Bhrigu Samhita: Basic Astrology, Part – 57


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Mother predeceases her husband

(In relation to Sun, Venus is wife)

This is very important aspect and Rahu has been made a tool. Rahu in Cancer represents Moon and so affliction to Moon as depositor of Moon (Mother). Rahu has a retrograde motion and there being no planet between Rahu and Venus, Rahu contact Venus first and then Sun. Thus mother dies first.

Mother witnesses the passing away of daughter.

Moon’s karka of mother and Venus is in relation to daughter. As Venus meets Moon after meeting Rahu the mother witnesses the passing away of daughter (Venus). In other words Venus meets Rahu first and then Rahu meets Moon. Thus Rahu with retrograde motion kills first Venus (daughter) and Moon (afterwards), so mother witnesses the death of daughter.

Financial improvements

From 54 – 55 year of age, the native will improve financially a great deal and perform marriage during that time.

(Jupiter in 5th round will be transiting in Taurus and Venusin 10th is in friendly house good. In this round (48 to 60) Jupiter transit in royal sign Leo and aspects of Venus from Aquarius indicates improvement of financial position and performance of marriage).

Foreign journey

About 58 – 59 he may go to foreign countries.

While transiting in Scorpio above Saturn (In fact Saturn when progress meets Jupiter and Ketu which give foreign journey connected with profession. Even otherwise Saturn is depositor of Ketu in watery sign, so when Jupiter transits over Saturn in Scorpio at 58 – 59 there is a foreign journey).


He may have losses in his 60th year, but there will be happiness.

(In 60th year the start of 6th round when the progressing Jupiter touches Gemini when it is aspected by its own lord Mercury and also Sun. However at 60 Jupiter will be transiting on natal Jupiter which is debilited with Ketu. This will give losses, happiness and spiritual bend.

Propitious Time

From 61 to 70 he has a very propitious time. He will enjoy peace of mind and have conveyances etc.

From 61 transiting Jupiter crosses Venus which is good and no planets up to Libra where Moon is there. So from 61 to 70 a very propitious time and enjoys peace of mind and gets conveyances (transit on Venus).

Native Longevity

He will live up to 74 – 75

It is 7th round when Jupiter contacts Rahu in Cancer with its lord Moon in inimical sign Libra. In 7th round transit in Pisces where its enemy is going to be exalted and its lord Jupiter is debilitated with Ketu.

Chart No. 37

Brothers and sisters

He has brothers and sisters

Jupiter representing the life force and has planets in both, previous and next house.

Longevity of brother

One of his brother lives a short age.

In between Jupiter and Saturn there is Mars.

Profit from brothers

Native will have some profits from his brothers.

Mars is lord of 4th and 11th from Jupiter.

(Here Jupiter is taken as Lagna and Mars as lord of 4th and 11th indicate profit from brother being karka of brothers).


Shanker Adawal

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