Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)
1) I have already written broad details about the nature of profession/business to be determined with reference to birth chart and the houses to be considered for determining the nature of business. Normally it has been seen that the consulter would like to know what business/ profession would be suitable from. Him apart from other factors 10th house and 10th Lord are the most important. Now a reference shall be made to more minute details.
2) Nakshtra in which the person is born is equally important for the nature of business/ profession. As per certain classics, each Nakshtra has a different story to tell about the native with regards to his education and profession. As is known, there are 27 Nakshtras apart from Abhijit I will broadly deal with important factor.
I. Taking Aswini, Magha and Mula ruled by Ketu gives different profession when with Mars, Sun and Jupiter. This combination speaks of high position of females including joining of Administrative Service. Literary pursuits, artists, writers, doctors are produced by this combination.
II. Bharani, Purva-Phalguni and Purvashada ruled by Venus gives different results when associated with mars, Sun and Jupiter. This combination in general becomes responsible for tobacco business, doctors. Females under this combination have been seen to be Lecturers, bankers, and teachers. Religious preachers also are produced by this combination.
III. Kritika, uttaraphalguni and Uttarashada ruled by the Sun gives different results when in association with Venus, Mercury and Saturn. Engineers, doctors, financers, advertisement business and service in Universities and education institutions/ research institutions come under this combination. Ladies generally get to small scale industry, hospitals, models./actresses and also in banks and financial institutions.
IV. Rohini, Hasta and Saravana ruled by the Moon gives different results when associated with Venus, Mercury and Saturn. Rohini born are normally ‘Jack of all and master of none, Generally chemical engineers, mechanical persons, industry and petroleum products come under this combination. Ladies get to service in hotels, agriculture, Psychlogy, dance ad fine arts.
V. Mrigsara, Chitra and Dhanishta ruled by Mars when associated with Venus, Mercury and Saturn give different results. Under this combination, company directors, financial advisers engineers/ textile technologists and scientists and historians come. For ladies, fine art/social service, nurses, actresses, lecturers are the normal fields.
VI. Ardra, Swati and Satbhisa are ruled by Rahu. It is not necessary that Rahu always gives bad results. It depend on its placement (some say it is exalted in Taurus and others say it is exalted in Gemini). Without entering into this discussion, it would suffice to say that when associated with Mercury, Venus and Saturn, it gives the profession of research work, shipping transport, goldsmith, drug sellers (chemists) and even astrology. For females. Electronics, drugs, sales – girls and in some cases lady doctors are indicated.
VII. Punarasu, Visakha and Purvabhadrapada is ruled by Jupiter when associated with Moon, Mars and Jupiter. Generally, theatre, arts, commerce, chemicals/drugs, books on history or prolonged articles come under this combination. For ladies, income for landed property, secretive agency, music, dance, typing work and teaching are indicated.
VIII. Ashlesha, Jeyshtha and Revti ruled by Mercury is capable of giving various professions when, Mars and Jupiter. Military/ Police Department, oil and liquids, trading, ancient culture including astrology and astronomy come under this combination. Females are expected to be telephone operators, receptionists and in some cases having administrative jobs.
I. Taking Aswini, Magha and Mula ruled by Ketu gives different profession when with Mars, Sun and Jupiter. This combination speaks of high position of females including joining of Administrative Service. Literary pursuits, artists, writers, doctors are produced by this combination.
II. Bharani, Purva-Phalguni and Purvashada ruled by Venus gives different results when associated with mars, Sun and Jupiter. This combination in general becomes responsible for tobacco business, doctors. Females under this combination have been seen to be Lecturers, bankers, and teachers. Religious preachers also are produced by this combination.
III. Kritika, uttaraphalguni and Uttarashada ruled by the Sun gives different results when in association with Venus, Mercury and Saturn. Engineers, doctors, financers, advertisement business and service in Universities and education institutions/ research institutions come under this combination. Ladies generally get to small scale industry, hospitals, models./actresses and also in banks and financial institutions.
IV. Rohini, Hasta and Saravana ruled by the Moon gives different results when associated with Venus, Mercury and Saturn. Rohini born are normally ‘Jack of all and master of none, Generally chemical engineers, mechanical persons, industry and petroleum products come under this combination. Ladies get to service in hotels, agriculture, Psychlogy, dance ad fine arts.
