Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas:- Dhan Yogas, Chapter VII, Part – 1

Dr. Shanker Adawal
Importance of Wealth:
Dhan or wealth comprises possession of
lands, properties, all loveable/ beautiful items of luxuries, comforts,
apparels, jewels, vehicles and liquid money. From time immemorial people
realized the value of wealth. People without wealth live a life of suffering
& penury, unsung, unwept, uncared, & unhonoured in life as well as in
death. Poverty is a curse that causes hunger, deprivation, humiliation,
subjugation and many a times degradations of basic human values. On the other
hand, riches automatically gives many blessings, social status, acquisition of
items of luxuries, novelties, comforts, and opportunities, prestige, power
& fame. It covers almost all his shortcomings/ weaknesses, and brings out
unknown qualities of its owner. It is ever stimulating tonic of energy &
vitality and quintessence of name, fame and status. Numerous friends and
relations always flock around and praise him. Money can buy almost anything/
everything except the mental peace and health.
Houses & planets ruling over wealth
The strength of lagna and Lagnesh is must for any
eventuality/ yoga to succeed in life.
Artha Trikone:
It relates basically to wealth and
circulation of wealth.
It comprises of 2nd,
6th & 10th houses, pertaining to earthy signs of
Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn indicating commercial, economic, trading &
agricultural activities, making the native realistic, logical and ground to
earth person. It has its apex in 10th house and base in 2nd
& 6th houses. 2nd house represents possession &
accumulation of wealth; 6th physical well being, competition &
impediments; and 10th earning of livelihood through service to the
Lakshmi Sthans:
The 1st, 5th & 9th
houses are called Lakshmi Sthans and denotes fortunate events, success in
speculation, luck & sudden opulence and riches. These houses must be strong
for wealth. As per mythology, Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth & prosperity
and consort of Lord Vishnu, the sustainer of universe. The word “Lakshmi” is
derived from Sanskrit word “Laksh”, which means aim or goal. Lakshmi or wealth
comes to only those, who have a clear aim/ goal and strive to achieve it with
full zest & sincerity.
Primary Houses of Wealth:
The 2nd, 4th, 5th,
9th & 11th are primary houses of wealth. The 5th
house is considered to be the strongest as it is in Kendra from 2nd
and 11th house; among the Trikone houses, between lagna & 9th
house; and is the house of wisdom, creativity and Poorva Janam Karmas. 4th is house of happiness,
comforts, luxuries, & vehicles. 2nd is store house of wealth. 11th
house is the main house of income/ gain. Any relation among primary houses/
lords makes the native rich and prosperous.
Upachaya Houses:
Houses 3, 6, 10 & 11 are called
Upachaya houses (of growth, progress & expansion. These houses give native
a competitive edge to the native. Even natural malefic planets give material
success here.
Ruling Planets:
Jupiter is the general karaka of wealth
& opulence. Venus, the next benefic planet, is the Karaka of all loveable
& beautiful comforts, luxuries, vehicles and sensual pleasures. A strong
waxing Moon is the greatest facilitator for acquiring wealth and also acts an
alternate lagna. Unafflicted Mercury is also one of the benefic planets. Rahu,
as an illusionary Maya, also gives material success if well placed.
Indu lagna:
The word “Indu” means Moon and the Moon through mind,
governs all actions of human beings and makes one a recluse or a materialistic.
The Indu lagna is arrived at by mathematical manipulation of 9th
house of fortune with reference to lagna and Moon. This is the most important
key point to assess the financial prosperity of a native. The quantum of
prosperity or financial gain is directly proportional to the strength and
benefic influence on Indu lagna and other planets related to it. Planets
posited in 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th
from this lagna indicate unnecessary expenses and losses. The method of
calculation includes finding out lords of 9th from Lagna and Moon;
add their kalas and divide by 12.
Ignore the quotient and count the remainder from the position of Moon, it will
give the position of Indu lagna or Dhan lagna. The Kalas of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are
30, 16, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 1 respectively. Sh Dhirubhai Ambani, the
industrialist (chart No. 51) had Sun & Moon both in Sagittarius lagna. So
his Indu lagna was in Janam lagna only, with lord of Janam & Indu lagna in
10th house aspecting 2nd house of wealth. The native had
phenomenal rise in business during Jupiter dasha. Let us see another example:
The native has Rahu, the
Karaka of films, in 10th house in a sign of Venus (another Karaka of
films), which is well placed in 5th house in mutual aspect with
Jupiter. This is a good Raj Yoga in gave him success in films. Lagnesh Sun is
in 3rd house with double Neech bhang due to Moon & Saturn. There
are two Panch Mahapurush Rajyoga-Yogkaraka Mars in 4th house and 7th
lord Saturn in 7th, both in mutual aspect. His 9th lord
from lagna is Mars and from Moon is Mercury. So, his Indu lagna (I.L) is in 7th
house of Saturn influenced by Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. Mars is associated with
Ketu & Mercury as well. He became an actor of international fame rising
very high as soon as his dasdha of Jupiter started in Mar 1992 and continued to
have higher and higher financial status as a businessman during Saturn dasha,
which he is currently having. In Navamsha & Dasamsha, the position remains

Shanker Adawal

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