Dr. Shanker Adawal
It is impossible to be
certain, from the hand, what profession or occupation the native may follow-but the type of hand will
show you for what walk in life he or she is best fitted. That is as far as you
can go. Below given herewith a number of typical hands, taken from life, with
an indication of the profession for which the person was best suited. They must
tell their own story.
certain, from the hand, what profession or occupation the native may follow-but the type of hand will
show you for what walk in life he or she is best fitted. That is as far as you
can go. Below given herewith a number of typical hands, taken from life, with
an indication of the profession for which the person was best suited. They must
tell their own story.
Business Hand: Thumb large and long-line of Head
straight, finger tips square with Mercury’s Mount well developed, and Mercury
finger long and square.
Business Hand: Thumb large and long-line of Head
straight, finger tips square with Mercury’s Mount well developed, and Mercury
finger long and square.
Accountant: Mount of Mercury strong-good line of Sun and
Saturn-Second Knots well developed, and strong Thumb.
Accountant: Mount of Mercury strong-good line of Sun and
Saturn-Second Knots well developed, and strong Thumb.
Architect: Square fingers-a good line of Sun, and a good line of
Saturn-with Mount of Mercury strong.
Architect: Square fingers-a good line of Sun, and a good line of
Saturn-with Mount of Mercury strong.
The Law: A good finger of Jupiter-Mounts of Jupiter and Mercury
well developed-Thumb turned out with its second phalanx long and broad, and
first phalanx of Mercury long-good lines of Head, Saturn and Sun.
The Law: A good finger of Jupiter-Mounts of Jupiter and Mercury
well developed-Thumb turned out with its second phalanx long and broad, and
first phalanx of Mercury long-good lines of Head, Saturn and Sun.
Solicitor: Tips square. Two knots on fingers-medium-sized
hands-nails inclined to be short and broad, with Saturn finger and Mount well
developed. Thumb strong, Mercury finger and Mount strong.
Solicitor: Tips square. Two knots on fingers-medium-sized
hands-nails inclined to be short and broad, with Saturn finger and Mount well
developed. Thumb strong, Mercury finger and Mount strong.
6. The Navy: Hand generally as Army, with
the addition of a strong Moon, and the Line of Life spreading well out into the
palm at its base-showing travel by water.
the addition of a strong Moon, and the Line of Life spreading well out into the
palm at its base-showing travel by water.
The Army: The hand large, strong Thumb, with first phalanx well
developed-the Mounts of Mars high-good lines of Saturn and Sun, with square or
spatulate Tips-fingers normal length.
The Army: The hand large, strong Thumb, with first phalanx well
developed-the Mounts of Mars high-good lines of Saturn and Sun, with square or
spatulate Tips-fingers normal length.
The Clergy: A good first finger, Mount of Jupiter well developed,
also Mounts Venus and Moon-Head line slightly drooping to Moon-Finger of
Mercury long and straight, with first phalanx pointed, and Mount Mercury fairly
The Clergy: A good first finger, Mount of Jupiter well developed,
also Mounts Venus and Moon-Head line slightly drooping to Moon-Finger of
Mercury long and straight, with first phalanx pointed, and Mount Mercury fairly
Doctor: Mount of Mercury rayed vertically-the line of Sun
clearly defined-with spatulate fingers and hard hands, the surgeon is
indicated-the fingers are usually long, with knots of order developed, and in
both types, Moon should be strong.
Doctor: Mount of Mercury rayed vertically-the line of Sun
clearly defined-with spatulate fingers and hard hands, the surgeon is
indicated-the fingers are usually long, with knots of order developed, and in
both types, Moon should be strong.
10. Artist: The peculiarities of these are
as varied as the styles of paintings-with long, square-tipped, and knotted
fingers, we have the Artist who revels too much in detail. Pointed smooth
fingers will depict the ideal in Art-but in all the Mount of Sun is strongly
developed, and also Mount of Jupiter.
as varied as the styles of paintings-with long, square-tipped, and knotted
fingers, we have the Artist who revels too much in detail. Pointed smooth
fingers will depict the ideal in Art-but in all the Mount of Sun is strongly
developed, and also Mount of Jupiter.
Sculptor: The fingers usually are more or less spatulate-the
lines few in numbers, the Mounts of Venus, Mars and Moon are high, the hand
thick and strong, palm broad.
Sculptor: The fingers usually are more or less spatulate-the
lines few in numbers, the Mounts of Venus, Mars and Moon are high, the hand
thick and strong, palm broad.
Musician: Saturn finger long, with Mount of Saturn fully
developed-fingers long for stringed instruments or short for keys, but in both
the fingers are supple for performers-square and knotty fingers for
composers-Spatulate for executants-mounts of Sun and Venus well developed.
Musician: Saturn finger long, with Mount of Saturn fully
developed-fingers long for stringed instruments or short for keys, but in both
the fingers are supple for performers-square and knotty fingers for
composers-Spatulate for executants-mounts of Sun and Venus well developed.
Vocalist: Fingers short, smooth or mixed type-the entire finger,
Mounts well developed, and Mount Venus largely prominent-hand soft and plump.
Vocalist: Fingers short, smooth or mixed type-the entire finger,
Mounts well developed, and Mount Venus largely prominent-hand soft and plump.
Actor: Long flexible fingers, smooth. Sun finger
spatulate-Mounts of Venus and Moon prominent. Head line drooping to Moon, and the
first phalanx of Mercury long. The line of Head turned up towards the Mount of
Actor: Long flexible fingers, smooth. Sun finger
spatulate-Mounts of Venus and Moon prominent. Head line drooping to Moon, and the
first phalanx of Mercury long. The line of Head turned up towards the Mount of
Literary Hand: The Mounts of Jupiter and Moon should be
prominent, with long finger of Sun-Tips spatulate or square, with full knotted
second joints.
Literary Hand: The Mounts of Jupiter and Moon should be
prominent, with long finger of Sun-Tips spatulate or square, with full knotted
second joints.
Literacy Critics: have as a rule short nails, and Mount
Mercury is prominent.
Literacy Critics: have as a rule short nails, and Mount
Mercury is prominent.
Poetical: Large Mounts of Moon and Venus, with Head line sloping
towards Moon, fingers smooth and pointed.
Poetical: Large Mounts of Moon and Venus, with Head line sloping
towards Moon, fingers smooth and pointed.
Shanker Adawal
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