Bhrigu Samhita: Basic Astrology, Part – 82


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Wife partner

The partner (wife) may come from a high and renowned family

(Venus is in Aries the sign of exaltation of Sun).


Success in his life and it lasts up to 58-60 years.

(In 5th round transiting Taurus sign between Venus and Sun Mercury so success will be there especially from Scorpio, Capricorn and onwards).


May cause accidents

Venus in Aries.

Noble profession and happy peaceful life.

With a noble profession this native will live a very happy and peaceful life

Ketu in 2nd house to Saturn aspecting Sun’s house.

Chart No. 60

Intellectual type

Native is high intellectual type

In this chart Venus and Mercury are combined in Taurus

Brave valorous man

He becomes a (Brave) valorous man

With Sun in 2nd house there from (Mercury + Venus)

Father’s profession

Native’s father employed in a government factory of machines

The place of Mars and Rahu in Leo two houses away from Sun. (Mars is for machinery Rahu and being in Leo the royal sign. The combination in 2 houses away from Sun in Leo happens to be 3rd house which also indicates government).

Service entry, rise etc. and marriage

Native enters service at 25and rise up during 26 and 28 and will get married

(Jupiter transiting Ketu with aspect of Rahu, Mars in Leo Rahu aspect from Leo means gate and so entry into service).

Rise – however entry into service when Jupiter transit natal Saturn and promotion transiting Ketu with Mars means 24-25 and 25-26. Rise again when Jupiter transit Mercury and Venus at 28 and at this place marriage also takes place as Venus being transited by Jupiter.

The disciple observed this chart to be very peculiar with Saturn and Jupiter on one side of Ketu, with Moon and Mars on one side of Rahu and Venus and Mercury at the back of Sun Gemini. It tells a story of sin by the mother.

The person is prosperous but much cannot be said of their mother and the birth. A similar horoscope is analyzed earlier. Moon is in the grip of tamoguni Rahu and Mars supports with Sun helpless and losing its royal nature. Sun Lord of Leo (King) is not there. It is occupied by Moon (queen) alongwith Mars Virgo brother. Rahu, a tamoguni (darkness of lower nature) planet has imprisoned queen Moon. This is a story of sins.

Chart No. 61

Chart No. 61

Father’s job

Father holds a low government job

Sun is in his headquarters Leo (own house) along with Rahu (the door keeper).


Intellect itself a foe

In the 2nd house Mars and Mercury indicate intellect itself being a foe


Shanker Adawal

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