Bhrigu Samhita: Basic Astrology, Part – 36


Dr. Shanker Adawal


Native father will have some enemies.

Sun had Saturn and Venus in the next houses.

Give him (father) power and he will win over his enemies.

Sun’s transit in that house (Aries) has given him some power as it is his exaltation sign and he will win over his enemies.

Father Pilgrimage

As Ketu is behind Sun in Sagittarius the father will complete pilgrimage. The reason is that Sagittarius is sign of pilgrimage and Ketu in it indicates pilgrimage on par. Sun has passed and transited this sign which means father will complete pilgrimage undertaken by him and as Sun comes in Pisces sign indicating mokshas and so end of terrestrial life.

Mother of the native will have some troubles in her life

Moon is in Canceer with Mars and Rahu behind. The intention is probably Moon has passed over Rahu and the Moon being karka of mother indicates mother has passed trouble. After crossing Rahu, Moon comes with Mars indicating again trouble; thus the result. It was indicated that Rahu being situated behind so troubles for them. (Moon signifying sister and Mars representing brother).


He gets landed property and money.

Sun is having Venus in the house of Mars. Venus (money) and Mars (landed property).

Father Pilgrimage

Father will complete pilgrimage undertaken by him and thereafter end his terrestrial existence.

As seen here Ketu behind him (Sun) in Sagittarius (sign of pilgrimage) and Sun being in watery sign Pisces, again indicating holy places near river. Pisces is a godly sign.

Mother troubles in life

The mother of the native will have some troubles in her life.

As Moon placed in his own house is in conjunction with Mars (karka of troubles) and Rahu behind in Gemini.


Native will take up agriculture and trading, also own some conveyance and live a happy life up to a good old age of seventy. (Saturn in the sign of Mars, Aries with Mercury and so trading and agriculture. Next Rahu in Gemini and Mars along with Moon indicate agriculture. Mars also indicates conveyance. Jupiter transit in 6th place i.e. Aries whose lord Mars is debilitated with Rahu behind it. The 6th round means Jupiter transiting over Venus, Saturn and Mercury and so happy. Seventy means that in the 6th round transit over Aquarius whose lord Saturn is debilitated with friend Mercury and Venus therefore happy ending.

Grand father of the native had money and landed property

Rahu the karka of grand father is always in retrograde motion and so tries to contact Mercury and Venus in previous adjoining house indicating the result.

Chart No. 14


Native will have broken education.

Mercury the giver of education and is in enemy’s camp. Meets Rahu in 2nd house from there and also Mars in the 3rd house.

Property parental

Native to come in possession of parental landed property.

Jupiter being placed in Capricorn along with Mars in exaltation indicates this (Sun in the sign of Mars i.e. Sun karka of father and Mars get connected or Mars becomes depositor of Sun, so parental property).


Shanker Adawal

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