Bhrigu Samhita: Basic Astrology, Part – 50


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Native profession

Native is a merchant

Saturn in Virgo

Learned and religious

He will be learned in religious books and texts

(Saturn associated with Jupiter)


Mars in his own house.

Dry land

Some acres of dry land owned

Rahu with Saturn

Good yield from land

Be the help of pumping sets and sinking wells he will obtain good yield from his lands.

Saturn contacts Moon in Aquarius and Ketu in Pisces after his contact with Mars.

(Mars means mechanical devices and machinery etc. being in Scorpio. Moon in Aquarius indicates water from sinking wells. Thus all this indicates that by the help of pumping sets and sinking wells native obtained good yield from his lands. Here Ketu indicates gate. Mars (mechanical devices), Moon in Aquarius (water from sinking well) and Ketu (gate or pumping) give good yield as depicted by Jupiter.

Trade location

He comes on his trade in a city or he lives in a city suburb

Marriages – number of

Two marriages

With Venus in Cancer, Leo vacant and Jupiter in Virgo indicates 2 marriages

Venus in Cancer and Leo vacant, means Venus is going to join Jupiter directly and Moon will determine, thus two marriages.

The cause is Moon in 6th to Jupiter and Venus occupies 11th from Jupiter (this is another reason which says Moon in 6th Jupiter which in 12th to 7th and sharing of bed comforts and Venus in 11th means gain of wife).

Conveyance and finance

Native will have conveyance and good finances

Venus is in 11th in Cancer from Jupiter (Venus being karka of conveyance and good finances in 11th from Jupiter gives gains of these and besides it is going to enter in Leo the royal sign).

Conveyance and finance

Native will have conveyance and good finances

Venus is in 11th in Cancer from Jupiter (Venus being karka of conveyance and good finances in 11th from Jupiter gives gains of these and besides it is going to enter in Leo the royal sign).


He has a lean body

(Jupiter with Saturn and Rahu in Virgo)


He will live up to 63 or 72

(63 means (12 x 5 + 3). Contact sign Aquarius whose lord Saturn is in 8th place with Rahu. This is a dangerous period and if he survives transit of Jupiter in Libra whose lord Venus in Cancer in inimical sign he may die at 72 when Jupiter transits Virgo, whose lord is Mercury).

Chart No. 31


Shanker Adawal

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