Dr. Shanker Adawal
Female partner
In case of a female his partner is employed in a financial and commercial concern on a high level
(Mars located in its own sign contacts first Sun and Venus in a commercial sign (Gemini) with aspect of Saturn and Jupiter. Financial as Venus is involved and commercial as sign Gemini is there and is of high level as Sun is there along Venus).
Native – fame and name
He will earn fame and live a high life of comforts
(Saturn is along Jupiter and with the aspect from Venus and Sun).
Father’s Profession
Native father is dealing in intoxicants
Sun and Venus conjunct with Mercury in the adjoining house, Rahu in 3rd house and Moon in 4th from Sun (Sun in its progress first meets Venus showing items to be drink and next Mercury (business) and Rahu (intoxicants) and in 4th place is Moon indicate watery substance).
Profession primary concern of father
Profession is a primary concern
Jupiter and Saturn in 7th from Sun.
Delayed marriages
Native has angarka dosha
Mars in Aries and this delays marital happiness.
Better life
Things get better from 25th year upto 63 years
(Jupiter is 2nd round with aspect of Moon and till 6th round in Taurus and in his circle transit up to Ketu 12 x 5 + 3 = 63 is a period of progress). Circle transit means the one year progression of Jupiter after fixing the 12 year period in each sign. In this case it is Taurus.
He will have 2 girls and one boy who will bring happiness
(Sun conjoined with Venus and then Mercury and Moon all well placed).
Chart No. 57
Father’s longevity
Father will not live long in this world
Saturn and Jupiter are in the same house with Mars in the opposite in 7th house, Saturn and Mars are enemies, hence the father will not live long in this world.
Mother’s longevity
Short life for mother
Moon has Jupiter at his back and Ketu and Venus in front. (planets in the front affect more).
Possession of beauty products, learned in atharvana Veda
Saturn and Jupiter are conjunct with Sun, the next sign is occupied by Moon and next by Ketu and Venus.
Father’s two wives
Native’s father will have 2 wives
His female planets occupy his succeeding house (Moon and Ketu Venus)
Moon is succeed by Venus and Ketu in the next house.
Shanker Adawal
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