Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Planetary Transit: Basic Rules of Transit, Chapter II, Part – 1

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Basic Rules of Transit


2.1.1 A
transit occurs whenever a planet, moving in its orbit during one’s lifetime,
forms an aspect to another planet, the Sun, Moon or any of the house cusps in
one’s birth chart. The most difficult and ticklish problem is to find the timing
in the transit. In other words, to find the period/ date, when the influences
associated with the transit will occur. This becomes a complex problem when a
number of transits occur simultaneously in a birth chart. We expect an event to
happen when the transit becomes most exact, but sometimes even this does not
happen and the transit passes on without notice. Very few events take place
with a single transit. Transits to midpoints or mid-cusps of the houses are
equally important.

Before explaining the effects & timings of the transit, basic rules of
transit should be understood and memorized. Although the basic traits &
significations of houses, signs, Nakshtras, and planets remain the same, yet
even if it means a repetition, some of their salient features should be gone

Houses/ Bhavas

For convenience, the zodiac has been divided into 12 more or less equal parts
called houses/ bhavas. The house where lagna sign is posited, is called the
first house or reference point from where the houses are numbered. Each house
has a sign placed in serial order and the lord this sign is the lord of the
house as well. If the house lord aspects its house or is posited in its house
the house becomes strong. The lagna degree san the sign is the most efficient
point of house. A planet posited  close to this point whether in birth chart or
in transit chart gives the best results as per its significations. The Nakshtra
lord of this point is the key planet for giving most effective returns of that Brava.

However any planet posited at Brava-Sandhi,
becomes weak and lose its natural characteristic strength, even if it is
exalted or otherwise powerful. Thus at Brava-Sandhi,
a malefic and owner of a malefic house, will give good results.

For the purpose of astrological studies and analysis, the houses are grouped as

Kendra Houses-
1st, 4th, 7th
& 10th houses. These are also called Vishnu Sthans, angular or
cardinal houses. It is better if they are owned by natural malefics but
occupied by strong benefics.

Trikone Houses-
1st, 5th and 9th
houses. They are called Lakshmi sthans or Dharma Trikone with their apex in
lagna, and are the most auspicious house. The lords of these houses are always
beneficial to the native. As per Vedas & classics, there are three more set
of Trikone houses- Artha Trikone (2nd,
6th, & 10th houses), Kaam Trikone (3rd, 7th, & 11th
houses) and Moksha Trikone (4th,
8th, & 12th houses), which are no less important.

Trishadya houses-
3rd, 6th & 11th
houses, which are normally considered evil houses.

Dustana or Trika houses-
6th, 8th &
12th house, are condemned by all classics as evil and their lords
and planets posited therein (Chhidra
planets) as evil with a negative role.

Upachaya Houses-
3rd, 6th, 10th
& 11th houses, if strong, show potential & opportunities for
personal growth & gains with a competitive edge. Natural malefics placed
alone do well and give energy & power to overcome difficulties.

Houses of longevity & Maraka-
1st, 8th
and 3rd (being 8th of 8th) are considered to
indicate longevity; and 12th from each of them i.e. 12th,
7th, and 2nd are termed as Maraka houses.

Each house defines a specific domain or area of activity of human life. All
possible events, characteristics, specified body parts, and relations of a
native (soul), in its journey from birth to death are covered in these 12
houses. Houses 1, 4, 10, 5, 9 & 11 are generally considered good houses.
Houses 2 & 7 are good for material & relationship matters, but are bad
as they are death inflicting houses as well. Houses 3, 6, 8 & 12 are
generally bad; their lords are considered sinister & malefic and spoil the
houses where they are placed or aspect except when they are posited in their
own or each other’s houses. However each of them has their own charisma/
uniqueness. Each house has a general or main Karaka with some additional
Karakas to indicate its various significations.


Dr. Shanker Adawal

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