Mars & Mercury: Various Houses in Bhrigu Nadi – Mercury, Chapter XXVIII, Part – 3


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Mercury + Mars + Jupiter: An educated one, efficiency in managerial posts will be good in accounts (Head Accountant), will have commercial based concern, will have opposite sex affairs, but keeps them secret, enjoys property, good financial positions in the sojourn of life.

Mercury + Mars + Venus: He enjoys good financial position, enjoys landed property, enjoys benefits through opposite sex involvements (aspecting financial one). He will have more affection on sister-in-law’s/other females, rather than on his wife. If the moon is associated with the above planets or if the Moon is in 5th, 7th or 9th aspect to Mercury and Venus, they will have some opposite sex involvements. He enjoys commercial career based profitabilities, intelligents, rupture between husband and wife will be inevitable (but anyhow they would not fail to live together), and if his wife does not treat him smoothly he would not hesitate to have another adjustment (so she must be careful and patient while such type of husband), he generally looks a pious one.

Mercury + Mars + Dragon Head: Generally an intelligent one, but a bit fearful, afraid of opposite sex relations (he would not be prepared to bear accusations due to such affairs) but sometimes darely enjoys opposite sex relations, but there will be disappointments in life.

Mercury + Mars + Dragon Tail: He will have career as a Draftsman will have knowledge/career aspects in law, intelligent, opportunities to become high level administrating officer/IAS good.

Mercury + Mars + Jupiter: Educationally a double-degree holder, but egoistic by nature, proud/passioned one, will not have good liking with brother relations.

Mercury + Mars + Venus: Her husband will be active and generous by nature, enjoys great popularity in social circles. Earnings will be pertaining to financial instruction/banking agencies etc.

Mercury + Mars + Saturn: Husband involving in business affairs, an intellectual one. There will be business activities with blood relatives and their supporter involvement pertaining to partnership type of business activities.

Mercury + Mars + Dragon Head: Husband during the initial stages suffers due to extreme hardship, later on by intelligent shines well in the field of commerce etc.

Mercury + Mars + Dragon Tail: A saint life will be better than becoming servant of wife (i.e. what this combination indicates). Husband will not be suitable for marriage life.

Mercury + Mars + Sun: Husband will be an intellectual one, dignified, but sometimes behaves like a burning fire (as if ash covering the burning coal). Enjoys success in governmental lines.

Mercury + Mars + Moon: Husband will have artistic nature, enjoys social reputation. Quite often will have sexual affairs.

Mercury + Mars + Jupiter: Husband will be highly able knowledge, sportive, quick and contemplation type. As far as career is concerned, enjoys good fortune and administrative positions (like an engineer, manager etc.). Sometimes his power of discretion will be poor and his wife will have to exercise lot of tolerance to be in peace with her husband.

Mercury + Mars + Saturn: Husband will be intellectual, besides quite a hard worker.

Nature of Wife through Permutation & Combination

Mercury + Venus + Sun: She hails from a good family background, rupture between husband and wife is inevitable.

Mercury + Venus + Moon: Wife will have intuitional powers, quite an intelligent one, will have artistic nature, husband will be discordant, non co-operating one, he will have other female involvements.


Shanker Adawal

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