord causes marriage to a
foreigner or at a far off place.
No. 45: Marriage to a foreigner: 26th Annual Chart for 1986-87
lord Sun & 9th lord Venus are having Ithasala in 12th
The 12th house is associated with 2-11th lord Jupiter who
is in Ithasala with Moon associated with Muntha in 2nd house of
The 7th lord of birth chart, Venus, is Yogkaraka being lord of 4-9th
Lagna lord Saturn is in Ithasala with 7th lord Sun with friendly
The native got married to a foreigner during the year.
6. The
birth lagna is in Rahu-Ketu axis carrying malefic association of Mars, and
lagna lord Saturn is hemmed between Mars and 8th lord Mercury. Again
Karaka of marriage, 7th lord of birth lagna & 9th
lord of annual chart, Venus, is combust. Hence this marriage did not prove
The above results are
quite generalized. However analysis of any house is a complex process involving
a holistic approach. Firstly the sign occupying a house, in an annual chart
correspond to a house which has the same sign in birth chart. The
significations of this house of birth chart have a telling effect on the house
under consideration. For example, sign occupied by 6, 8, or 12th
house of birth chart spoils the houses of annual chart wherever they happen to fall.
Secondly the strength of the planets occupying or aspecting a house modify the
results for the better or worse. Thirdly the yogas formed (particularly the
Tajika Yogas) by the planets occupying or having friendly/ inimical aspects
indicate the occurrence of the events. The position, strength & relation of
the house with lagna, lagna lord, Muntha, Muntha lord and lord of the year
further qualify the results. Finally do not forget to consider important
Parashari principles involved in the chart. Thus only a comprehensive &
holistic approach will give reliable results.

Shanker Adawal

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