There is no accurate pattern of mysterious nature – how good you can predict?

No act of the Almighty God is bereft of prudence everything
in the phenomenal world is wrapped in mysteries of nature. Every phenomenon
comes into existence along with the causes of its continuance and mortality. An
exhaustive study of classical treatises and authentic laws and principles may
lead  us to  believe that the masters of this science and
erudite scholars who  were recognized in
the eastern world from Greece and Egypt to 
India unveiled its secrets in the best 
possible manner through  their
knowledge and wisdom. Mathematical calculations resemble celestial movements
observed by an astrologer on whose basis, he depicts what has happened in one’s
own life and what is to happen in the present and the  future. Neither one’s life span is sufficient
to  get 
mastery  over  such  a
vast discipline nor there is a scholar 
or a translator who  could put it  all in a nutshell. Its experiences and
observation are so enormous that a good deal of time will be required to bring
it to record. However, every possible effort will be made not to leave any  of its aspects untouched. They make such
revelations when ordinary people do 
not  know what  will happen the next  moment. For example, one who  casts a spell awaits the ominous and
auspicious junctures of  stars.

It  is a common
knowledge that  nothing  happens against one’s destiny. However,
to  shed light  on the word 
destiny  the divines have
established some principles through 
which  one can get  his fortune and other  matters depicted. Destiny  is not 
inscribed on a plaque.To  attain
its knowledge the Almighty  God has
fixed  celestial movement  on the pivotal point with  such  a
light  under  whose impact all planets clearly predict the
future life. Greatness of Almighty  God
is beyond description. Human prediction is unable to  understand His mystery. Those who  possess knowledge of astrology reveal pain
and pleasure wrapped in the circumstances of one’s life through  auspicious and ominous movements of stars.
They  make such revelations when ordinary  people do 
not  know what  will happen to  them the next 
moment. One who  casts a spell
awaits the auspicious and ominous junctures of stars by  absorbing celestial influences into
earthly  or  mundane substance. Experts of the art of  Sarodha depict the good and bad consequences
by observing  the pattern of one’s
breathing. Practitioners  of  mesmerism exercise their  spiritual and occult power. Those having  the knowledge of Ramal and Jafar  find the ways of solving  problems trough sixteen shapes and detection
of intention and volition. Practitioners of magic enthrall people by  tricks. Believers in Samudrak add
physiognomy  depict one’s  strengths and weaknesses and good and bad
circumstances of his life through 
observing lines of palm and body 
structure and its features. The experts of different disciplines of this
divine principle have made use of their skills as a ladder of  progress and, thus, has made a great
revolution in the present  era. However,
those having full command over this science are very rare.

Astrology  and
Astrology and astronomy 
are based on observation of stars. Probably, among the existing spheres
of knowledge there is no  science as
great  as astrology. It has been given
the highest place among  occult  sciences (ghat shastras). The knowledge of
invisible and hidden circumstances of life or death and beginning  or end of 
an activity and its good and bad outcomes. This science has been
prevalent in Arya-vrat  since ancient  time. Authentic books written end compiled by
sages and seers in the Sanskrit language are numerous. They are testimony  to  the
truthfulness of  this science. Astrology
and astronomy the two  precursors of  mathematics are mostly  studied in India. However, they  became 
extinct  due to  taking a lack of interest in the knowledge of
Hindu  principles. The Brahmins did
not  pay 
much  attention to the
attainment  of such knowledge. When the
knowledge of Sanskrit dwindled, it 
became necessary to write this science in Sanskrit  language, Urdu in a simple diction for the
benefit  of masses in olden days. Now a
days, people proficient in grammar (vyakaran) and Sanskrit are rarely found. In
fact, such a treasure of knowledge is hidden in this language that may  reveal hitherto  unheard  
and unseen mysteries of  both  the past 
and the future.

Dr. A. Shanker

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