Dr. Shanker Adawal
Horoscopy of Women
The same predictive principles will apply to the horoscope of women as to the horoscope of men; but the effects which are suitable will alone affect women and the rest will affect their husbands. According to some, all the effects will affect the husband. Effects which can be enjoyed by both will affect both. Such effects as high appointments in the state will affect the husband and matters connected with the body will affect the woman only. Hence the men are advised for marrying a girl born under excellent planetary Yogas.
The death of the husband shall be determined from the 8th house (from the Ascendant) in the horoscope of a woman. Matters connected with the physique of a woman shall be determined from the rising sign and the sign occupied by the Moon and matters connected with her fortune and her husband shall be determined from the 7th house.
Views extracted from other authorities in this regard:-
(a). Whatever effects have been declared for men, they are entirely applicable to women too, or to their husbands. The woman’s prosperity and happiness have to be deducted from the 8th house (from the Lagna or the Moon whichever is stronger). Consideration of children should be made from the 9th house and matters relating to her appearance, looks etc, should be examined from the Lagna. It is from the 7th house that her welfare (power of influencing the husband) and the (nature of the husband) should be assessed, while her association with other men and chastity should be assessed from an examination of the 4th house. Benefic in these houses produce good results while malefic in the above houses are productive of evil unless they happen to own the house in which the effect will be good.
(b) From the 8th house her widowhood can be deducted while the ascendant deals with her physique, the 7th house with her husband’s good fortunes and the 5th house with her offspring.
(c) Whatever effect may occur from the horoscope of female that is applicable only to men, should be ascribed to the husband. The good and evil affecting their person should be calculated from the Moon and the Lagna whichever of them is stronger. It is from the 7th place from the Lagna or the Moon that all that is worthy or unworthy in the husband should be ascertained and the death of the husband is foretold through the 8th bhava (from the Lagna or the Moon). All this should be well, weighted by the strength or weakness of the planets, benefic and malefic, before an announcement is made.
Of the Lagna and the Moon, find which is stronger. It is well reference to the luck, beauty and strength of women should be announced. Children and wealth in abundance should be declared through the 9th bhava there from. Marital happiness or otherwise should be gathered from the 8th bhava: husband’s fortune from the 7th. Some astrologers opine that the well being or the reverse of the husband can be determined from the 9th bhava.
Some hold that widowhood is found out through the 8th bhava.
Beauty, fame and fortune through the Lagna, the son through the 5th, ascertain as well exceeding tranquility of women through the planets occupying the 9th bhava. All else whether due to the bhavas or yogas are the same in regard to both men and women.
(d) The physique of the woman should be ascertained from the Lagna, offspring from the 5th, happiness of the husband from the 7th and widowhood form 6th. Those effects which are not applicable to women should be ascertained to their husbands.
Note: On two of the various matters described above.
(1). Whether the effects not applicable to women should be ascertained to their husbands.
(2) From which house should we examine matter relating to children.
(1) As regards (1) The times have now completely changed and women now enjoy equal opportunities in all fields. Now women are holding high posts in the scientific, engineering, financial and administrative spheres. We are, therefore, of the view that the effects of Raja Yogas, Adhi yogas, etc., present in their horoscopes should be applicable to them and not to their husbands. They can apply to husbands in case they are entirely dependent on them.
As regards (2) the most appropriate and logical house from which the matter of children should be examined, is the 5th house and in this sphere no distinction should be made between male’s and female’s horoscope. The view of Parasara should be treated as the most authoritative.
2. If the rising sign and the sign occupied by the Moon be even signs the woman will be of, a true feminine character and if such signs be aspected by benefic planets, she will be virtuous and modest and will wear ornaments. According to some, virtues will be her ornaments. But if such signs be odd, the woman will possess a masculine shape and will be of a masculine character; and if they be either occupied or aspected by malefic planets she will be wicked and will possess few virtues.
If either the rising sign or the sign occupied by the Moon be odd or even, while the other sign is even or odd, the woman will partake of the character of a male and a female. A similar remark applies when one of the signs is occupied or aspected by a malefic or a benefic planet and the other by a benefic or a malefic planet.
