Dr. Shanker Adawal
Doctors and humour have been listed as being ruled by Mercury because in a neutral horoscope the Sixth House which covers ill health and also good humour is ruled by Mercury. Overall wealth cannot be considered the domain of the Third or Sixth House so on the wealth front I believe that only the number of cattle a man owns can be considered to be influenced by Mercury.
Sarvarthachintamani: He says that mercury influences child bearing which is right if you consider that this is in the domain of the Third House but since it is this very writer who asserts that Mercury is gender neutral I feel the connection cannot be clearly established between Mercury and progeny. On the other hand since grace, peace and devotion are all subjects vested in the Third House I feel it is quite all right to concede the ruler ship of Mercury over these. Similarly since caste is in the arena of the third house, Mercury has a large control over this too.
Pragya: The intellect that devotes itself to meditating over God is termed Pragya. It would be wrong to suggest that this is ruled by Mercury as this planet actually controls the materialistic and worldly aspects of intellect. However, Mercury in Gemini and in the Third House can be a factor influencing those who are experts in debating Vedanta and other scriptures.
Vidhyaranya: This has mostly been discussed above. Mercury is the significator for epistemology, philosophy, metaphysics, logic, psychology and pure science.
Gunakar: Most of what he said is already covered in the debate on Baidhyanath.
Jeevanath: Poetic talent and mastery over the muses and arts is all the domain of the Third House and hence it is apt to conclude that these are ruled by Mercury. However, this works only if Mercury is in a harmonious alignment with Neptune. If Mercury is alone in the ascendant, Fifth House, Seventh House or Ninth House the person is courteous. If Mercury in Gemini is in the Third House the person excels in arts and is also capable of enlightenment.
Mantreshwara: Everything he has said has been covered in the debates of other writers and I suspect much of what he has lad down has been influenced by the Jataka Parijata scriptures.
Kalidas: Of all his writings I believe what merits debate is Mercury’s influence on maternal grandmother, nightmares, speech, oratory, the unusual, thought, fear, sweetmeats, and linguistics of Andhra Pradesh, magical languages, legislative ability and occult sciences. Mercury’s connection to the grandmother has not been explained. In my view since the mother’s place is the Fourth House, her mother would be influenced by the Fourth House from the Fourth House which astrologically should be the Seventh House. In a neutral horoscope this space is dominated by Venus though some astrologers assert that the Seventh House is ruled by Ketu. Though I do not find any truth in Mercury’s influence over nightmares, this could possibly be correct as there are some suggestions to indicate that Mercury might have an influence of sorts over the Sixth House.
Since Mercury does dominate Virgo it would be correct to say that it influences trade, it is also unclear why Mercury’s influence over architectural marvels or skyscrapers is mentioned but Mercury in the Fourth House could be a significator for house acquisition. Most Indian doctors are born under the signs of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius and of these the most common is Gemini but alternative medicine is the domain of the Sixth House and so is fear. It is correct to ascribe the influence of Mercury in its rulership of the Third House to being the significator for sweetmeats, magical languages, ancient scriptures, shudra professions and legislation.
William Lily: Most of the subjects he ascribes to the rulership of Mercury are indeed the domain of the Third House. The exceptions are traders, thieves, couriers and servants who are the domain of the Sixth House. I disagree with him that Mercury has any influence over grain or clothing as these are neither covered by the Third House nor the Sixth House. Regarding what Indian writers have laid down about the influence of Mercury on illness, I have not observed anything so far to bear them out as correct. Only Lily is right on that front.