Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Yogas: Conjunction of Planets, Chapter IV, Part – 2


Dr. Shanker Adawal
Two Planets’ Conjunction Yogas
These yogas are
highlighted by all astrological saints like Parashar, Mantreshwar, Kalyan
Verma, Garga, Vriddha Yavan etc. When Sun is conjoined by a malefic, it is
detrimental to father and when Moon is conjoined by malefic, it is detrimental
to mother. The results of these yogas do differ in different houses, but
general results are as under.
Both are friends, but Sun is hot & fiery
representing soul, while Moon is cool & watery representing Mana (mind) and becomes weak in
Paksh-bala when close to Sun. They give good results when placed in Trikone/ 10th
house or in Aries, Cancer or Leo sign. The native is valorous, haughty, skilled
in works of stone, machinery & tools, expert in sale of intoxicants/
poisons, wanderer, harsh, wicked, immodest, libidinous, easily submitting to
females, and suffer from eye diseases. The native may also become a great
philosopher or saint, if influenced by benefics. It promotes general strength
of character and usefulness at home & abroad. It is good for all social
& benevolent acts, gives humanitarian impulses and conduces to popularity
and general success.
Both are friends, fiery, hot, bilious, aggressive,
& cruel planets. The native is strong, energetic, bold, clever, liked by
rulers, brave in combat with injured body, tormentor of enemies, impulsive,
hasty & short tempered, obstinate, liar, quarrelsome, sinful, bereft of
home comforts & family, but loves siblings. One suffers due to defects in
blood or digestion. But if this conjunction is aspected by Jupiter, the will
power & desires of the native are harmonious and usually one realizes them.
Such natives are employed in police or armed forces. It makes one splendorous,
strong, valorous, very emotional and foolish. In female charts, in Trikone
houses it gives abortions & miscarriages. This combination is destructive
and not preferable in Kendra/ Trikones, unless with benefic influence. It gives
best results in lagna, 10th or 11th house. In 10th
house, it is extra strong, since both gets directional strength here and makes
one dictatorial towards subordinates. This makes one an able surgeon or
electrical engineer.
This combination is very common as Mercury
is never more than 28 degrees away from Sun in any chart. But when conjunct
together they form Buddhaditya Yoga,
making one learned, intelligent, virtuous, skilled in various arts, eloquent
orator, honourable & famous. The native is sweet tongued, talkative,
clever, earns wealth by serving others, scholarly, good in looks, but fickle
minded. This yoga is more effective in signs or lagna of Sun/Mercury. It gives
still better results if Mercury is behind Sun within three degrees or so; when
it gives high power & capacity for concentration and makes one wealthy. It
gives good results in Kendra/ Trikone, 2nd & 11th
houses except in 7th house.
Both planets are friendly, fiery, Satwik & male. The conjunction makes
one virtuous, a minister of a king, gain from friends, wealthy, wise,
intelligent, widely renowned, spiritual, preceptor, knowledge of scripture,
follower of religious pursuits, a teacher, preceptor, banker or physician, and
skilled in various activities. The native is always sincere, devoted to duty,
worldly wise, diplomat, healthy, long-lived, servile and helpful to others even
at the cost of himself. In 4th or 9th house, it makes one
a legal expert. If Jupiter is combust or otherwise badly afflicted, in case of
males, there would be loss in wealth and in happiness from progeny; and in case
of females, there could be delay in marriage or marital problems.
The two are inimical to each other. Sun is fiery, Satwik, Krror male, representing soul.
The Venus is airy, Rajshi, benefic
female representing sensual pleasures. The two affect eye and eyesight. The
native will be skilled in archery/ weaponry, music, acting & fine arts,
affectionate, earns through opposite sex, makes one an optician (in 6th/8th
house) and famous as a king/ minister (in 5, 8 or 10th house). The
native is libidinous, lacks marital life (particularly in 5, 7 or 9th
house), has limited progeny, addicted to vices (in Cancer/ Scorpio), highly
sexed or nympho- maniac (if within 3 degrees). The combination is generally
good when Venus is ahead of Sun and adverse in movable signs.
The two are bitter enemy and hostile to each other.
Saturn is quite different from Sun, being airy, Tamsik, malefic, female eunuch. Sun represents vitality & soul
and Saturn the lethargy & miseries. Both are separatist planets and finally
lead to salvation. Some say they represent father-son or boss-subordinate
relationship. Such a native is virtuous, intelligent, mindful of his own
duties, matured in behaviour as an elderly person, learned, skilled in
metallurgy & sale of minerals, follows tradition and is a self made man. He
gets inheritance, but generally squander away ancestral property, has bitter
family life, dominating enemies, anguish mind, and adversely affects cordiality
with father or senior authorities, but popular among poor, labour, &
downtrodden (union leader). It gives poor results in Kendra or Trika houses,
indicates gain from Sun’s articles but loss from Saturn’s articles and not
favourable for ladies of the family. One does not get comfort of wife/ children
and leads a secluded life.
