Dr. Shanker Adawal
Elopement of Wife
The person who eloped with the native’s wife is a low caste man.
While the native is busy, Moon moves out and elopes with Venus (conjunct Mars). Moon having received aid from Saturn (opponent of Mars) in debility the person who eloped with native’s wife (Venus) is a low caste man (debilitated Saturn) and so it is said that Moon elopes with Venus. In fact Venus is in its own house and Moon exalted in Taurus so both join because one i.e. Venus owns house and other planet Moon is exalted. Venus and Saturn are natural friends and so Venus (wife of the native) joins Saturn. Thus first an issue is born and then elopement. Birth of the child is first due to presence of combination of Venus and Mars and then elopement due to movement of Moon.
Thus Mars Venus conjunction before the transit of Moon in Taurus, the native wife would have given birth to a male (Mars) child and only later she elopes with the person (Chandala).
Thus as Moon karka of movement has been responsible for elopement and till the time it comes in its own house in Cancer, the wife remains eloped till Venus comes to Cancer the house belonging to Moon where Moon transits from Aries, Taurus and so on. Now when Venus comes to Cancer, it is not good for wife as it is inimical sign and so also when Venus comes to Virgo it conjoins Rahu. Now the Jupiter transits in Cancer, where it is exalted and it is house of Moon, the wife does not come back. When Jupiter comes in Leo, the house of Sun (associated with Jupiter) the wife comes back.
“While native is fighting, Moon moves out and elopes with Venus (conjunct Mars). Moon having received aid from Saturn (opponent Mars) in debility, the person who eloped with the native’s wife (Venus) is a low caste man (debilitated Saturn)” This has been discussed above in various ways. In the first instance it may be noticed that such a combination may be available in so many places but the most important factor is that Venus conjunct Mars come in contact with Saturn (debilitated) conjunct, Mars is depositor of Saturn and Moon and placed in next house to Saturn and Moon. The influence is quick and movement is in the next house. Now we shall examine the story after seeing certain facts.
Birth of child and then Elopement
The native’s wife would have given birth to a male child and only later she goes away with chandalas in elopement.
Question – when Moon and Venus become conjunct in Taurus in a mother child relationship, what does Mars do? Would there be quarrels? The answer is that with Mars Venus conjunction before the transit of Moon in Taurus, the native wife would have given birth to a male child and only later she goes away with chandala in elopement.
Hard Times for the wife
There are hard times for the native’s wife.
Venus transits Cancer in the 3rd year and Virgo in 5th year after elopement (elopement takes place in Taurus sign). These are hard times for the native’s wife as Venus conjunct Rahu in Virgo.
To delineate married life movement of Venus may be done (progress of Venus may be one year for each sign). This elopement has come when Venus was in Taurus. Birth of child takes place first and then because Mars is depositor of Moon and Saturn (debilitated), they produce effect in places where Mars is there i.e. Taurus. Saturn and Venus are friendly and so they join and eloped. Thus Venus elopes with Saturn (chandala) in Taurus and then Venus moves forward and progresses. In Cancer it is not good being inimical sign and so in Virgo because of conjunction with Rahu (karka of miseries). Venus governs married life movements and to unfold mystery and timing one has to study of progress of Venus one year for each sign. This is only if the event is evident and applies for all Karaks.