Mars & Mercury: Mars – Various Houses in Bhrigu Nadi, Chapter IX, Part – 4


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Method of Judging Husband’s career though the combination of planets

Mars + Sun + Mercury: He will sportive by nature, will have traveling career in commercial lines, connecting voernment.

Mars + Sun + Jupiter: He will be courageous, enjoys good reputation, an able administrator, reputation in government circle/society.

Mars + Sun + Venus: Enjoys beneficial aspects through wife’s side, fair looking, enjoys a luxurious life.

Mars + Sun + Saturn: He will have aw government career, enjoys beneficial aspects through governmental channels.

Mars + Sun + Dragon Head: He is generally good, but sometimes behaves like a `don’t care for anybody master’. A fearless native, enjoys gains in electronic/electrical career.

Mars + Sun + Dragon Tail: He hails from a divine oriented family, enjoys profitability in governmental career, enjoys social and political name and fame.

Mars + Moon + Sun: He will have career in government sides in different places (subject to transfers), looks fair, enjoys respectability, enjoys profitability in governmental career, enjoys social and political name and fame.

Mars + Moon + Sun: He will have career in governmental sides in different places (subject to transfers), looks fair, enjoys respectability, enjoys gains (profitability) in distant/different places.

Mars + Moon Mercury: He will be a good, attractive person and a good speaker, does not believe that he has to depend only on his wife, enjoy profitability through green lands, food products, a bit liar, will have artistic knowledge, will have institutional powers, will have foreign travel in business activities.

Mars + Moon + Jupiter: He will be intelligent, although suffers impediments in educational lines, still a brilliant fellow, enjoys opposite sex involvements enjoys foreign honour.

Mars + Moon + Venus: Generally a good fellow, but will have suspicion on his wife, earnings through artistic lines, luxurious materials, does not care to work hard, but makes money exclusively, will have a little cheating nature, enjoys financial facilities through foreign transaction.

Mars + Moon + Saturn: Suffers due to bad association, suspicious by nature, would like to have his wife, only when he is whimsical (not always), would not care to work properly/steadily in any place, a wanderer, a rolling stone type, generally inviting (asking for) quarrels, suffers accusations, anyhow having career in different/distant places.

Mars + Moon + Dragon Head: His career connecting Chaya (shade/photo) artistic lines are beneficial, will have traveling aspects, will have (connecting) career in machinery, technical based career, wishes to burn the mid night lamp (a late night worker). Sometimes behaving very foolishly.

Shanker Adawal

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