Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)
1) Rudraksha is the other name of Lord Shiva. Rudraksha is the dried fruit if there Rudraksha Tree and there are many type of Rudraksha for which separate discussion shall be made in the series on Rudraksha to follow.
2) Rudraksha trees are found in Himalayas, region, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, Asssam and Java. Normally Rudrakshas are found in four colors : (1) Red, (2) White, (3) Black and (4) Mixed. General dark brown Rudraksha are seem. Further, Rudrakshas are of 38 types and are normally available in 21 facets (Mukhas). The available Rudrakshas are from 1 to 14 and the remaining Rudrakshas with 15 ti 21 faces are rarely found. Even Rudraksha with face 1 only is also rarely available and even if available, after due verification, the cost would range from Rs. 1000/- to 10000/-.
3) Rudraksha Mala (Rosary) is use for offering prayer to the God- Lord shiva. The creator, protector and destroyer Lord Shiva bestows all his blessings on the user of Rudraksha Rosary. Please see that Rudraksha Mala is purified before being used. The prayer with Rudraksha Mala may be started on Monday before Sun-rise after taking bath and Rudraksha should be washed first in clean water and in cow milk. Lit Dhoop/ Agarbati and if possible cotton Gheebatti and hold the Rudraksha beads on the smoke emenating form the Dhoop-batti. Recite the Mantra for particular Rudraksha (wait for next write-up to know the Mantra for each Rudraksha).
4) Tubercled net Rudraksh is seen worn by Hindu mysic, faqirs, and sages and also by the common man elite persons. According to mythology it is stated that the Lord Shiva while meditating for several thousand years, cried and his tears fell on the earth and took shape of Rudraksha (one, two or three pieces and so on) is beneficial and serves as a protection of the native. Rudraksha, a holy bead, has to come to gain traditional importance over centuries.
5) Rudraksha is worshipped on Mondays as Lord Shiva also owns Monday. There is common belief among Hindus that all Mondays during the Lunar month of Sharavana are the divine days of the Lord Shiva. All Mondays falling in the month of Sharavana are considered auspicious and are equally good for wearing Rudraksha.
6) Rudraksha’s botanical name is Elaecoarpus anitrus. It is a medium, size tree that grows upto 60 feet and 4 feet in girth, generally buttressed at the base. The Rudrakshas obtained from the tree are cleaned, polished, and even stained sometimes and then used as beads for rosaies bracelets and other ornamental objects. In India, 25 species are found and the important States are Himalayas in Arunachal-Prades, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and also in the Konkan Ghats.
7) Rudrakshas also serve as an ornament when fifted with tips of gold/silver etc. to beautify the neck, the beads are used in various forms and also are worm around the neck touching the cheat, and also around the waist, around the wrist but they must be near the native’s skin for at least about 12 hours per day. No magic would happen by wearing the Rudraksha. It taken about 45 days for effects of the Rudraksha to reach the inner cells of the body. As a precaution, you are advised not to wear Rudraksha during sex, during menstrual cycles, while eating non-veg food and also while visiting the cremation ground.
8) Health-wise, the Rudraksha is well known to keep blood pressure under control, mental peace, have self-confidence, gives matrimonial harmony, prosperity, mediation, spiritual progress and gives a higher level of consciousness. In Indian system, Rudraksha is also used as a medicine for mental disorders, epilepsy, asthma, arthritis, liver disorder, hypertension etc. it has come to my notice that a report from Philippines suggested that the back of Rudraksha is useful to treat even enlarged spleen.
9) It is unfortunate that authorities had not paid the needed attention to the up-keep of Rudraksha trees. I don’t have any statistics but from the various reports it is seen that the population of Rudraksha trees in India is depleting at an alarming rate because of deforestation and other factors including harvesting of nuts. Since huge quantity of ‘Rudraksha’ is collected from forest floor, it has caused shrinkage in the seed bank for Rudraksha. Further poor germination coupled with a prolonged dormancy period (2 or 3 years) also add to the diminishing of Rudraksha in quantity. As I understand, it is very difficult to raise the seedlings of the Rudraksha in a nersury. I shall be glad if I am enlightened by the readers.
10) Natural dispersal mechanism of the seeds of Rudraksha is not known though it is stated that pulp of a ripe fruit o the Rudraksha is eaten by rats, rabbits, squirrels and other birds.
11) In view of the message of Lord Shiva being spread to all in the modern times including by the serial ‘Om Nama Shivaya’ and also by other films on Lord Shiva, the time has come to imitated the programmers for the quantification of the Rudraksha trees in undisturbed and disturbed forests. In view of fast depletion, it is time to explore some easy and neutral methods for germination to help maintain the quantity and quality of Rudraksha for the benefit and quality of Rudraksha for the benefit of humanity at large.
Shanker Adawal
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