Dr. Shanker Adawal
13. Mars, Venus, Mars: 17-20-00 – 18-6-40.
Venereal distemper, Syphilis.
14. Mars, Venus, Rahu: 18-6-40 – 20-6-40.
Leucoderma, Leprosy.
15. Mars, Venus, Jupiter: 20-6-40 – 21-53-20.
Diseases in the secret parts of the body.
16. Mars, Venus, Saturn: 21-53-20 – 25-00-00.
Venereal distemper, Catarrh in the heed, Mucus.
17. Mars, Venus, Mercury: 24-00-00 – 25-53-20.
Sexual side.
18. Mars, Venus, Ketu: 25-5-20 – 26-40-00.
Leucoderma, Syphilis, poor vision, catarrh.
19. Mars, Sun, Sun: 26-40-00 – 27-20-00.
Plague, brain fever.
20. Mars, Sun, Moon: 27-20-00 – 28-26-40.
Muscular body, poxes.
21. Mars, Sun, Mars: 28-26-40 – 29-13-20.
Sharp fever, Malaria, eruptive fever, Cerebral Meningitis, injury.
22. Mars, Sun, Rahu: 29-13-20 – 30-00-00
Plague, Filaria, Fire accident burns in the body.