Moon is watery, Satwik,
cool, female representing wavering Mana
(mind) & mother, but Mars is fiery, Tamsik,
hot tempered, male representing valour, martial talents & younger siblings.
Both belong to same friendly group and control formation & circulation of
blood. Such a native is clever, shrewd, highly emotional, erratic, less control
over mind, over-active, courageous, short tempered, adamant, and ambitious. One
is wealthy (Chandra-Mangal yoga), deals in women, wines, earthen pottery,
leather, handicraft, skin or minerals and is a good consultant. The means to
acquire wealth & property may not necessarily those prescribed. If
afflicted, one suffers from low vitality, blood disorders and is hostile to
mother & maternal relations.
Both are natural benefics, but Mercury is
different as it is earthy, Rajshik,
& eunuch planet. If Moon is divine mother, the Mercury is divine prince,
who is not happy with his mother. This conjunction gives an active mind, highly
developed intellect, a retentive memory, full of common sense, sound
expression, quick wit, and diverse merits. It makes one beautiful, wealthy,
amiable & attached to one’s wife, humorous, soft spoken, modest, fortunate,
famous, successful scholar, eloquent speaker, follower of Kul-dharma, and endowed with distinct virtues. Interestingly it
gives good results even in 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th
houses. If afflicted by Mars/ Saturn, it causes Pisach Yoga and makes native scornful, hypersensitive, erratic, and
a complex ridden person with a feeling of guilt, insecurity & suspicion.
Both are friendly, benefic & Satwik, but Jupiter is fiery, wise male.
The conjunction highlights good qualities of both and Jupiter does not allow
Moon to waver or do any wrong. It makes native devoted to god/ preceptor,
wealthy, healthy, famous, distinguished, contended, good natured, optimist,
mentally benevolent, attached to his duties, engaged in virtuous deeds, helpful
to others, sympathetic, broad minded, warm hearted & very intelligent. It
gives very good results in Kendra/ Trikone houses. In 10th houses,
it additionally gives good positive kind of management skill and consultancy
work. Together they form famous Gajkesari Yoga (For details, please refer para
8 of Chapter-6). However if afflicted, it makes one harsh, lethargic, critical
of others, fickle minded and wasteful.
Both planets are natural benefic and females and Moon
is great facilitator of main significations of Venus i.e. marriage & family
life. But Venus is airy & Rajsik.
The native is wealthy, wise, minister to king, good looking, popular, adept in
music, fine arts, tailoring, weaving, & trading of clothes, clever in
buying & selling, fond of flowers & perfumes, refined with cool mind,
lover of beauty, associated with and gets comfort & wealth from women. One
has more daughters than sons and earns from sea travel. If in close
conjunction, it is detrimental to married life. If afflicted, one islazy,
sinful, quarrelsome, addicted to vices, and may have death in water or through
violence. In 6th or 8th house, it gives ailments in belly
but in 12th it gives wealth from foreign.
This is a great mismatch and inimical to
each other. Moon is watery, Satwik,
female, & fastest moving natural benefic; but Saturn is airy, Tamsik, eunuch, slowest moving natural
malefic. Native may be born to a widow, remarried or old women, his wife may be
sickly or elder to him, bereft of grace, self esteem, virtues, wealth &
valour, has less progeny, worried, peevish, gloomy, hard working, and gets
little happiness of mother. However, if it is aspected by Jupiter, several of
shortcomings get cancelled.
Both are inimical to each other. Mars is
fiery, Tamsik Malefic, martial male,
but Mercury is earthy, Rajsik, feeble
natural benefic, literary & eunuch. The native is mentally alert, sharp
minded, adept in mathematics & accountancy, electricity/ fire related work
of gold/ metals articles, engineering/ architecture or wrestling/ boxing, and
in medicine/ herbs. It is unfortunate for marital bliss, looks after a widow/
base woman, only limited progeny, devoid of wealth or loss of wealth through
government. There may be obstacles in educational career and may even cause a
break in education. It promotes tendency of thieving and of economic offences.
It does not give good results in Kendra/ Trikone houses, but in 10th
house, they produce scientist, engineer, investigators or intelligence agents.
Both are friendly & fiery, but Mars is
Tamsik & malefic, whereas Jupiter
is Satwik & the best benefic.
Hence give mixed results. Normally the native is learned, revered, wealthy,
very intelligent, skilled in use of weaponary, a leader, head of his clan,
kingly or senior officer in Army/ Police, has retentive and sharp memory,
expert in Vedas/ scriptures, good orator or lecturer. One tends to get high
status through own efforts. It gives good results in Trikones/ 10th
house. In other houses it is mixed. If afflicted it causes accidents &
fractures. In lagna of Gemini & Virgo, it is particularly bad. It causes
“Guru-Mangal Yoga”, which is normally not good. (For details, please refer para
3 of Chapter-16).
