A Guide to Palmistry: The Mounts, Chapter VI, Part – 5

Dr. Shanker Adawal
This Mount must be handled
carefully, as the type is a peculiar one, and it will be essential to ascertain
to what extent the native may be affected by other and redeeming qualities.
A measure of Saturnine
should be present, as otherwise there would be a want of balance in the
character. Excess would result in morbidity, gloom, melancholy and pessimism.
Hence, all the chirognomy tests must be applied, and the hand as a whole
considered, for given the fingers in excess of the palm, the mental world will
predominate. This will indicate the student and scholar, who will write books
or make a good teacher, but would not be a success in business. Given the
middle portion of the hand in excess, you have the business man; if the lower
portion of the manifest. Should one of the three Worlds be absent while the
other two are developed, the effect of the combination must be worked out, thus
should the upper and lower worlds be strong, with the middle world absent, you
will have a native not only visionary, but ruled by bad material motives,
unrestrained-bear in mind, however, that the Saturnine is not a sensualist.
Apply also to this Mount
the Worlds as read from the phalanges of the fingers. The first being longest
indicates that the mental world leads, and will reveal the student, inclined to
be superstitious, with a love of occult studies. The second phalanx being the
longest indicates that the business side will lead, and that farming, chemistry,
mining, scientific research, history and mathematics, will be vocations most to
his taste. If the third phalanx is strongest, then the baser qualities will
predominate-especially if this phalanx is thick and the hand coarse or bad,
when the miser will be seen. If it is waist like, the desirer for study will be
most marked. The finger being bent will give added shrewdness to the saturnine
qualities. Should the finger be short, the native is not a Saturnine and is
utterly wanting in seriousness and balance.
Generally apply all the
chirognomy tests, and bear in mind that although the Saturnine is always more
or less gloomy by nature, and predisposed to suicide under a strong sense of
ill success, sickness or slight, yet if he is of a high type, he may by mental
force hold himself level. Do not run away with the idea that all Saturnine are
bad. Some of the noblest, most high minded and successful of men have belonged
to this type-as well as some of the most depraved and vicious.
The combination of this
Mount with a prominent Mount of Jupiter will give patience and respect with
strong Mercury there will be a love of Medicine and a desire for knowledge. In
combination with Venus, it will give a love of truth in occultism, charity and
self control. In every case a strong Mount of Saturn indicates a love of music,
and will generally be seen strongly marked amongst composers.

Shanker Adawal

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