Planets, Signs and Houses: Judgement of Twelve House V, Part – 79


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Longevity- Poor

Y-1- If lord of 8th is conjunct with a malefic which happens to be 6 or 8 or 12th house, then poor longevity is indicated, or

Y-2b- If lord of 8th posted in a sign owned by a malefic, which happens to be 6 or 8 or 12th house, then poor longevity is indicated.

Death When?

Y-1- In the Major period of lord of 8th in 6 or 8 or 12th house, but in the sub period of dispositor thereof, there is possibility of death of native.

Y-2- In the Major period of the dispositor of Saturn posited in 8th house, in own sub period or sub period of malefic, death will occur.

Longevity- Short

Y-1- If lord of 8th is in company of lord of Ascendant and a malefic is posted in 6 or 8 or 12th house, short life is indicated.

Y-2- Lord of Ascendant in company of Rahu or Ketu if posted in 6th or 8th, or 12th house, indicates short life.

Y-3- If there is another malefic in company of lord of Ascendant and Rahu or Ketu, death will occur in the major period of dispositor or the malefic posted in 8th or one of the planets in conjunction of lord of Ascendant.

Atma-Pinda- Lord of 10th in 9th or vice-versa, whilst lord of Ascendant is with a benefic, the native will be performing the ceremony for his ancestors, whereby he will offer Atma-Pinda in Gaya.

Long life

If lords of 8th and Ascendant and Saturn are involved, or connected with a benefic “Yoga” operating on the horoscope, long life is indicated provided Rahu is not Involved.


If lord of 10th is with Rahu and any other planet(s), and they are all posted in 6 or 8 or 12th house, death will occur in the sub period of Rahu in the major period of the planet in association with lord of 10th or the dispositor of Lord of 10th.

Death of Sunstroke

If lord of Ascendant is debilitated or in enemy house or in 8th in conjunction of a benefic, the native will die of Sunstroke at an early age.


Y-1- If lord of Ascendant is in Ascendant and lord of 8th in 8th, then the death will occur in the major period of one of these and in sub period of the other; death is also likely in major periods of benefic but in sub periods of lords of 1st, or 8th house.

Y-2- Should the major period of lord of 8th, be running at birth, death is likely in sub period of lord of Ascendant.

Y-3- If either lord of 1st or 8th house is posted in company of Saturn is either in 5th or 9th or quadrant, death will occur in the major period of the weakest planet involved in the yoga.

Y-4- If weak lord of 8th is conjunct, with another planet and is posted in quadrant or trine, death will occur in the major period of lord of 8th house.


Y- In the major period of Saturn posted in Ascendant or 8th house, the native will suffer various adversities.


Y-1- If lord of Ascendant and 8th are posted in company of another planet in quadrant or trine, death is likely in major period of the planet posited in 8th, if any.

Y-2- If lord of Ascendant along with a malefic planet is posted in 8th, death will occur in the major period of, the weaker of the two in the 8th house.


Shanker Adawal

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