Bhrigu Samhita: Basic Astrology, Part – 51


Dr. Shanker Adawal


Native will receive kindly honors

Mercury is in Cancer with Rahu in Leo and Mercury will enter his exaltation in Virgo after crossing Rahu.


He will be a village head man

Ketu with Mars

Wives – two

Two wives

Venus in dual sign Gemini indicates two wives

Status – goes down

His status will go down

When Saturn comes to Gemini

There seems to be no particular reason as Venus in friendly sign and Saturn transit should be good. The only reason that could be is that of placement of its lord Mercury in inimical sign with no support.


If the native outlives 69-70, he will see his 74th year.

(12 x 5 + 9 = 69) So Jupiter contacts Mars in 6th round which is in inimical sign Aquarius along with Ketu. He may survive it. 74th year means 7th round and transiting Taurus sign whose lord Venus in Gemini. As discussed above the lord of sign is in inimical sign with Rahu in next sing and ready to swallow it. No support to Mercury. Now in this round Jupiter in Aquarius sign of debilitation and Ketu, Mars in next sign with aspect of Mercury).

God’s name

The native is wedded to god’s name during the last lap of his life which will be peaceful

With Jupiter in 2nd and Ketu in 5th to Saturn.

It is most interesting with Saturn as Lagna and indicating karma. If karma is service of god then Jupiter the planet of spiritualism in 2nd and moksha karka or divine planet in 5th from Saturn is right disposition.

Chart No. 32

Father troubles

Native’s father had troubles at the time of birth of boy

Sun in debilitation with Saturn

Studies obstacles

Obstacles for studies

Mercury though placed in his sign Virgo, the placement of Sun and Saturn in the second house had put obstacles for his studies.

Job decent

He will have a decent job

Saturn has Jupiter in the next house


A life of renunciation

Later Ketu’s position in Capricorn indicates a life of renunciation. (Ketu’s position in 4th from Saturn indicates place of work and as Ketu is karka of renunciation and so Ketu in Capricorn in (in 4th place from Saturn indicates renunciation).


He will practice Ayurveda for sometime thereafter

With placement of Mars in Aquarius he will practice Ayurveda for some time, thereafter.


Shanker Adawal

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