An Introductory

An Introductory: Planets, Signs and Houses

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

Other then the luminaries – The Sun and The Moon, the other five of the planets-Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn-have been known ever since man began looking at the heavens. They immediately drew his attention by their brightness and their movements (the word “planet” comes from the Greek word for “wanderer”). Three planets-Uranus, Neptune and Pluto-were discovered after the invention of the telescope.

Astrology is applied astronomy, thus, it is the interpretation of the correlation of planetary effects in Human experiences.

The characteristic of the Planets is one department, where much confusion abounds. Even if planets like Moon, Venus, Neptune, Saturn, are feminine, and Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto, are masculine, and Mercury is hermaphroditic or neutral. It is preferred to make them all neutral, because in that way a man reading these planetary delineations shall not think that he also does not act at times in a feminine manner or to show that a female may behave like a man. For example, when we desire something it is the Moon in us that acts. When we execute this wish it is Mars that comes to the fore. When we grow and expand this wish it is Jupiter that comes into being; however, if we get panicky and suppress this wish then Saturn appears. When this wish becomes our personal flag-ego, it is the Sun that acts, and if we give this wish to others then Venus is projected, ad-infinitum. We cannot remain static, either in thought, action, feeling and surrounding before daily and nightly circumstances, which are sometimes beyond our control. As these circumstances affect us and in astrological language they are termed as transits and solar returns-so we respond to them in different levels of intensity, manner, type, colour, etc, which astrologers catalogue under Navamsas, dawdasamsa, nakshatras, dasa system or primary and secondary directions (western), progressions, and all the particulars of a natal chart and its horoscope. Planets placed the angles (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, houses) or-in the fore-grounds are the most important, powerful and decisive ones in a chart. Their effects are long-lasting and autonomous.

When a planet is in the foreground, either closer to Ascendant or to other angles, its characteristics are more evident, plain, visible and conspicuous; and the farther it is from an angle, the weaker, dimmer, unnoticeable and dependent it becomes. The more a planet is close to an angle or is in the immediate foreground-a maximum of 5o from the angle- the more we respond to its beak and call. It is like that we can correctly interpret, judge and-weigh the particular vibration of a planet. The same law applies to the fixed stars and constellations.

The list of Significators has been assembled, having taken into consideration the sound advice and good, sincere efforts of the modern astrologers to meet the requirements of present environments and conditions, but also of the scholars of classical and primitive mythology, of comparative religions and of occultism. This will prove decisive as how to interpret the Planets better.


Significator: This term is used of a planet in its relation to everything possible, abstract or concrete, which may be put into its compartment of the “card-index” of the universe. In referring both to planet and corresponding sign, the expression used is that such things “come under” them.

We will now consider the luminaries and then the rest of the planets.


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