I have given special Astro- analysis of the Horoscope especially to some Foreigners. The following topics are covered given you the needed predications as well as guidance.
v Graha- Yudha (Planetary War)
Summary of Planets in Exaltation/ Debilitation etc.
Summary of Planets in Exaltation/ Debilitation etc.
Special Combination of Planets, Yogas
Special Combination of Planets, Yogas
Birth Star
Birth Star
Tithi (Lunar Day).
Tithi (Lunar Day).
Nithya Yoda
Nithya Yoda
Lagna (Ascendant)
Lagna (Ascendant)
Lords of Houses
Lords of Houses
Property Education etc.
Property Education etc.
Marriage etc.
Marriage etc.
Fortunate, Prosperity, Inheritance etc.
Fortunate, Prosperity, Inheritance etc.
Planets in different Houses.
Planets in different Houses.
Graha- Yudha (Planetary War)
Planets except the Sun and the Moon enter into war when they are closer than one degree from each other. Although there is difference to opinion regarding which planets win in Graha Yuddha, the concept followed here is that:
Among others, the planet on the Northern side wins.
In your Horoscope, no planet in Graha- Yuddha.
Special combinations of Planets in the Horoscope (Yogas)
Yogas are special combinations of planets in the Horoscope which influence the life and future of a person. Some are formed by simple conjunction of planets, whereas other are based on a complex astrological logic or peculiar placement of planets in the birth chart. Hundreds of combinations and their effects have been described in the ancient astrological texts. While some combinations are good, others may have undesirable effects.
The important combinations identified in your horoscope are listed below with a brief mention of the effects they can have on you: Vasi Yoga- Logic: Planets other than the Moon occupying the 12th House from the Sun gives rise to this Yoga.
This Yoga is present in your horoscope as Saturn and Mercury are in the 12th house. You will be happy, prosperous, liberal and favorites of the Government (Ruling Classes). But result shall be mixed (favorable and unfavorable because of involvement of Saturn).
Vesi Yoga- Logic: Planets other than the Moon occupying the 2nd House from the Sun gives rise to this Yoga.
This Yoga is also present in your Horoscope as Mars and Venus are in the 2nd House from the Sun. You will be fortunate, happy, virtuous, famous and aristocratic. But mixed results are indicated on account of Mars involved in the 2nd House.
Sunapha Yoga- Logic: Planets (Excepting the Sun) situated in the 2nd house from the Moon give rise to this Yoga.
Saturn and Mercury in the 2nd house from the Moon make this Yoga. You will have self- earned property, status like a ruler or a king, expert in mathematics and will have good reputation. Here again mixed results re indicated.
Amala Yoga- Logic: Tenth House from the Moon or Lagna occupied by a benefic.
This Yoga in your cases is formed by the Moon from Lagna. You will achieve lasting fame and will have spotless character and will lead a prosperous life.
Parvartha Yoga- Logic: Lord of Lagna and Lord of 12th House mutually in Kendra position.
This Yoga is not formed in your horoscope.
Mathrumooladhana Yoga- Logic: Lord of the 2nd joins the lord of 4th house. This Yoga is not formed in your Horoscope.
This report describes the influence of planets on your character and life. You may find repetitions or contradictions in the report which only show the inter- active nature of various planets on your life.
Birth Star- Revti-3
Your birth star is ruled by the planet Mercury. You can be recognized immediately out of thousands of persons because of your beautiful figure. You are born with magnificent attractive personality. You have adamant (stubborn) attitude and would like to exercise authority over others. But you are also God fearing, religious minded and sometimes rigid in following orthodox culture. Others may consider you highly superstitious. You have deep interest in arts or literature as well as in mathematics. Right form teacher to a representative of a company, computer engineer etc. would be the beneficial fields for you. And, if you can have influence, you can reach the position of an Ambassador of your country. You will normally have a harmonious married life but you must not marry an Ardra Star Boy if marriage has not taken place yet. You must take care of digestive system and abdominal disorders.
TITHI (LUNAR DAY): 2 (Krishna Paksha)
Expert in law, may get wealth from wife’s side but some difference of opinion and court case cannot be ruled out.
Nithya Yoga: Ayushamn
You will have good health and longevity.
Lagna (Ascendant): Gemini
(Ruled By Mercury)
You were born when Gemini Lagna was rising. Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Being an intellectual, you will be engaged in reading, writing and correspondence. You have the capacity and capability to understand people. You may have the habit of talking more on any subject and you are capable of starting a debate or an argument. Some ups and downs in finances shall be there in life but this need not be taken as such as you must look to the total horoscope and read the other predictive notes given for you. In addition to literary tasks, you may have interest in clubs and places of amusements. You are prone to get worried, at times for nothing, but advised to avoid being double- minded. Reconcile your mind and work for the aim/ object for which you are heading. You may be involved in jobs concerning application of your intellectual capital including in Advertisements, Television, and Computer etc. in which quick thinking/ eloquence is required. You’re Lagna Lord Mercury will ensure that you will have talent for mathematics or astrology. Later in Life, you are likely to have public recognition and you will have association of intellectuals in the field in which you are working.
Your Ascendant (Lagna) Lord Mercury is in the 11th House with Saturn. Mercury is the Lord of 4th House also. You will remain healthy, will have good gains from profession and shall be happy. With hard work, you will become respectful and powerful with obstacles on account of association of Saturn. In addition, gains from mother are also indicated.
