Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas:- Special Raj Yogas, Chapter VI, Part – 2


Dr. Shanker Adawal
Ruchika Yoga
This yoga is formed when Mars, exalted (in Capricorn) or in its own signs
(Aries/ Scorpio) is located in a Kendra from Lagna. This Yoga results from the
predominant influence of Mars in the horoscope. Mars is the strength of Kaal Purush, and hence instill in the
native courage, capacity for valour, adventure & dominance, youthful
energy, victory over foes. One born in Ruchika Yoga is good looking, a
prominent face, and darkish complexion. He is bold & courageous, full of
strength & vigour, of royal bearing, ever intent on combat, pursues
adventurous activities, commander of an army or leader of a group and
annihilator of his enemies. However Mars is a malefic planet with Tamsik nature. These qualities give him
a distinct character, name & fame.
Ruchika Yoga confers on the native a capacity for discrimination, devotion to
elders & preceptors and is an expert on Mantras/ magic spells directed at
his enemies to kill/ subjugate them. He is prone to injuries and bears on his
body scars from fire, injuries or surgical operations. He lives a long life of
about 70 years and is wealthy & prosperous with lands, sibling &
yoga can occur only in case of Movable/ fixed lagna and cannot exist if lagna
is of a dual sign. A strong Mars can only confer the best results.
The results of this yoga
in various lagna are as follows:
This Yoga is caused when Mars occupies Aries (lagna)
or Capricorn (10th house), both being strong Kendra. Aries is his
Mooltrikone and Capricorn his exaltation sign. Yet it is not the best
disposition as Mars is 8th lord as well. In Aries, it gives best
results while being in Nakshtra of Ketu (Kujavat
), while in Capricorn it is 100% strong being in exaltation &
strong in digbala and it aspect lagna
his own house. When aspected by Jupiter, it confers royal powers or Raj yoga during
his dasha.
Mars occupying 7th house of Scorpio confers
this yoga. This sign has Nakshtra of Jupiter, Saturn & Mercury. Saturn is
Yogkaraka for this lagna and the lord of exaltation sign of Mars. So Mars in
Nakshtra of Saturn gives the best results. But the native will be cruel &
mean minded. Such natives are capable administrators and possess land,
buildings and riches.
Mars occupying 7th house (in exaltation
sign of Capricorn) or 10th house (Mooltrikone Sign of Aries) forms
this yoga. Mars is a Yogkaraka planet for this lagna. Each sign has its own
characteristics in 7th house of an earthy sign. Native has wealth
& prosperity in business, but is greedy, untrustworthy and unpopular. Mars
stay in 10th house is much better as it has full digbala, and
aspects lagna and its other sign in 5th house. In Nakshtra of Ketu
it confers good results, but in Nakshtra of Bharini, it is not happily placed
and gives sensual nature.

Mars occupying 4th house causes Ruchika yoga. Here it is a friend of
lagna lord Sun, and is a Yogkaraka. 4th house governs land, &
houses and Mars as Bhumi-Putra, is
best suited; but it has the least digbala. Mars position in Vishakha Nakshtra
(up to 3-20’) is lucky & best suited for real estate dealers and stock
Mars occupying 4th house (in its exaltation
sign) or 7th house (its Mooltrikone sign) confers this yoga. His
owning of 2nd house (his negative sign) and occupation of 4th/
7th house normally causes Kuja
but due to presence of Ruchika yoga, this Dosh is greatly nullified. In the 4th house, this yoga
will give good results if it in the Nakshtra of Moon, as Moon is 10th
lord for this lagna. When in 7th house of war, this will give
auspicious results, like a Raj yoga. If it is related to Jupiter or Rahu,
specially when he is in Nakshtra of Bharini.
Mars forms Ruchika yoga, when he is occupying Lagna
only. His conjunction with Jupiter in lagna or his being in the Nakshtra of
Jupiter, confers auspicious results regarding, wealth, progeny & intellect
as Jupiter is lord of 2-5th house. The native will be quick witted
and may gain through trade & shares. If in Nakshtra of Mercury it will be
bad and in Nakshtra of Saturn moderate results be expected.
Mars located in lagna or 4th house confer
this yoga. In Nakshtra of Moon, he confers wealth through wife and other women.
In his own Nakshtra, he is well placed. In 4th house, it gives only
moderate results.
Mars located in 10th house confers this
yoga. Here Mars is digbali and aspect lagna. Being lord of 3-10th
house, it confers highly beneficial Rajyoga & Dhan yoga and success in
various enterprises. If conjunct with 9th lord Yogkaraka Venus, it
confers high Raj yoga and prosperity. It gives very good results in Anuradha
Nakshtra but being in Jyestha Nakshtra adversely affect the longevity.
yoga is nullified or reduced considerably if;
and Mars are mutually aspecting.
The Moon and Mars are in 6-8 position from each other.
3. The
Mars & Mercury are in 6-8 position from each other.
is conjunct with Mars.
The Mars is combust or in Paapkaratari
6. If
Mars transits shravan or 2nd & 3rd padas of Anuradha.
Let us see an example of Ruchika Yoga:
The native was military
chief and President of Pakistan. He has apparently two Mahapurush Yoga is his
chart. Exalted Jupiter is in lagna causing yoga and Mars in his Mooltrikone
sign in 10th house conferring Ruchika yoga. The Hamsa yoga is
non-operational because Jupiter is associated with Sun & Rahu and is
aspected by Mars. Mars is Yogkaraka planet for Cancer lagna and its placing in
10th house causing Ruchika yoga conferred on the native an excellent
army career. The debilitation of Lagna lord Moon is doubly cancelled by Mars
and by Mercury & Venus posited in Kendra from Moon. He became Moon dasha he
became army chief and later took over power of Pakistan through a military
coup. He rruled Pakistan with full control during entire dasha of Mars.

Shanker Adawal

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