Mars is fiery, Tamsik,
malefic & martial male, whereas Venus is airy, Rajsik, benefic, & sensual female. Hence their conjunction does
not normally provide good results. Native is immoral, cheat, gambler, greedy,
liar, addicted to others’ spouse, passionate in love, sensual with strong sex
drive, and waste money on women. It is particularly bad in 1st, 2nd,
5th, 7th, 8th or 12th houses. In 2nd/8th,
it causes poverty. Elsewhere it is moderate. Native may be a talented, blessed
with learning, wealth & fame, a mathematician, exercise authority with firm
but pleasing manners. One may be adept in metallurgy and pervert aesthetic
sense. In 10th house, one is workaholic.
Both are Tamsik and first rate Malefics. Influence of Nodes are supposed to
make the conjunction very dangerous and destructive. Their conjunction is
considered bad. The native is miserable, quarrelsome, deceitful, skilled in
thieving & conflicts, betrayer, liar, hostile to mother, bereft of comforts
from wife & family, indulges in sinful deeds, and follows a faith other than
his own. He is good at use of weapon, fire, poison, & liquor (making him a
metallurgist/ chemist/ bartender), but suffers dangers from weapon/ fall
resulting in injury/ death. However, this combination produces good results in
2nd, & Upachaya (3, 6, 10 or 11th) houses. In 5th
house it denotes technical/ scientific education and in 10th a
technical profession. It makes one serious, firm, of balanced mind, maturity
more than age & temperamental. If it gets aspect of Jupiter, one attains
dizzy heights.
Both are natural benefics with lot of
common traits, but Mercury is earthy, Rajsik
& eunuch, whereas Jupiter is fiery, Satwik
& male. Jupiter is said to be foster-father of Mercury. The native is very
learned, intelligent, scholar, a genius of sweet temperament, eloquent, adept
in music, dance, acting, astrology, journalism etc and is self satisfied &
happy. It gives very good results in 1, 2, 4, 5, 9 & 10th
houses. Even in Trika houses it gives results. However he has fluctuating
wealth, may have weak eyesight/ deafness. If placed in Mritybhag (or Vishghati),
it is extra-ordinarily bad.
Both the planets are benefic, Rajsik, friendly and fond of aesthetic
values. The native is beautiful, virtuous, learned, eloquent, gives very good
power of expression both oral and in writing, extremely wealthy, jovial, adept
in sculptor, music, fine arts & handicrafts, well dressed, owner of land, a
good diplomat and blessed with mean wife, more lucky daughters & friends.
It gives very good results in Trikones/ 10th house, elsewhere the
results are moderate. When afflicted the adverse results are seen.
Saturn is a first rate malefic and its
conjunction with Mercury makes the later also a malefic. This combination gives
untoward results except in 1st, 9th or 10th
houses, where the native gets good wife, wealth, son & friends. The two
being eunuch planets, do not auger well for sexual activity or may indicate a
impotent/ frigid spouse. Otherwise the native is learned, provide sustenance to
many, adept in several arts, but is also a cheat, pessimist, wanderer,
disobedient, fickle minded, nervous, suffers from rheumatism, despondency, poor
memory, inferiority complex & pervert thinking.
Both are first rate benefics, but Jupiter
is fiery, Satwik, & male; while
Venus is airy, Rajsik & female.
The two provides the ideal benefic cover to a native. The native is very
learned in many branches, intelligent, virtuous, wealthy, religious, good
looking, blessed with supreme wife, progeny, friends & physical comforts,
long lived, kingly, or a minister, renowned earns through his learning or
business. If afflicted, it could cause loss of health & wealth through
extra-sex or thieves or flattery, and loss of progeny.
This is a combination of the best benefic
& the worst malefic. The two are neutral to each other. The natives are
strong, famous, brilliant, calm, domineering, leader of a group or political
position, or an army, wealthy, but suspicious of his wife, religiously
inclined, a successful doctor, advocate, an artist, a barber, a potter, a cook.
In Upchaya (3, 6, 10 or 11th) houses, one is very famous, honoured
by king & wealthy. Elsewhere, one may be devoid of wealth, self respect and
take up renunciation leading to Sanyas. The two planets are Karaka for
knowledge & detachment.
Both are airy & friendly to each
other, although Venus is Rajsik &
benefic (denoting all comforts), while Saturn is Tamsik & malefic (denoting separation/ detachment). It
indicates sacrificial career in taking the hard road, chilling sense of
loneliness, which develops the form of happiness, seems like an unreliable
dreams. To accept his responsibility and carry on his duties are more important
to him than his self comfort. Married life may be full of trials &
tribulations, discord on marital front, and insatiate sex life. However, the
native will be popular, marriage/ wife holds the key to his financial
prosperity. This combination makes one wealthy and prosper in 1st, 4th,
5th, 9th or 10th house through the patronage
of a lady or government’s.

Shanker Adawal

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