3. When the rising sign or the sign occupied by the Moon at the time of birth of a woman is either Aries or Scorpio, if the rising Trimsamsa or the Trimsamsa occupied by the Moon be that of Mars, she will become unchaste before marriage; if it be that of Saturn, she will lead a life of servitude. If it be that of Jupiter she will be chaste; if it be that of Mercury, she will be deceitful; and if it be that of Venus, she will be of bad character.
4. When the rising sign or the sign occupied by the Moon at the time of birth of a woman is either Taurus or Libra, if the rising Trimsamsa or the Trimsamsa occupied by the Moon be that of Mars, she will be of bad conduct; if it be that of Saturn, she will marry a second time; if it be that of Jupiter, she will possess good qualities; if it be that of Mercury, she will be skilled in music and dance; and if it be that of Venus, she will possess all good qualities and will be of wide-spread fame. Again when the rising sign or the sign occupied by the Moon at the time of birth of a woman is either Gemini or Virgo, if the rising Trimsamsa or the Trimsamsa occupied by the Moon be that of Mars, she will be deceitful; if it be that of Saturn, she will partake of the nature of a hermaphrodite; if it be that of Jupiter, she will be chaste; if it be that of Mercury, she will possess many good qualities: and if it be that of Venus, she will, out of lust, commit adultery.
5. When the rising sign or the sign occupied by the Moon at the time of birth of a women is Cancer, it the rising Trimsamsa or the Trimsamsa occupied by the Moon be that of Mars, she will be of an independent nature; if it be that of Saturn, she will murder her husband; if it be that of Jupiter, she will possess many good qualities; if it be that of Mercury, she will be skilled in works of art; and if it be that of Venus, she will be of bad character.
When the rising sign or the sign occupied by the Moon at the time of birth of a woman is Leo, if the rising Trimsamsa or the Trimsamsa occupied by the Moon be that of Mars, she will be of a masculine nature (a). If it be that of, Saturn, she will commit adultery; if it be that of Jupiter, she will be the wife of a king; if it be that of Mercury, she will be of a masculine nature; and if it be that of Venus, she will commit adultery with a person of low caste.
When the rising sign or the sign occupied by the Moon at the time of birth of a woman is either Sagittarius or Pisces, if the rising Trimsamsa or the Trimsamsa occupied by the Moon be that of Mars, she will possess many good qualities; if it be that of Saturn, she will not indulge much in sexual union; if it be that of Jupiter, she will possess many good qualities; if it be that of Mercury, she will be a woman of knowledge; talkative, according to some other reading, and if it be that of Venus, she will not be chaste.
When the rising sign or the sign occupied by the Moon at the time of birth of a woman is either Capricorn or Aquarius, if the rising Trimsamsa or the Trimsamsa occupied by the Moon be that of Mars, she will lead a life of servitude; if it be that of Saturn, she will join a person of low caste; if it be that of Jupiter, she will be attached to her husband; if it be that of Mercury, she will be wicked; and if it be that of Venus, she will be warren.
6. The effects described for the rising Trimsamsa or those described for the Trimsamsa occupied by the Moon will come to pass according as the rising sign or the sign occupied by the Moon is more powerful than the other.
7. If at the time of birth of a woman, Saturn and Venus occupy each other’s Navamsa and aspect each other, or, if the rising sign be either Taurus or Libra and the rising Navamsa be that of Aquarius, the woman will quench the poisonous fire of her strong lustful desires by means of other women assuming a masculine character.
8. If, at the time of birth of a women, the 7th house from the rising sign or from the sign occupied by the Moon be not occupied by planets, and if such house be weak and not aspected or occupied by benefic planets, the husband of the woman will be wicked; if such 7th house be occupied by Mercury or Saturn the husband will be impotent; if such 7th house be in a movable sign, the husband will be travelling in foreign lands;) if it be a fixed sign the husband will remain in his place and if it be a common sign, he will travel to foreign lands but will be returning to his place every now and then, if such 7th house be occupied by the Sun, the woman will be rejected by her husband; if it be occupied by Mars and aspected by malefic planets, she will become a widow while young; and if it be occupied by Saturn and aspected by malefic planets, she will remain unmarried to an old age.
