Astrology and the Doctrine of Karma Part – 3

Astrology and the
Doctrine of Karma Part – 3

Shanker Adawal

A Rahu-Moon association on
the other hand is more problematic. Phobias developed in childhood (as a result
of past Karma), plague one all through life. Wrong mental habits of previous
lives channel deep grooves in the consciousness of the person that it would be
seemingly impossible for him to get hold of his thinking. In watery signs there
is emotional insecurity and attempts to get love and affection would be by
trying to attract as much attention as possible. In intellectual signs there is
normally a razor-sharp intellect but the person will be lacking in the ability
to understand and appreciate other people’s emotions. In earthy signs a
Rahu-Moon conjunction (or opposition) leads to a tremendous lust for either
earning money or achieving power. In fiery signs there is dissatisfaction with
everything and everybody that life becomes unbearable. Beneficial aspects,
preferably Jupiter’s trinal aspect, point to a spiritual awakening and
consequent release of the mind from its deep rooted phobias and complexes.
Meditation, japa and pranayama would help in catalyzing this spiritual

A Moon-Mars association
gives a restless mind, a sharp temper and problems arising there from. The pain
caused by this inner restlessness is one that only the afflicted person can
understand. Benefic aspects suggest that with appropriate remedial measures
this restlessness can be channeled into constructive actions. Bad aspects on
the other hand would immobilize a person with false fears.

It is thus that major
Karmic afflictions affect the mind and then the mind destroys the person. In
Karmic astrology the study of the 5th house is as important as the
study of the Moon. Interestingly enough the 5th house is not only
the sign ruling the intellect but also the “Poorva-punyasthana”. In a way it
symbolizes a persons animal impulses (or the momentum of the Karma brought with
him) – things that one would enjoy doing most or would gravitate to if he were
not restrained by social, moral and spiritual considerations. Evil planets in
the 5th can give extremely dangerous thought which would break out
into forbidden action in the absence of a good, strong 9th house.

Consider, for example, an
individual with Mars in the 5th house. In the undeveloped case (that
is in the absence of benefic aspects or associations) the person feels
frustrated because constantly feels he should be doing something other than
what he is. There is, further, a lack of willingness to lean because of
feelings of superiority. The native can overcome this Karma by reviewing his
thinking and realizing how all his discontent is caused by himself. And that
his superiority complex does nothing useful. Contrast this with the situation
of Saturn in the 5th house. This is a specially strong indication of
intense Prarabdha Karma. The Person has to shoulder tremendous responsibility
but he always seeks to escape from it. It is as if the more freedom he seeks,
the more responsibility he gets. The Karmic lesson in this case is to realize
that the person is destined to shoulder responsibility and there is no getting
away from it. Thus realization would enable the person to find joy in doing his

Final liberation is one of
the things that is extremely difficult to prognosticate. Varaha Mihira mentions
Jupiter’s exaltation or situation in Pisces as one of the indications of
Moksha. Another combination pointing to the same result is the situation of all
planets in Jupiter’s amas. These are by no means exhaustive. We can only
conclude that since “self knowledge” leads to liberation and since no planet
indicates wisdom more than Jupiter a sine-quo-non for God-realisation is the
presence of a strong, well placed and unafflicted Jupiter in a horoscope. That
is, Jupiter’s aspect is considered as a saving grace capable of warding off all

There are various other
Karmic indicators, too numerous even to list. But suffice it to say that Saturn
is the planet of fate which sets definite bounds to our efforts and that
Jupiter is the planet of good fortune not clearly attributable to merit or

Astrology and Karma are
therefore inter-related. Astrology reveals the consequence of our actions which
we do not remember in this life and are untraceable in this birth. The result
of our unknown actions is what we call `fate’ or adrishta. The law of Karma therefore indicates cause and effect

Thus astrology can be a
valuable aid in not only knowing our past Karma and its present implications
but also a guide in achieving final liberation. The charge of astrology being
fatalistic is an ill-founded charge which has neither scriptural nor scientific
sanction behind it. We can only conclude that astrology as Jyotisha (the
science of electromagnetic energy) and as Hora Sastra (the science of time) is
the only tool that man has for understanding himself in this four dimensional

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