The astral energy of May, 19, 12 says – Energy level t decide issues will be high – You will be aggressive today. Take care while dealing – if in relationship- you will be in a state of flux – non decisive if you want to break away – practical approach will pay is my view.
Food For The Mind – We often talk sweetly and THAT may not be the intent .This creates negative energy within. It is like we have the room clean but the CUPBOARD is stuffed with clothes etc that fall when opened. The same happens in relationships – one day the cupboard opens and all the negative things come out – we repent later. The best is to stop acting and relate with positivity and do not be a hypocrite – better not to talk if you are not positive for a person. THE THEORY OF THE AURA AROUND/ENERGY AND ATTRACTION IS BASED ON YOUR THOUGHTS AND THE STORAGE YOU HAVE. WE MUST REMEMBER AT THE END PLEASE SEPARATE THE SIN FROM THE SINNER. YOU MAY NOT LIKE BLACK COLOR BUT DOES NOT MEAN THAT ALL THINGS BACK ARE BAD – PRACTICE THIS IN SMALL THINGS REMEMBERING THAT YOU & ALL ARE A REFLECTION OF THE SUPREME AND HAVE HIS QUALITIES OF LOVE – PEACE – HAPPINESS- POWER.