Bhrigu Samhita: Basic Astrology, Part – 67


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Impediments in study further

He will have impediments at 17-18 to study further (Jupiter transiting over Mercury at the age of 18 years.)


He will have reversal between 19-21 and live for some time under another person’s care.

(Jupiter transit Scorpio having Saturn and Sun both inimical and so reversal. Even aspect of Moon adds to the problem. As Jupiter transit Venus with aspect of Mars (another person) means under another person’s care).


Gets married at 25

(Jupiter transiting over exalted Moon in sign of Taurus owned by Venus.)

Married life unhappy

He will not be happy in married life as wife is sickly

(Venus in Sagittarius an inimical sign and aspected by enemy Mars).

Religious ceremonies

At 53-54 he will perform religious ceremonies and own a house

(Jupiter transiting Mercury depositor Mars and aspected by natal Jupiter.)


He will suffer from piles and paralysis at 70-71 when life ends.

Please apply the principle to decipher life span and conclude.

Chart No. 44


He will take up a mercantile profession and earn well

Saturn conjunction Mercury with Venus in the next house.

Good days

Good days begin with 20-21 age

(Jupiter transit in Sagittarius with Saturn and Mercury and Sun and aspect of Mars.)

Born in an old house

As Jupiter has Rahu next to him.

Parent trouble

3 years before the birth parents had plenty of trouble

(Sun must be in Libra an inimical sign with aspect of Ketu which is retrograde.)

Good days

Good days start from 27

(Jupiter transiting Cancer with aspect of Venus).

Chart No. 45


At the beginning the native will have an ordinary life

(Saturn having Mars in 7th)

New concern

From his 50th year he will start new concern

(This will be 5th round and Jupiter will be in Leo whose lord Sun is well placed. Thus in 50 Jupiter will be transiting over Mars karka of concern and aspected by Saturn karka of karma Mars is placed n Gemini.)

Earn well

And between 51 and 54 he will earn well and own a house and have great improvement up to 58th years.

(As these are no planets after Gemini and till comes to Libra. Jupiter will be aspected by exalted Sun, Jupiter and others. Transits in Libra means 54).


Shanker Adawal

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