A Guide to Palmistry: Palmistry An Introduction, Chapter I, Part – 3

Dr. Shanker Adawal
Texture of the Skin
The texture of the skin on
the back of the hand is either coarse or fine, the former showing one who is
coarse and able to get on in rough surroundings.
Fine-textured skin gives a
love of refined surroundings, fondness for ease and luxury, delicacy and taste.
People with very fine textured skin dislike anything or anybody coarse, rude,
and unrefined.
Hair on the Hands
Hair on the hands is dark,
light, auburn, or red in colour, and owes this coloration to matter known as
iron pigment. Its presence on the hand increases one’s natural vitality and
Dark hair gives much
vitality and nervous force.
Light hair shows vitality,
but in a lesser degree.
People with red or auburn
hair are excitable, hasty and quick-tempered, impulsive and frequently
Hair will be either coarse
or fine, the former showing a person by nature coarse, whilst the fine hair
indicate a more refined nature.
Hair on the back of the
fingers indicates one who is irritable and quick-tempered, increased if the
hair is very dark and there is much of it.
It is advised to the
beginner to carefully notice the hair on the hands, for it will be of great
help to him in accurately estimating his subject. More especially is it useful
in gauging a subject’s temper, and in this respect is very helpful when reading
the thumb.
Consistency and
In all examinations, it is
necessary to note both hands, otherwise there will be failure, due to the fact
that mean change as they grow older, and such changes will be marked in the
right hand, unless the person under examination is left-handed, when the change
will be marked in the left or operative hand. It is a matter of general
experience that the left hand describes the natural man, while the right hand
records the changes, in a right-handed subject. This one item alone suffices to
indicate whether the course of the life has been stationary, progressive, or
In this examination the
first point to be noted is the texture of the skin; this will be best
ascertained by feeling the back of the hand, and noting its softness or
otherwise. Texture will give knowledge of your client’s refinement. If it is
fine, soft and delicate, it will tell of a refined, sensitive  nature which will mark everything he does-the
coarse and common will repel. The coarser the skin the coarser the nature and
qualities; this shows a lack of refinement or sensibility, and often adds a
tyranny-cal disposition. A medium development-neither fine nor coarse-is often
met and constitutes a balance between the two extremes.
The next point to be noted
is the consistency of the hands, i.e., their softness or hardness under
pressure. This will tell the amount of energy possessed, the thing to ascertain
is the hardness, softness, flabbiness or resilience of the hand. This
consistency comes under one of four heads: there is the hard hand, which
belongs to the lesser intelligence, and with these the texture will usually be
coarse. This hand does not yield to pressure, has no elasticity or spring-the
subject will be active, work is no burden to him-the brain will be dense and
the subject will be non-progressive.
There is the hand which,
as you press it, feels as though it were made of rubber-it is essentially the
active hand and is possessed by those who do not merely talk but who act. It
indicates one who has life, energy, push and vigour, and it is marked by
The hand which, when
grasped, feels as though it would squeeze through your fingers, is the flabby
hand; this tells of a deficiency in physical energy-a dreamer, idle, luxurious,

Shanker Adawal

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