V. Mrigsara, Chitra and Dhanishta ruled by Mars when associated with Venus, Mercury and Saturn give different results. Under this combination, company directors, financial advisers engineers/ textile technologists and scientists and historians come. For ladies, fine art/social service, nurses, actresses, lecturers are the normal fields.
VI. Ardra, Swati and Satbhisa are ruled by Rahu. It is not necessary that Rahu always gives bad results. It depend on its placement (some say it is exalted in Taurus and others say it is exalted in Gemini). Without entering into this discussion, it would suffice to say that when associated with Mercury, Venus and Saturn, it gives the profession of research work, shipping transport, goldsmith, drug sellers (chemists) and even astrology. For females. Electronics, drugs, sales – girls and in some cases lady doctors are indicated.
VII. Punarasu, Visakha and Purvabhadrapada is ruled by Jupiter when associated with Moon, Mars and Jupiter. Generally, theatre, arts, commerce, chemicals/drugs, books on history or prolonged articles come under this combination. For ladies, income for landed property, secretive agency, music, dance, typing work and teaching are indicated.
VIII. Ashlesha, Jeyshtha and Revti ruled by Mercury is capable of giving various professions when, Mars and Jupiter. Military/ Police Department, oil and liquids, trading, ancient culture including astrology and astronomy come under this combination. Females are expected to be telephone operators, receptionists and in some cases having administrative jobs.
3) Now a word about what the classics say. According top Servant Chintamani, sources of income should be declared from the planets occupying the 10th house from the Lagna (Ascendant) or from the Moon (Chandra Kundi) Stronger of the planet will determine the profession or business of the native. If there is no planet in the 10th house, support is to be taken from Natasha chart, Dasamasa Chart apart from Dreskone however, according to Manteshwara (Phaladeepka), the profession of the native is decided by the lord or the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 10th house from the Lagna, from the Moon and the Sun (severally) who ever is the strongest. Be that as it may stress has been laid down on the benefic or malefic nature of the 10th Lord. Detailed significations have been given to planets and houses in Uttarakalmrita. Without analyzing in detail significations of the planets, I consider it necessary to mention few of the significations so far 10th house is concerned: Commerce, honor from the Government, Service, Agriculture, Teachers, Religious teachers and authoritative position. Here I may mention that it is for the astrologers to apply their mind before the ticklish question as to what would be ‘My Profession’ is answered. The judgment has to be left to the astrologer to pronounce results in view of horoscope before him, his experience and God-gifted institution.
4) As is clear from the above the role of the planets in determining the nature of profession and sources of income for livelihood cannot be ignored. It may not be possible for me to refer to possible contributions by all the planets. The Sun represents the top brass in old times as well in modern times i.e. the King (now President, Prime minister, etc. Members of political parties, Legislators, ministers) even Lawyers, Judges and Government servants including high officials. The sun in Scorpio or in Leo and at times in Aries is capable of mking the native a king say Prime Minister etc. from the past, I can quote, the Akbar the Great had sun in Scorpio, Alexander the Great had Sun in Leo, the Sun in Virgo produced person like Mhatama Gandhi, Adolf Hitler had both the Sun and Mars is Aries, and the Sun in Aquarius produced a great Astrologer Bangalore Suryanarian Rao.
5) Closely connected with Sun, I also refer to the position of the Sun in the horoscope of India and other political parties. In India’s horoscope (Taurus as Lagna), the Sun was in Cancer with Venus, Saturn, Mercury and the Moon, in the horoscope of the Congress with Sagittarius Lagna, the Sun was in Scorpio and Mercury in Scorpio, in case of horoscope of Bhartya Janta Party (with Gemini as Lagna), the Sun was in Pisces and in the case of horoscope of Shive-Sena, the Sun was in Gemini with Cancer as Lagna. Though this information is not connected with profession but has been included as the politics has also come to stay as profession.
Shanker Adawal
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One reply on “Know your Profession via Astrology”
Rahul June 29, 2010 at 12:44 pm
Ya fine… This is believable…..