Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas:- Special Raj Yogas, Chapter VI, Part – 5


Dr. Shanker Adawal
Malavya Yoga
This yoga is formed when Venus exalted (in Pisces), or in its own sign (Taurus/
Libra) is located in a Kendra house. This yoga is possible in all signs. The
significations of Venus are fully reflected in natives with Malavya Yoga. Venus
is the planet for sensual desires & comforts of Kaal Purush. Venus signifies wife, marriage, marital relations,
affection, beauty, sex, attractive personality, passions, genital organs,
semen, urine, happiness, luxuries, comforts & vehicles, wealth, properties,
apparels, jewelary, dance, music, fine art, theatres, sciences, eyesight and
addictions of various types. Venus is considered good when ahead of Sun
(Specially in 3rd house). It is never away from Sun by more than 48
degrees. It is powerful when retrograde.
Native born under this yoga has a beautiful body, graceful appearance, deep
sensual voice, and a bright complexion like full Moon. This yoga confers
learning & wealth through own efforts with inclination towards material/
physical comforts. He is powerful, lucky and strong with females, but with
little political influence. He will acquire conveyance, properties and
pleasures. He is clever, learned and well versed in scriptures, but has a
liking for extra-marital relations. The native is resolute and immensely rich
with material comforts gain precedence over spiritual advancement. A females
has extra attraction for costly & beautiful apparels and jewellary.
is a good natural benefic planet. Hence its owning Kendra house should attract Kendradhipati Dosh; but it lose its
meaning when Venus occupies Kendra for Malavya yoga. This yoga can take place
in all lagnas. However their results are grouped under following three
Most favourable results are conferred under Capricorn, & Aquarius lagna for
Venus is Yogkaraka here and in Pisces, because Venus gets exalted here.
The least favourable results are delivered in case of Taurus & Scorpio
Lagna, because the Mooltrikone sign of Venus is in a Trika (6th
& 12th) house; and in Virgo lagna, because the exaltation sign
(Pisces) is a Badhak & Marak
house as well.
Other lagnas produce moderate results.
The Results of Malavya yoga are nullified or greatly reduced, if:
conjuncts Venus.
in Ruchika yoga is in mutual Aspect.
Mars in conjunct with Venus.
Saturn in Sasa yoga is conjunct.
Conjunction/ close aspect of Rahu cause pervert results.
Let us see an example chart for Malavya Yoga:
The Native had exalted
Venus in 4th house conferring Malavya along with 8th lord
Moon (both digbali), causing great blemish to the yoga. The 4th
house was hemmed between 9th lord Sun (though in 1st
degree & detrimental sign) and 4th lord Jupiter causing a great
Rajyoga. The native was well read & learned and was famous Yoga-guru, who
brought out the advantages of Yoga in everyday life. During dasha of Venus from
Jun 1964- ’84, he had the best of time. He had enormous influence on Ms Indira
Gandhi, the then Primeminister and enjoyed all possible comforts of life.
Association of 8th lord Moon, caused him to break all “Maryada” of Yog- Sadhna for fulfillment of his materialistic/ sensual desires. So
after Venus dasha, his fame faded out soon and during dasha of Moon, he died
mysteriously in a helicopter crash.
Sasa Yoga
This Yoga is given rise to when Saturn occupies a Kendra, which should be his
own (Capricorn/Aquarius) or exaltation (Libra) sign. Birth in movable/ fixed
signs can confer this Yoga by a certain disposition of Saturn; but dual signs
are exempt. Saturn’s inherent nature plays a dominant role in conferring this
yoga. Saturn is the miseries of Kaal
Saturn is cruel, lazy, undignified, sinful, fault finding,
vindictive, delay causing. He is hard boiled, industrious and of prodding nature.
He is responsible for welfare of masses, deep thinking, mysteries, research.
Ill health, poverty, sorrow, degradation, humiliation, self sacrifice and
renunciation. He represents longevity, reproach, sin, misfortune, servitude,
loneliness, agriculture, factories, jail and captivity. As per jatak Paarijat,
Saturn is strong in all signs when retrograde.
The native born with Sasa yoga is brave but cruel, slender & thin, medium
height with a slow but regular gait. He has dark complexion, roving eyes,
competent, learned, keen to find fault of others, but devoted to mother. He
loves working hard for long hours, in agriculture or factories and roams around
in jungles/ hills. He is famous, king, minister, powerful, a natural leader of
masses, workers or nomads, but with perverse sexual outlook and employing any
unscrupulous means to gain other’s wife and wealth. When Saturn is exalted he
may have many servants and be head of a town/ state. When he is free from
affliction from other planets, he confers of chemicals and occult sciences.
There is physical enjoyment but physical suffering as well.
The Cancer & Leo lagna produce the least benefic results for in Cancer,
Saturn is 8th lord; in Leo, Saturn as 6-7th lord in 7th
house is a Marak and detrimental to family life. Taurus, Libra & Aquarius
confers most auspicious results, for Taurus & Libra, Saturn is Yogkaraka,
In Libra it gets exalted and Aquarius, it produces great saints & Noble
persons. Aries, scorpio & Capricorn lagna gives moderate results only.
The Sasa yoga loses its good results, if:
1. It
is associated or is in mutual aspect with Sun.
Saturn is weakened due to combustion, or association with 8th lord.
Exalted Venus joins exalted Saturn in Libra.
or weak Moon joins this Yoga.
us see an example chart for Sasa Yoga.

The native has exalted
Saturn in 4th house, conferring Sasa yoga. Lagna lord Moon is
exalted but weak in Paksh bala & Digbala and forms Gajkesari Yoga with
Jupiter in 5-11 axis giving him a large family. He also had exalted Yogkaraka
Mars conferring Ruchika yoga in 7th house. He has in 10th
house Mercury aspected by the two Mahapurush
yogas giving the native name and fame concurrently in politics as well as in
film industry as a famous script writer in Tamil films. Rahu, the Karaka of
films & TV, from 2nd house also aspect 10th house.
Saturn made him a popular mass leader. Mercury as 3rd lord in 10th
house indicates that all his name & fame is due to his own efforts. He has
been five times chief Minister of Tamilnadu during dasha of Jupiter, Saturn and



Shanker Adawal

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