Dr. Shanker Adawal
Dealing in machinery
He will be dealing in machinery
(Saturn having Mars in the 7th house.)
Chart No. 46
No brothers
Saturn in Scorpio with no one placed in the adjoining houses.
(Mercury has Mars ahead of it.)
None to help him
He has none to help him.
(No planet in 7th house to Jupiter)
Spends the earning
He spends away what he earn
Venus is in Aries which is debilitation point for Saturn hence he spends what he earns.
(Saturn is karka for service and Venus represents earning as a result of service. As Venus is in point of debilitation of Saturn so spends what he earns.
He will have girl
As Venus conjunct Rahu
Chart No. 47
Education Medium
Native will have medium education
(Mercury having Mars in the next house)
Serve under someone
At 24 he will start service under some one
(Jupiter transiting natal Jupiter in inimical sign and depositor of Saturn which is 8th from it. In fact Jupiter being depositor of Saturn and 6th from Saturn indicate service under someone when Jupiter is transited by Jupiter at 24)
Will be married at 25.
(Jupiter transiting Venus)
Rise High
He will rise high at 25
(Jupiter transiting over Venus with aspect of Saturn a great friend of Saturn)
He will get better between 36 and 45 year of age.
Disappointment will be in lots.
Venus has Sun next to him and Mars in the next house.
His wife is dogged type. (Venus is having Saturn in the 7th house)
Chart No. 48
Happiness from Father Non-existent.
Native will not see his father for a long time
Saturn and Venus have combined with Sun and Mars. Mars is inimical to Saturn and Venus.
Will have no brothers
Here two things are indicated (i) Father (ii) Brother
Saturn and Venus are friends and Mars to Sun and so the native does not see father for a long time.
Saturn and Venus are friends and Mars in inimical to both and so no brother as Mars is karka for brother.