Shanker Adawal
Shanker Adawal
Part 7
interpretation of these is quite difficult. If the lord of the Navamsa is
placed in a friendly house, the outcome of the avocation will be substantial
and in a very agreeable manner, while the reverse will be the case in inimical
houses. The financial; affluence will, however, depend on the circumstances of
the lords of Lagna, the 2nd, the 11th and the planets
placed therein.
interpretation of these is quite difficult. If the lord of the Navamsa is
placed in a friendly house, the outcome of the avocation will be substantial
and in a very agreeable manner, while the reverse will be the case in inimical
houses. The financial; affluence will, however, depend on the circumstances of
the lords of Lagna, the 2nd, the 11th and the planets
placed therein.
more accurate picture of the particular avocation can be obtained by an examination
of the nature of the sign, in which the
10th falls. That will show the line of greatest success and natural
more accurate picture of the particular avocation can be obtained by an examination
of the nature of the sign, in which the
10th falls. That will show the line of greatest success and natural
airy signs Mithuna (Gemini), Thula (Libra), Kumbha (Aquarius) show intellectual
pursuits, headwork, literary and artistic occupations.
airy signs Mithuna (Gemini), Thula (Libra), Kumbha (Aquarius) show intellectual
pursuits, headwork, literary and artistic occupations.
watery signs (Karkataka (Cancer), Vrischika (Scorpio) and Meena (Pisces) show
occupations in which water is the motive power of chief element, dealers in
soft drinks, textile goods and fabrics, sailors, brewers, chemists.
watery signs (Karkataka (Cancer), Vrischika (Scorpio) and Meena (Pisces) show
occupations in which water is the motive power of chief element, dealers in
soft drinks, textile goods and fabrics, sailors, brewers, chemists.
fiery signs Mesha (AriesA), Simha (Leo) Dhanus (Sagittarius), indicate
employments concerned with fire, iron and metals, metallurgy, extraction of
ores, utilizing electric energy, industrial concerns, surgeons, military
equipments, etc.
fiery signs Mesha (AriesA), Simha (Leo) Dhanus (Sagittarius), indicate
employments concerned with fire, iron and metals, metallurgy, extraction of
ores, utilizing electric energy, industrial concerns, surgeons, military
equipments, etc.
earthly signs Vrishabha (Taurus), Kanya (Virgo), Makara (Capricorn), show
manual labour, digging and excavation, agricultural pursuits, fodder and corn
dealers, dealers in the produce of the soil in the various forms and kinds.
earthly signs Vrishabha (Taurus), Kanya (Virgo), Makara (Capricorn), show
manual labour, digging and excavation, agricultural pursuits, fodder and corn
dealers, dealers in the produce of the soil in the various forms and kinds.
the tabular statement of the 3rd column gives the person through
whom avocation is secured. It should be intelligently interpreted and hence
requires some clarification.
the tabular statement of the 3rd column gives the person through
whom avocation is secured. It should be intelligently interpreted and hence
requires some clarification.
indicates that the native pursues the father’s line of profession or continues
his father’s undertaking or follows any profession where heredity is an
important claim or has added preference in selection.
indicates that the native pursues the father’s line of profession or continues
his father’s undertaking or follows any profession where heredity is an
important claim or has added preference in selection.
applies as above, in a redirected sense. It may mean riches inherited from the
mother on which he builds his avocation.
applies as above, in a redirected sense. It may mean riches inherited from the
mother on which he builds his avocation.
Realised as a result of keen competition, litigation, defeat in contest or war.
Realised as a result of keen competition, litigation, defeat in contest or war.
sources are clear and required no explanation.
sources are clear and required no explanation.
will be better at this stage to illustrate these principles with a concrete
case., Here is a horoscope of Mr. K.
will be better at this stage to illustrate these principles with a concrete
case., Here is a horoscope of Mr. K.
Lord of the 10th
from Lagna is Saturn: he is placed in the Navamsa of Jupiter. The native is
employed in the leading bank, now nationalized. The fact that the Sun and
Mercury aspect the Lagna shows that it is a commercial bank. The native is
fully qualified with banking and commerce degrees, Lord of the 10th
is placed in Makara, which denotes seaside; actually he is employed at a
seaport-town. The Sun is placed in the 10th from the 10th;
actually the father and son were employed in the same bank. The 10th
is an airy sign, denoting that the native has to apply his intelligence
meticulously anticipating erratic business changes. The 10th has the
effect of four planets Rahu, Kuja (Mars), Kethu and Jupiter. This means that he
has to work among people of various castes and natioinalities, Hindus, Parsees,
Gujaraties, Goanese, etc.
from Lagna is Saturn: he is placed in the Navamsa of Jupiter. The native is
employed in the leading bank, now nationalized. The fact that the Sun and
Mercury aspect the Lagna shows that it is a commercial bank. The native is
fully qualified with banking and commerce degrees, Lord of the 10th
is placed in Makara, which denotes seaside; actually he is employed at a
seaport-town. The Sun is placed in the 10th from the 10th;
actually the father and son were employed in the same bank. The 10th
is an airy sign, denoting that the native has to apply his intelligence
meticulously anticipating erratic business changes. The 10th has the
effect of four planets Rahu, Kuja (Mars), Kethu and Jupiter. This means that he
has to work among people of various castes and natioinalities, Hindus, Parsees,
Gujaraties, Goanese, etc.
It may be argued that from
a known result, one may be able to find out the astrological justification. But
I still hold that by an unbiased and faithful application of the principles
given above, we should be able to get at the true description of the avocation.
a known result, one may be able to find out the astrological justification. But
I still hold that by an unbiased and faithful application of the principles
given above, we should be able to get at the true description of the avocation.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
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