Avoid Your Marital Pitfalls

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

1)      It may be true that hanging and waving go by destiny but the question is how successful would be your married life. The matching of horoscopes specially in India and other Asian countries is well known though the phenomena has traveled to West in a limited way with the settlement of Indians abroad. Be that as it may, the effect of planetary forces cannot be ignored.
2)      While matching a horoscope i.e. of boy and girl many points (Gunas in Hindu astrology) have to be seen and matched so that happy and harmonious marriage may be the outcome. Under Hindu astrology, one of the points for consideration is number of ‘Gunas’ i.e in all there are 36 Gunas and achievement of 18 and above Gunas are considered ‘passable’, ‘good’ and ‘very-good’ depending on the number of Gunas. Marriage is normally not recommended where the Gunas are less than 18.
3)      With a peep in the pat, it would be noticed that marriages have been arranged by parents and the selection of marriage partner had been left to mature mind of parents. As most of the people known that with such arranged marriages, where couples had never seen each other before marriage, degree of contentment in married life had been higher. However, in modern times, things have considerably changed and some marriages breaking early, resulting in divorce/ separation etc.
4)      Age factor, while selecting a boy or a girl is equally important. Subject to certain verifications, it is stated in some of the books that most baffled wives seem to be those who are married at 18/19 with men senior in age by 6/7 years and the common complaint from such ladies had been lack of affection from their husbands after 5-6 years. However, this would further depend on planetary position of each at the time of birth.
5)      For marital happiness, role of Mars/Venus as well as of Jupiter is important. Venus is one of the most passionate planets ruling two signs of the Zodiac i.e. Taurus and Libra. However the Venus is exalted in Pisces and debilitated in Virgo and is considered detriment in Aries and Scorpio. Actually, the highest quality is determined by Pisces and lowest by Virgo – all other expressions scattered in between these two extremes. I have recently come across the horoscope of a native (female) aged about 22 who had married a man (stated to be divorcee) of her own choice and free will (love-tangle) because of the situation of Mars and Venus.
6)      The influence of Mars is considered to be crude and aggressive and in the case of conjunction of Mars with Venus, great deal would depend on the sing and the house in which conjunction take place. Precisely Venus represents the passive influence and Mars aggressive.
7)      A look at the horoscope would broadly indicate the moral character of the native. For romantic influences, consideration of 5th house of the birth chart is equally important. Actually, even Mercury (normally a Eunch) and Uranus become prominent in 5th house matter with a tendency for development of duplicity in romantic matters.
8)      In female charts, Jupiter’s placement, aspect etc. indicates about the husband. Some astrologers take Mars as the signification of husband. But Jupiter is the most accepted signification of husband.
9)      All pitfalls are created by the planetary position. But at the same time because of ‘ adjustment, and ‘free-will’, the bad results are avoided apart from the differences, marriage will never break. Abrupt start and abrupt ending of a affair is also pitfall. Similarly, a girl at sweet sixteen (student of XIIth class or so) getting astray is another pitfall. The unwanted pitfall is when the husband is caught running about other women by the wife. Without blaming the husband, I would put it that way that planets (Saturn and Mars) are responsible. Why an employer gets involved with his subordinate girl including a maid-servant, the answer is planetary position.

Shanker Adawal

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