Dr. Shanker Adawal
Service represented by Saturn – a failure
In the explanation Saturn represent service and Jupiter represent life. Now Saturn the karka of service is a strong depositor of Venus (being in kumbha and it also aspects Venus). Thus Saturn strongly represents Venus and this is inimical to Jupiter (the life). This is also aspected by Mars enemy of Saturn, thus Saturn is completely annihilated and the service given by Saturn fails. Here again local action first and then subsequent one’s due to other factor. Saturn conjoined with Jupiter in the same house and so gives service. But now other factor of being depositor and then aspects. Being depositor of Venus is good and so service must be good but aspect of Mars is inimical and so the service given by Saturn fails.
Life and service represented by Jupiter and Saturn aspect Venus and are aspected by Mars in opposite house and so foil service represented by Saturn.
(In my thinking Jupiter representing life is associated with Venus an enemy and Saturn representing service aspected by Venus bitterest enemy Mars destroys the job. In fact Saturn aspects Venus and depositors of Venus and so represent Venus in relation to Jupiter or disregarding Moon, Jupiter has Venus in front and Mars aspect Saturn).
Native tries to commit suicide
So meddling of 2 women the native gets disconnected and so will try to commit suicide by taking poison.
Jupiter finds it difficult to move forward being opposed by Venus and Ketu. So meddling of two women the native get disconnected and so will try to commit suicide by taking poison.
(Jupiter has Moon and Venus in next two houses and so meddling of two women. In fact Saturn conjoined with Jupiter represent two women being depositor of Moon and Venus. Now Jupiter tries to move up but having Venus and Ketu in 3rd house from Jupiter is stopped and so gets disconnected etc. Jupiter is along with Sun who is depositor of Rahu and so he tries to commit suicide by taking poison. But Ketu a divine planet associated with Venus (probably doctor) move back ward and saves Jupiter i.e. the native).
Native saved
Native is saved after taking poison to commit suicide
(Venus being conjunct with Ketu who moves back ward saves him native).
Native attempt to commit suicide and meddling of woman etc.
Native meddling with 2 women and attempt to commit suicide and escape from death etc all happen between the 18 and 20 years and 23 rd years
When Jupiter transit Mars, or transit in Leo on Rahu and natal Jupiter at 23-24 years.
Native driven to outside place.
This weakness for women drives the native to outside places.
(Jupiter Ketu moves back wards and contact Moon and so being 2nd to Jupiter derives the native abroad or outside place. Thus transit of Jupiter over Moon and Ketu takes the native to outside place).
Brother’s – opponents
The brothers of the native will be his opponents
Mars opposes Saturn.
Profession of native
As regards profession of the native he will acquire land and machinery
Moon in 2nd from Saturn so he acquires land and machinery (Mars in 7th from Saturn) (all for profession).
Native will get married about the age of 24 or 25
(Jupiter transit Saturn depositor of Venus or Moon i.e. age of 24 or 25).
Shanker Adawal
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