Bhrigu Samhita: Basic Astrology, Part – 55


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Broken Education

The native will have broken education

The planet Mars is there in adjoining house to Mercury position. (Broken education or problems in education are indicated when either Mars is in adjoining house ahead to Mercury or rear to it).


Native is intelligent and has regard for elder.

The next house to Mercury is occupied by Jupiter and Ketu.

Brothers and sisters

Including him five brothers and sisters constitute the progeny to his parents.

(Jupiter has four planets behind and one planet Moon behind. Thus including him (Jupiter) five brothers and sisters).

Parents Godly

Godly parents with great learning

Sun in Sagittarius with Mercury indicates a Godly parent with great learning.

Parents – Name and Fame

The parents have won name and fame through government.

(Sun having Jupiter in next house with Ketu and Jupiter is depositor of Sun).

Parents – Charities for poor

Both the parents have done poor feeding and other charities.

(Sun is having Jupiter and Ketu in the next adjoining house). Here transit of Saturn has been well demonstrated. In fact Saturn is lord of karma (work). He is neither good nor bad. The transit is enjoyed by the giver – Saturn transits indicate the changes.

The results of transit are given from the 2nd round of Saturn. The conjunction of Mars and Saturn indicate great troubles in the period when Saturn transits a second round (i.e. after 38 years). The combination of Saturn and Mars, both inimical and having tomogun are indeed very bad. The transit of Saturn over Saturn and Moon combination will naturally give lot of trouble in 2nd round which comes at 30 years, nearly. Transit of Saturn in Sagittarius with Sun and Mercury again inimical to each other cannot be good and so little comfort and strained finances. Transit in Capricorn over Jupiter and Ketu is good and this period will be good in all directions.

(There is one important point to be noted i.e. when transit is over the planet or house, the surrounding planets do not contribute or influence but if transiting in the 7th place surrounding planets do influence. As in case Saturn was transiting over Sun and Mercury it was a local used affair of Sun and Mercury being inimical to each other. Later when Saturn will be transiting in Gemini opposition, Sun and Mercury could have jailed because of inimical influence of Mercury over Sun but Mars in the adjoining house being a great enemy of Mercury will not allow to act against Sun and so the native comes out unscathed). When Saturn transits Aries and aspected by Moon in inimical sign and having Saturn and Mars in the next house cannot be good and there will be ill health etc. As Saturn comes in Taurus and aspected by Saturn and Mars, the native is committed to robbery (because of Tamoguni influence Mars action and Saturn Tamoguni and so robbery. Both are inimical and so bad results). This period of transit in Aries is 42 – 43 year and transit in Taurus comes at 44 – 45 years. Transit of Saturn over Gemini would have been bad as both Sun and Mercury are inimical but Mars in adjoining house does not allow Saturn to influence and also acts as deterrent for Mercury. The native comes out unscathed by the help of his brother (Mars is karka of brother and Mercury is in 2nd to Mars). Saturn when transiting Cancer aspected by divine planet Jupiter, Ketu and so finances improve and enjoy good times.


Shanker Adawal

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