ARIES – (Born between 21st March to 20th April) – Head of Kalapurusha, Lands frequented by sheep and goats, jungles, caves, mountains, forests, cattlesheds, mines and place worked up by internal fires, Industries and Hotels.
Independent thinking and have reasoning faculty. Followers and have reasoning faculty. Followers of traditions/conventions but at the same time lovers of scientific thought and philosophy. Strongly bent upon educational pursuits. Pioneers in many fields. Females posses generally fairly perfect countenance. Most of you are stubborn and obstinate but frank, impulsive and courageous.
TAURUS – (Born between 21st April to 21st May) – Shoulders of Kalapurusha, Musical and entertainment halls, brothers, dens frequented by fair girls, carpenters, parks, gambling houses, cinemas, theatres, countries, libraries, granaries, store-houses, aeroplanes.
Neck of the Kalapurusha, pastoral and cultivated fields, projecting rocks, lively tracts, mountains, lands, frequented by cattle and also jungles abounding in elephants.
Normally of medium size with thick lips and neck, dark hair and prominent features. Women are generally handsome. You develop your own principles and stick to them. You can shine well as author, journalist etc. and in some cases reach at the top in this field. You appreciate truth and your physical and mental endurance is notable. Some of you may suffer from nervous complaints, specially after 50, but you memory and power of imagination shall not fail. Advised to control your passions.
GEMINI – Born between 22nd May to 21st June – Active in motion but with a wavering mind. Tall, broad forehead and clear eyes indicated. You can become an expert in mathematics. Most of you, unless you specialize n one thing, would become jack of all and master of none. You are conscious of your own faults. Be on the guard as you can be defrauded by others. Subject to your personal horoscope, you can yourself be a clever an deceitful (cheater) person. Your own deeds (training) can correct the bad habits.
CANCER – (Born between 22nd June to 22nd July) – Chest of Kalapurusha, waterly places, tanks, rivers, pearls, lands and fields of wet cultivation. Canals, reservoirs, marshes, holy places and sandy places.
Normally of middle size with snubbed nose, white complexion and double chin. Intelligent, bright but frugal. Attached to the family and children. Your extreme nature of being `sensitive’ can make you nervous and incapable of taking a final decision. Get advice of seniors. You must be talkative, self-reliant and an honest fellow. Known for justice and fairplay. Believe in straight – forward dealings. Devoted to the spouse.
LEO – (Born between 23rd July to 23rd August) – Heart of Kalapurusha, inaccessible peaks and rocks, jungles and thick forests frequented by ferocious beasts, deep forests, forts, palaces, extensions, fortifications, government institutions, caves and mountains. Chemical laboratories, explosives, manufacturing places, hunting places, glass factories.
Majestic in appearance and have broad shoulders. Normally fond of non-veg food. Capable of adopting to the prevailing circumstances. Sticking to orthodoxical principles and some of you may not succeed to the expected level in life and your ambitions may remain unfulfilled.
VIRGO – (Born between 24th August to 23rd September) – Stomach of Kalapurusha, arts, sciences, literature, meadows, grassy plains, banks, exchange places, large manufacturing cities, secret organizations, industries, brothels, oceanic surface, nurseries and gambling places.
Normally of middle size and may exhibit taste in art and literature, lovers of music and fine arts – generally lucky in respect of their wives and husbands.
LIBRA – Born between 24th September to 23rd October) – Abdomen, navel of Kalapurusha, racing and gambling centres, roads, commercial places, betting places, streets, exchanges, throughfares, markets and forests.
Fair complexion and of middle stature, fine eyes and handsome. Keen observers. Firm in conviction. Sensitive to what others say of you. Political to what others say of you. Political leaders and religious reformers exert tremendous influence of the public. Love excitement and have power of institution. Great lover of music/dance and all matters of entertainment.
SCORPIO – (Born between 24th October to 22nd November) – Sexual organ of Kalapurusha, caves, openings in the earth, dens, kitchens, vaults, vineyards, underground cells or constructions, molehills, places abounded by serpents and reptiles, orchards and also stagnant pools.
Youthful appearance, generous disposition but fierce eyes. Control sensual pleasures. Females born under this sign sometime have masculine tendencies. On account of hot constitution, likely to suffer from piles specially after 30. Advised to do exercise and have check on the diet.
SAGGITARIUS – (Born between 23rd October to 21st December) – Camping grounds, military retreats, chariots, almouries, cavalry, stables, army barracks, battlefields, infantry, battery lines, magazines, places of offence and defence, ammunition depots, war implements, racing grounds, sacrificial places and military stores.
Spot the persons with almond eyes and they are ruled by Jupiter. Prompt in actions and uphold conservative views, enthusiastic and hate external shows. Capable of exercising control on food, drinks and also with opposite sex. Judges spiritual heads and political indicated.
CAPRICORN – (Born between 22nd December to 20th January) – Rivers, forests, lakes, caves, church yards, temple precinets, tombs, jungles, marshy places, waters full of whereas and crocodiles.
Woman folk generally are handsome and youngish in appearance with fleshy lips and have inviting appearance. Great aspirants, modest and gentlemanly in business transactions. You have the knack of adapting to the given circumstances. Vindictive if the Saturn in badly placed. Possess qualities of sympathy, generosity and philanthropy.
ACQUARIUS – (Born between 21st January to 19th February) – Marshy places, inferior grains, rendezvous of debauches, prostitutes and vulgar folk, wine shops, intoxicating drinks, gambling dens, mines, aeronautical machinery, infamous houses, vineyards, caves.
Normally tall, lean and fairly handsome. Cheeks broad and prominent buttocks. Highly intelligent and make friends early. Pure in heart and always inclined to help others. Capable of having god education but lack organizing capacity. Endears t all.
PISCES – (Born between 20th February to 20th March – Feet of Kalapurusha, holy shrines, sacred places and rivers, tanks, oceans, hermitages, fountains, sacred pagodas, places frequented by Mahatma’s pumps, cisterns, fish ponds etc.
Reserved and liable to draw premature conclusions. Generally superstitious and religious and at times rigid in observance of orthodox principles. Stubborn to a little extent but ambitious to rise. Restless but fond of history.
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