Second Lord- The Moon gets to 10th House of Profession leading to earning of high income and wealth with your sweet speech. You will be respected by Government and its officials governed service / contacts shall be beneficial this position makes you fortunate wealth and you will have good morals.
Third Lord – the sun in 12th house may enable you to visit foreign countries. You may have bad relations with co-born and may become anti-parents at times. Though strong and confident but you will also be willful, rash and shall wander to various places.
Forth Lord- Venus is in Lagna with Mars Lagna Lord. This gives you a very beautiful face and figure. You will get good children and you will be learned in Shastrsa- intelligent thinker and clever. Venus is also Lord of 12th House. You may have to incur extra expenditure on yourself and also on medical expenses of father. Foreign tour expenses are also indicated. Others may term you as “extravagant”.
Fifth House- Mars gets to Lagna and you will be in a position to win over enemies, you will be courageous, bold and out- spoken. Mars is also Lord of 11th House. This position makes you to get gains, wealth and have happiness. Interest in poetry/ oratory is indicated as well.
Sixth House- Jupiter as well as 10th Lord is in 5th House. You will hold a very high position and all of your professional plans shall be fruitful. Gains after marriage are indicated. You shall have happy married life and spouse may also be earning. Success in business/ partnership is also indicated. In addition, you will get good children with happy and prosperous life.
Seventh House- Saturn gets to the House of gains i.e. 11th House. You will have to work very hard to get the professional rise and shall have benefit of legacy/ inheritance. Litigation and difference of opinion with co- born cannot be ruled out. Your wealth may be wasted/ spender for some reason or the other. In addition, you may be devoted to elders and also involve in charitable activities and the money on such activities.
Prosperity, Education etc.
You will get wealth and landed properties. You will also accumulate wealth but some type of litigation is also indicated. For getting wealth and income you may have to work faithfully without anger and ego. Earnings from professions connected with automobiles, airplanes, iron, gold, police department etc. are considered beneficial.
With Mercury afflicted by Saturn, some sort of laziness or set back in education is indicated but you will overcome because of Jupiter in the 5th house who can help you to be a learned and respected fellow in law, justice and social- welfare laws with knowledge of Mantras/ Vedas and other subjects including Mathematics.
Marriage etc.
The various aspects of your married life are influenced by the 7th house and also by the 7th lord. In addition, 2nd house, 2nd lord, 4th House, 4th Lord, 12th House, 12th Lord also needs to be considered.
In your case, 7th House belong to a benefic planet Jupiter i.e. the sign of Sagittarius. But there is affliction of Mars on the 7th House and also of Rahu and Saturn on Jupiter.
You have to face some pitfalls in married life from time to time as Saturn and Rahu are inspecting the 7th Lord Jupiter. However, both the parents shall become affluent/ wealthy and both shall work for the benefit of each other. You will be in a position to handle all adverse effects with your God- gifted intelligence. Difference of opinion can also arise on account of your luxurious living. The other point for causing friction may be on account of ‘extra marital’ affairs (Mars- Venus combination). You may also be deprived of ‘comforts of bed’ (without any company) at times.
Fortune, Prosperity, Inheritance etc.
Your Jupiter in the 5th House alone is sufficient to speak of your prosperity and this Jupiter can give wealth, comforts of life, conveyances, children and all the needed assets. But, there may be troubles/ set- backs in getting the same as the Saturn is hard task master and for these material assets, you have to work hard. You must be aware about the jealousies/ conspiracies created by your friends and near ones. You will get contentment from your inner soul and shall have more faith in the God- Almighty. You have the capability to hold a commanding position both at home and office. Advised to comply all laws of the country. Regarding inheritance, there are Yogas for getting inherited property.
Planets in Different Houses
The effects due to the position of planets in different houses of birth chart are outlined below:
The Sun in the 12th House:- The position of the Sun in the 12th House may lead to extra expenditure including hospitalization and visit to foreign countries. You may have to take care of your ailing father. You are likely to be falsely implicated on the need to take care in all of your dealings. No harsh tongue is used so that you may not suffer degeneration. Eye trouble or accidental effect on the left eye is also indicated.
The Moon: – The position of the Moon is considered very well for professional rise. You will be brilliant, would do pious deeds and shall be interested in the study of Shastras. You will move ahead towards your mission with good deeds (Karma) as later in life you will be highly virtuous with study of books on religion. You will have perfection in the works undertaken.
Mars in the 1st House:- Mars and Venus both are in 1st house (Lagna). Apart from sexual appetite, you will be courageous and bold to face the world on any matter. Accident may happen to bring some injuries. Though you are a handsome and velour’s but instability of mind becomes troublesome. You have to faces all evil consequences from your actions.
Mercury:- You will perform auspicious ceremonies and shall acquire wealth. Gains through many sources are indicated and you will be blessed with lucky children. Your Lagna Lord Mercury is very beneficial giving intelligence, wisdom and shall give you a long life.
Jupiter:- You will be highly intelligent with broad eyes and you have the magnetic power of attracting others. You will be blessed with a good number of children who will be prosperous in life. Successful years are 2004, 2013 and 2022. You may turn out to be ‘wisest’ in certain matters.
Venus:- You will become proficient in Mathematics and can give others experts advice. You will be loved and will love the spouse but some pitfalls in married life are indicated. With your lustrous shining body, ornaments and good clothes shall add to your beauty. In the course of time, you will get name, fame wealth, conveyance and all other worldly comforts.
Shanker Adawal
www.shankerstudy.com, www.shankarsastro.com
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