9. If the 7th house, from the rising sign or from the sign occupied by the Moon at the time of birth of a woman, be occupied by several malefic planets, the woman will become a widow; if such 7th house be occupied by several benefic and malefic planets she will quit her husband and marry another person; and if such 7th house be occupied by a malefic planet, either the Sun or Mars or Saturn, be weak, and be aspected by a benefic planet, either Mercury or Jupiter or Venus, the woman will be rejected by her husband.
If Venus and Mars occupy each other’s Navamsa the woman will commit adultery; and if the 7th house from the rising sign be occupied by the Moon, Venus and Mars, she will commit adultery with the permission of her husband.
10. If at the time of birth of a woman the rising sign be that of Saturn-Capricorn or Aquarius or Mars- Aries or Scorpio, and if it be occupied by the Moon and Venus and aspected by malefic planets, the woman and her mother will commit adultery; if the setting Navamsa be that of Mars and if the setting sign be aspected by Saturn, the woman will possess a diseased genital organ; and if the setting Navamsa be that of a benefic planet the woman will possess a fine genital organ and will become an agreeable wife.
11. If, at the time of birth of a woman, the setting sign or the setting Navamsa be that of Saturn, the husband of the woman will be an old man and a fool; if such sign or Navamsa be that of Mars, the husband will be of irritable temper but will be attached to his wife. If such sign or Navamsa be that of Venus, the husband will be beautiful and fond of his wife; if such sign of Navamsa be that of Mercury, the husband will be learned and intelligent.
Note- In this and in the next stanza, it is presumed that the 7th house is unoccupied by planets.
12. If the setting sign or the setting Navamsa at the time of birth of a woman be that of the Moon, the husband will be full of lustful desires and a quiet nature. If such sign or Navamsa be that of Jupiter, the husband will possess courage and other virtues and will have a control over his passions and desires; if such sign or Navamsa be that of the Sun, the husband will be of very soft nature and will engage in many works.
According to some, the reading of this portion of the text is Ratikarma instead of Atikarma, in which case the meaning is that the husband will indulge much in sexual union. Again, if the setting sign be that of one planet and the setting Navamsa be that of another planet, the effects described for such sign or Navamsa, whichever is powerful, will come to pass.
13. If, at the time of birth of a woman, the rising sign be occupied by the Moon and Venus, the woman will be envious of the prosperity of other persons and will be greatly mindful of her comforts; if the rising sign be occupied by the Moon and Mercury, the woman will be learned in the fine arts, will be in the enjoyment of comfort and will possess many good qualities; if the rising sign be occupied by Venus and Mercury, the woman will be beautiful, much liked by her husband and learned in music, vocal and instrumental; if the rising sign be occupied by the Moon, Mercury and Venus, the woman will be in the enjoyment of immense wealth and comfort and possessed of many good qualities. If the rising sign be occupied by Mercury, Jupiter and Venus, the same remarks apply.
14. If at the time of birth of a woman, the 8th house from the Ascendant be occupied by a malefic planet, the woman will become a widow and the widowhood will occur after marriage, in the Sub-period of the planet whose Navamsa is occupied by the lord of such 8th house. If the 8th house be occupied by a malefic planet and if the 2nd house be occupied by a benefic planet, the woman will die before her husband and if the Moon occupoy sign Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus or Leo, she will have very few sons after marriage.
15. If, at the time of birth of a woman, Saturn be either powerful nor weak, the Moon, Venus and Mercury weak, and the Sun, Mars and Jupiter be powerful and the rising sign be odd, the woman will be of a masculine character, according to some, the woman will enjoy many men.
If, at the time of birth of a woman, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury be powerful and if the rising sign be an even sign, the woman will be of widespread fame, will be vastly learned and learned also in the Science of Divinity.
16. If, at the time of birth of a woman, the 7th house from the rising sign be occupied by a malefic planet while the 9th house is occupied by some planet, i.e. woman will, without doubt, become an ascetic of the class belonging to the planet occupying such 9th house, and any other effects described for planets occupying the 7th house will fail.
Note: All that has been said above apply to the positions of the planets at the time of promise of gift of girl in marriage, of such gift and of marriage, also at the time of query. Provided such effects do not clash against the effects for placement of planets in the natal chart of the native.
Shanker Adawal
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