A Guide to Palmistry: The Mounts, Chapter VI, Part – 9

Dr. Shanker Adawal
The Mount of Moon
The qualities of this
Mount are to a greater or lesser degree found in nearly all natives; but it is
not often seen in its fullest development, and its strength must be judged by
its curve outwardly, on the percussion of the hand, and the size of the pad it
forms on the palm. If it forms a well defined bulge on the percussion, it must
be considered as being well developed. If it is also thick, and forms a large
pad on the palm, then it must be considered as very strongly developed; while
if the bulge is very large, and the pad in the palm equally marked, then the
development will be excessive.
When considering this
Mount, it must be borne in mind that vertical lines add to the strength of the
Mount, while Horizontal lines indicate defects.
For health purposes, the
Mount should be divided into three sections, viz.: the upper, the middle, and
the lower; each section serves to indicate the health troubles peculiar to the
persons governed by Moon, and they are indicated by crosses, grilles, crossbars,
islands, dots, ill formed stars and wavy lines.
In a native possessing a
well developed Mount of Moon you have one with good powers of expression and
with a pleasing and lively imagination-thus all great linguists, writers of
fiction or romance, as well as musicians, possess a well developed Mount of
Moon. Where there is an excessive development of the Mount there will be
flightiness, too strong an imagination, a probability (under excitement) of
complete loss of control and even a danger of insanity. A deficiency of the
Mount leads to a total want of imagination, a disbelief in everything, want of
nerve, a hopeless outlook and hypochondria.
The person governed by
Moon is often peculiar, especially where the Mount is well developed; being
influenced by the imagination, he becomes dreamy, builds castles in the air,
and conceives great enterprises of no practical utility. Often imagines he is
ill, is fickle, changeable and restless, hence he frequently becomes a great
traveler. The more the Mount is lined, the more restless he becomes. He is a
great believer in the superstitious, in signs and omens which influence him
greatly. He loves music and prefers the classical; is often a composer, some
even of history-but he will be much aided by the possession of a long finger of
Mercury, with the first phalanx long, and the qualities of the conic, spatulate
or square tip. He is very fond of the water and makes a good sailor; he is
never generous-is lacking in self confidence, energy and perseverance, and is
usually unsuccessful in business.
Fortunately the pure
Person governed by Moon is not often met-otherwise there would be a need for
more lunatic asylums; but the development of the Mount must be very excessive before
attributing such a result to your native.
This type is native to
many health troubles; he is predisposed to gout and rheumatism, and intestinal
troubles of all descriptions-it has been found that intestinal disorder for any
type is shown on the upper part of this Mount by dots, islands, crossbars or
similar defective markings; when such are seen the Life Line should be examined
closely for defects. Hair lines may often be seen running from such markings on
the Mount to the Life Line, and if the Line is defective, the date of the
occurrence of the trouble will be indicated-the Line of Mercury will also have
to be considered, and the Mount of Saturn.
The middle portion of the
Mount, if defective, will show the indications for gout or rheumatism. The
lower part of the Mount with defective markings will show liability to kidney
and bladder trouble in a man’s hand, while in a woman’s hand it will in
addition indicate marked female weakness. It is found that kidney trouble is
most often shown by crossbars on the lower part of the Mount. In the case of
female weakness being indicated, there is usually a Star on the Line of Mercury
at the point where it crosses the Head Line. When such is seen, it is a serious
indication, for its presence is indicative of sterility, and serves to explain
why apparently healthy women are childless.
Bear in mind that these
defective markings are not restricted in their indications to pure Moon
dominated persons; they will be found in all types, but in the hand of a Moon
dominated person, who is peculiarly liable to such troubles, the effect of the
defective marking is accentuated.
The Moon dominated person,
as in all other types, has a bad as well as a good side, and when the bad side
is developed, you will have a person who is talkative and who, by excess of
imagination, will deceive himself and others. He is mean, cowardly, selfish,
insolent, deceitful, slanderous, and by no means an agreeable or pleasant
In all cases of a strongly
developed Mount of Moon, the qualities indicated by the other parts of the hand
will exercise a strong influence; particularly the texture of the skin, as this
will indicate the amount of fineness or coarseness to be taken into account.
The medium texture best suits the Moon dominated person, as it tells of energy
and practical ideas-the consistency of the hand must be noted and its
flexibility, so that one can add the varied characteristics thereto pertaining.
The pure Moon dominated
person ranges from the highly gifted to the insane, and all the stages are
indicated by the size, character, ad markings of the Mount. In the absence of
the Mount, one would have dense materialism. One will not find many typical
Moon dominated persons, but may confidently expect to discover a measure of
Moon dominated person qualities in most natives.

Shanker Adawal

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