Dr. Shanker Adawal
Y-1- The native is sinful, if the 4th house is occupied by & aspected by malefic or is located in between malefic or if the lord of the 4th house is in malefic Sastiamsa (1 of 60th division) and is well aspected.
Y-2- The man is much sinful, if the 4th house is associated with many malefic & its lord is in an inimical sign or eclipsed with Saturn.
Enjoyments in life with secure source of income
Y-1- The native has many enjoymens in life, if in the 4th house there are signs of strong Venus, Moon, Mercury or Jupiter & the sign is aspected by or associated with benefic.
Y-2- The native enjoys much in life, if Venus is in the 4th house aspected by Mercury or it is in between benefic planets, or is in Gopur etc, Amsha.
Y-1- The native falls in water near the well, if the lord of the 4th, house is in its sign of debilitation, or eclipsed, or is in inimical sign indicating water, & is weak.
Y-2- The man gets drowned, if the lord of the Lagna is located in the 4th house, in weakness, in its sign of debilitation, or eclipsed or is with malefic & if the lord of the 4th house is associated with a watery planet & is weak.
Y-3- The man falls in well, river, tank etc, if the lord of the 4th is located in the 4th house along with the lord of the Lagna and is aspected by the lord of the 10th house.
Y-4- The man falls in well, river etc, if the lord of the sign occupied by the lord of the 4th house, is associated with or aspected by the lord of the 4th house, the native falls in well, river etc.
Injury by Stone
Y-1- The native is injured by stone, if the fourth house contains Sun and Mars & is in association with or aspected by the lord of the 10th house or by the lord of the 4th house.
Y-2- The native is injured by stone, if the lord of the 4th house is associated with Saturn and Rahu and aspected by Mars & is without any benefic aspect.
Sexual Perversity
Y-1- The native cohabits with his mother, if Moon or Venus is in angle & is associated with or aspected by malefic planets, is in malefic Navamsa, & located in the 6 signs following its sign of exaltation.
Y-2- The native will have criminal intercourse with a woman that is like a mother to him, if Moon is associated with and aspected by malefic, Sun is in angle, a malefic planet is in the 4th house under aspect of a malefic, the native cohabits with his mother.
Y-3- The native cohabits with his mother, if the lord of the 4th house is with malefic & aspected by malefic & has no benefic aspect on it & if the lord of the Lagna is weaker than the lord of the 7th house.
Y-4- The native cohabits with his elder sister or with a woman to be treated like a mother, if the lord of the 7th house is in the 4th house with malefic & aspected by malefic or is in malefic Sastiamsa (1 of 60th division) the native cohabits.
Y-5a- The native will commit adultery with his sister, if Saturn is in the 4th house with malefic and aspected by malefic, and the native commits such sin.
Y-5b- The native will commit adultery with his sister, if there are malefic in the 4th house located in malefic Sastiamsa.
Y-6- There is doubt in the chastity of the mother, if Moon is in association with the lord of the 6th house and Mars is in the 4th house, and if the lord of the Navamsa occupied by Moon is also with malefic and aspected by malefic.
Y-7a- There is doubt in the chastity of the mother, if the lord of the 4th house is with Rahu, Saturn, Sun & malefic planet, and
Y-7b- There is doubt in the chastity of the mother, if the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 4th house is similarly afflicted by malefic.
Y-8- The native has a chaste mother, if the lord of the 4th house is in Lagna in strength & aspected by Jupiter, Moon, Sun, Mercury or Venus, & is located in “Visheshika” Amsha with good aspect.
Shanker Adawal
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