of science and art. This is a unique method of interpretation of the
correlation of planetary influences. This implies that there is a constantly
moving relationship between the objects of the universe such as the Sun, the
Moon and the planets and the small moving objects as the human beings, animals
and the like. Whatever is born or done at given moment of time adopts the
qualities of that particular moment. In as much as a man identifies himself
with the physical-self and the physical world around him, so he is indissolubly
part of it and subject to the changing pattern as formed by the planets in
their orbits. Only by the recognition of that which he senses as greater than
himself he can attune himself to what is beyond the terrestrial pattern.
The entire basis of astrology
rests on the premise that the pattern of a person correlates with the planetary
pattern at his birth moment. The planetary pattern at his birth moment. The
pattern will at times exteriorize as “events”. The accuracy of these which can
be checked up in earlier life gives the astrologer the belief that tendencies
deduced from calculation of future deeds may be expected to evaluate as certain
types of happenings in later life. When the astrologer applies a great deal of
common sense he rises above the evidence of his limited senses.
Yogas, in astrological parlance,
are specified commutations or combinations of planets in the different houses
of the chart, i.e. certain positions of planets relative to each other or one
another or to the ascendant or to the Moon. These constitute the special
features and these play vital roles in the evaluation of horoscopes. Yogas are
capable of changing the entire complexion of the chart. This general term Yoga,
applies to either one of good augury or of bad. They confer auspicious results
and lift one to dizzy heights or cause evil in experiencing untold miseries. In
popular language the benefic one is called a Yoga and the malefic one is known
as Arishta. Some Arishta Yogas are so bad that they annul even strong Raja
Yogas. Thus the result of an apparently promising chart may invariably fail the
native. Yogas formed from or in relation to the ascendant give results usually
from one’s childhood while those formed from or in relation to the moon sign
fructify after a described age of years and the degree of manifestation will
depend upon the merits and demerits of the acts and deeds of the native. It
should be kept in view that none of these Yogas will ever become operative to
the exclusion of any of the other Yogas present in the horoscope. It is,
nevertheless, quite possible to distinguish one Yoga from the other.
Yogas become fruitful when the
planets are powerful both in the Rasi chart and in the Navamsa chart. Hence the
axiom “Grahanam amsakamabalam”.
Yogas which are known as quasi
permanent indications in a horoscope tend to show the degree of good luck or
adversity a person is likely to experience during his life time.
All Yogas are combinations of
planets but all combinations of planets do not constitute Yogas. They may be
Arishtas as well. There are many types of benefic Yogas like Dhana Yogas, Raja
Yogas and Gnana Yogas. Malefic Yogas mean and include Agnana Yogas. Maaraka
Yogas, Dur Yogas, Ava Yogas and the like. In general Yogas which are benefic or
malefic govern health, personality, success and happiness in life, financial
affluence, high education, psyche, physique, family life, friends and
relations, one’s conduct, pleasures, enjoyment of life and fortune and the
Yoga is a word difficult to
define precisely in English language. According to dictionary, the term Yoga
means conjunction, joining, unity, unison, combination, junction etc. The word
Yoga in the general term is derived from the term Samyoga which literally means
a conjunction or chance. But, in astrology, Yogas are formed in several ways
due to interplanetary relationship of planets or placement of planets.
According to Vaidhanatha Deekshit the established relationship between planets
are 1.
Conjunction; 2. Exchange of
house; 3. Mutual or special aspect; 4. Prestigious position; and, 5. Strength
of some special kind.
Planets are divided into three
groups viz. Benefics, Neutrals and Malefics depending on their rulership of
certain houses in any horoscope. According to sage Parasara there are benefics,
malefic and neutrals for every ascendant or sign but according to Vasishta,
Ganpati Muni etc.; there are Ati subhas (highly beneficial ones), Subhas
(benefic) Paapas (malefic) and Ati papas (most dangerous malefics). Vishama
grahas of mischievous planets is another category defined by some ancient
writers. There are places of elevation and fall for all the planets. Planets
which cause Yogas give full, proportionate or minimal results depending upon
these factors. Maha Yogas are: Pancha Maha Purusha Yogas viz. Hamsa, Maalavya,
Bhadra, ruchaka and Sasa, Sthira Lakshmi Yoga, Chatussara Yoga, Parijata Yoga,
Adhi Yoga, Pushkalaa Yoga, Siva Yoga, Vishnu Yoga, Saarva bhowma Yoga,
Chakravarti Yoga, Utkrishta Raja Yoga, Maha Bhagya Yoga, Sree Yoga, Kalaanidhi
Yoga, Aiswarya Yoga, Ayanta Dhyanalabha Yoga, Shubhra Yoga, Gajakesari Yoga,
Raja Yoga and others. Therer are in all 3016 Yogas in vogue including Nabhasa
Yogas, Aukrui Yogas, Ashubha Yogas, Duryogas and Ava Yogas.
groups viz. Benefics, Neutrals and Malefics depending on their rulership of
certain houses in any horoscope. According to sage Parasara there are benefics,
malefic and neutrals for every ascendant or sign but according to Vasishta,
Ganpati Muni etc.; there are Ati subhas (highly beneficial ones), Subhas
(benefic) Paapas (malefic) and Ati papas (most dangerous malefics). Vishama
grahas of mischievous planets is another category defined by some ancient
writers. There are places of elevation and fall for all the planets. Planets
which cause Yogas give full, proportionate or minimal results depending upon
these factors. Maha Yogas are: Pancha Maha Purusha Yogas viz. Hamsa, Maalavya,
Bhadra, ruchaka and Sasa, Sthira Lakshmi Yoga, Chatussara Yoga, Parijata Yoga,
Adhi Yoga, Pushkalaa Yoga, Siva Yoga, Vishnu Yoga, Saarva bhowma Yoga,
Chakravarti Yoga, Utkrishta Raja Yoga, Maha Bhagya Yoga, Sree Yoga, Kalaanidhi
Yoga, Aiswarya Yoga, Ayanta Dhyanalabha Yoga, Shubhra Yoga, Gajakesari Yoga,
Raja Yoga and others. Therer are in all 3016 Yogas in vogue including Nabhasa
Yogas, Aukrui Yogas, Ashubha Yogas, Duryogas and Ava Yogas.
Dr. Shanker AdawalProfile: www.connectingmind.com
Research work and articles on Bhrigu Nadi astrology: www.shankerstudy.com
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